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Despite being reprimanded by Zhang Han, the beauty clerk still unconsciously blamed Leone on all the crimes.

When she wanted to come, Zhang Han deliberately showed the vulgar temperament of the upstart, just to show her financial resources in front of Leone, otherwise in his noble identity, how could he say that kind of earthy words?

No matter which world it is, Yan value is justice! Not to mention Zhang Han, which has both value and temperament, it should not be too lethal to the girl.

Perhaps it was shocked by Zhang Han’s voice, and the hotel immediately took the highest standard to treat 2 people. It didn’t take long for the meals to be presented one after another.

Zhang Han walked through countless planes and tasted countless mountains and sea flavors. Although the dishes on the table were extremely exquisite and delicious, the appetite increased greatly, but there was not much excitement on the surface.

Every dish was presented, he just tasted it. On the contrary, the opposite Leone was very excited, as if he hadn’t eaten for half a month in ten days, and soon he wiped out most of the meals.

Seeing this, the beauty clerk’s face was even more contemptuous, and the feeling of jealousy skyrocketed.

It’s really cool and unpopular! Even the aesthetic has become distorted … How can that gaudy woman get into the eyes of the Great Young Master?

“Aiya! I haven’t eaten such a delicious dish in a long time! Especially the meat of Kikenshu, which is delicious and chewy, is really delicious!”

After all the food was wiped out, Leone rubbed his stomach with satisfaction and belched.

Leone was born in the slum area, and he rarely visits such high-end restaurants from small to large.

Night Raid has limited funds. Normally, when they come to such a place, they are definitely planning to assassinate certain demons and monsters in human skin. The time they really enjoy, there is basically no time.

Nowadays, there is a lot of yin and yang, and a fat sheep is turned here and rubbed hard, which can be considered a small wish. It’s just that the price of this desire …

Leone looked towards Zhang Han with a sorry expression, and he couldn’t bear to think, what a good boy, I hope you can deeply understand the dangers of rivers and lakes from this class!

Seeing the other person was almost eating, Zhang Han snapped his fingers and greeted the beauty clerk and presented a few bottles of fine wine. The 2 people chatted and spelt together.

“Ah! Byakuya is so refreshing to drink! Especially this kind of high-end fine wine that I didn’t dare to think about!” Leone Niuyin generally choked off the fine wine in the glass and said cheerfully.

She prefers fine wine to delicious food. Normally, as long as she has free time, she will drink it when she has nothing to do.

“In that case, drink more!”

Zhang Han filled Leone again with wine and took the glass to salute, “Come on, let’s do it!”

Leone picked up the glass boldly, tapped it, and drank again.

2 people drink one glass after another, and have a great time.

After three rounds of drinking, Leone put down his glass and seemed to remember the purpose of the trip. He said, “Yes, elder sister finally remembered the way to be an officer.”

“Oh? Hope to hear the details!” Zhang Han raised his eyebrows and felt amused.

Leone raised two jade fingers, shook it in front of Zhang Han, and then stepped forward, quite mysteriously lowering his voice, “That’s network and money!”

Waiting for Zhang Han to ask again, Leone took the initiative to introduce, “I know a great character of the military. Just give him a meaning. The official position you want can be easily done!”

Feeling Leone’s mysterious masterpiece, Zhang Han almost laughed out loud.

Even if you haven’t seen the beheading, think about it and you can notice the loophole in the other person’s words. If Leone really knew the great character of the military, how could he not even come to such a high-end restaurant?

Even if you ca n’t afford to pay for the meal, will that great character always be able to afford it?

Simple reasoning shows that don’t say there is no such thing, even if Leone really knows what great character, the relationship may not be good!

“You mean, do I need to prepare a lot of money?”

Zhang Han resisted the smile, and also put his head forward, almost stuck with Leone ’s pretty face, and said in the other party ’s ear, “You do n’t have to worry about money, if you do n’t have more, 1000 80000 can still take it. Came out! “

A warm breath blew into Leone’s ears, and the body seemed to pass by a current, and the two eyes that were a little blurred were even more enchanting.

“In this case, it is very good! If the money is enough, I will help you get all the relationships up and down, and guarantee that you will get the position you want!”

Leone endured the feeling of dizziness above the alcohol, rejoicing and anxious at the same time, how can this guy be assured of giving the money to himself?

Without waiting for Leone to come up with a countermeasure, Zhang Han raised his hand into his arms, and while making a gesture of paying for money, he said, “I am completely at ease with this sentence of you … wu!”

Before the voice fell, Zhang Han suddenly raised his hand to cover his mouth, making him look like he was so strong that he wanted to vomit. Frightened, Leone leaned back slightly, fearing that the other person would spit on himself.

Zhang Han bowed his body and waved to Leone, indicating that he was going to the bathroom. Without waiting for the other party’s nodded agreement, he hurried towards the depths of the hall.

Turning around the corner and seeing no one in the corridor, Zhang Han directly incarnation of light and left the hotel.

“Hmph hum, want to yin me, count you bad luck!”

On the street in front of the hotel, with a smile on his face, Zhang Han followed the crowd of people to the distance and disappeared without a trace.

The reason why she always pretend to be polite with Leone is to let her spend more.

Although I do n’t know the exact price of the meal, I can guess with the toes that the signature dishes and fine wine in the luxury restaurant are enough for the ordinary person ’s income for several years. Even if I sold Leone, I could not afford the meal !

In the restaurant, Leone hadn’t noticed Zhang Han’s tricks, still tasting the fine wine, and calculating how to knock the money, while waiting patiently for Zhang Han to return.


one minute passed … ten minutes passed …

As time passed, Leone was drinking more and more slowly, and he felt a bad feeling in his heart.

It was not until half an hour later that she finally determined that she was being fooled by Zhang Han!

All day long geese are actually pecked by geese!

“This damn guy, plot against the old lady ?!”

Leone hated and angered, but only felt full of swearing, but he couldn’t scold it out, holding her red, even the wine in the glass was like white water, and it was tasteless.

“I’m afraid this time, the bastard is already laughing in my heart? Laughing my big-headed, believe oneself infallible …”

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