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Since Reizesū, which erupted during Aizen’s evolution, was too horrible, Zhang Han could not directly pull the opponent into the Mirror Dimension. He could only wait for his evolution to complete, and then stimulate him with his mouth gun.

Under Wrath, Aizen didn’t notice Zhang Han’s layout and plunged into Mirror Dimension.

With the addition of Mira Mira no Mi, the complete Mirror Dimension with space attributes is stronger and more stable than the previous Mirror Dimension.

However, at the moment, he is facing Aizen who is strong enough to be perverted. Zhang Han can’t guarantee how long this thing can trap each other.

“In the face of the existence of Reiatsū one dimension higher than myself, is there no way to contain me? If I remember correctly, this simple field can be destroyed directly as long as Reiatsū is strong enough.”

Aizen’s most feared heart is actually Zhang Han’s endless strange ability. Who knows that the spoiled guy is wondering what weird ideas are in his mind. Learning that he was in Mirror Dimension, he calmed down.

Since Reiatsū once exceeded the Captain Rank, he once destroyed the Mirror Dimension. With his current Reiatsū strength, why not do it again?

Zhang Han gloomy face, pretending to be the weakness of Mirror Dimension, was seen through, seeming to be angry and seemingly afraid, “I will not give you this opportunity again!”

Secretly scored 101 points for his acting …

Seeing Zhang Han’s ‘flustered and exasperated’ expression, Aizen was completely relieved.

For the first time since the beginning of the war, I had an absolute advantage, and the sense of superiority hidden in the bones rose again.

Without waiting for Aizen to release the gun again, Zhang Han immediately urged Reiatsū. The world in front of him suddenly changed dramatically. Not only did all the ice environments begin to rotate upside down, but also in the field of vision, each side of the ice environment emerged with Zhang Han The same phantom.

In this scene, Aizen was dazzled and could hardly tell, which one was Zhang Han’s real body.

Mirror Clone!

Zhang Han uses Reishō Bunshin no Jutsu, combined with the moves formed by Mira Mira no Mi.

Avatar inherits Reiatsū from Main Body one third and all fleshly body strength. The only weakness is that as long as it is injured by the enemy’s attack, it will become a phantom and disappear without a trace.

“Getsuga Tenshō!” “Rankyaku — Ichiseń!” “Kōsokukero!”


At the moment of the formation of Avatar in the ice, immediately more than 2 identical Zhang Han flew out of it, or waved a knife, or kicked, and rushed towards Aizen.

Seeing Getsuga Tenshō flying all over the sky, and countless laser choppers, Aizen was completely calm.

Although these attacks don’t even have half the strength of Zhang Han, they can’t stand the number! Hundreds of 100 attacks are superimposed, there are always so many attacks that break through and resist, hurting the opponent.

Facing the tide-like attack of hiding the sky and covering the earth, it is impossible to resist it simply by the moves.

I saw Aizen’s eyes suddenly showed a pure white, and there were faint rays of light flashing through it, and then, a spherical translucent force field appeared around the body.

Super Reiatsū Wall!

This is an ability that has been developed after two stages of evolution. When fighting Zhang Han before, Aizen had not had time to use it, and it was just right to use it at this time.

Boom, bang, Bang…

Countless Sword Aura light waves chopped on it, and then burst into Spirit Particle waves, bursting apart.

The spherical force field trembles madly, and every time it will be broken, there is a faint blue halo flowing on the surface. Supplemented by Reiryōku, the walls of Reiatsū have stabilized again and again, just like the reefs standing on the shore in the huge waves, still.

Counting 100 Mirror Clone strikes for a long time in a row, most of them Avatar tired Reiryōku exhausted, and turned into a phantom, but still can not break through the protection of Aizen’s Reiatsū wall.

Seeing this, Zhang Han Main Body flew to the wall of Reiatsū and waved his sword!


The moment Zhang Han shot, Aizen immediately spotted him. However, now that he is trapped in heavy encirclement and wants to attack Zhang Han Main Body head-on, he must first remove the protection of the Reiatsū wall, which is obviously impossible.

It is also because of the embarrassment of Aizen that Zhang Han will appear in the other party’s field of vision so vigorously.

As thin as cicada wing’s blade rolled up the terrifying low temperature, chopped on the wall of Reiatsū, and instantly struck the layers of amazing ice, quickly spreading and spreading from the surrounding area.

A group of Mirror Clones have spirits in their hearts and follow behind the Main Body, waving Zanpakutō to the place frozen by the ice.

Ka-cha, ka-cha ……

The Reiatsū wall, which was originally between the tangible and the invisible, turned into a white giant ice ball under the freezing ice like tarsus maggots, and was cut into pieces by a knife.

It seemed as if I had already prepared for the breaking of the Reiatsū wall. At the moment the ice hockey broke, Aizen’s entire incarnation of light flew out of it, and the target was Zhang Han’s Main Body.

As long as the other party is killed, the Mirror Dimension and Mirror Clone will no longer exist!

However, as before, when Aizen pointed to a knife and cut off Zhang Han’s body, the other party immediately turned into a mass of ice and scattered.

Elementalization is so unreasonable!

The glittering snowflakes fluttered with the wind, like a ridiculed face, mocking each other’s ignorance.

At the beginning, Katakuri combined High Rank Kenbunshoku and Mochi Mochi no Mi, and even Zhang Han’s teleportation could not get him. Finally, he used the fire wall created by Ryūjin Jakka to compress Katakuri’s living space step by step, and won the final victory.

Today, the entire space is controlled by Zhang Han, and the elementalization of the body is simply a bug here. Just be careful and try not to get hurt by the opponent before turning into an element, Aizen can do nothing about him!

When Zhang Han Main Body turned into ice and snow, the surrounding Avatar flew like a locust. Within a short time, Aizen was once again caught in a siege.

The so-called chaotic fist kills the old Master, no matter how strong it is, Reiatsū is even higher. Facing the endless stream, it seems that there is no limit to the number of Mirror Clone. Aizen is also in a variety of troubles.

Whether offensive or defensive, there will always be omissions. As for the change to Cero … In Mirror Dimension, where else can he escape?

Each mirror is like a space door, and Avatar can enter and exit at will, which is equivalent to an incomplete teleportation out of thin air.

All these factors add up to Aizen’s complete tragedy!

It did n’t take long for a variety of knife wounds to be left on the body, but thanks to the full regeneration ability brought about by the three-stage evolution, even if the injury is even broken, it can be recovered in a short time. .

This is a war of attrition!

One side relies on the power of Reiatsū and Hōgyoku, which is one dimension higher than Shinigami, and the other side uses Zanpakutō to divide the endless Spirit Clone. No matter how they look, they are all examples of patience. If there is no accident, they will not be separated in a short time. Victory or defeat.

However, with pride like Aizen, how could this situation be allowed to exist?

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