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“Is it funny?”

Aizen looked down on Zhang Han in annoyance, only to think that the other party’s face looked awful. If it were not for the strange Hyōtokoseī, how could he be forced into this situation?

“It’s really funny, isn’t it?”

Zhang Han is afraid of Aizen, who is in absolute reason, not Aizen who is now arrogant and on the edge of Wrath.

A person who loses his senses, even if his name is Aizen, is destined not to have a good result!

If Aizen calms down and carefully analyzes the battle of two people, he only needs to rely on Reiatsū, which is one dimension higher than Zhang Han, to play patience with patience. Zhang Han can’t beat him.

However, when Aizen was humiliated by Zhang Han’s mouth gun again and again, plus the destroyed and angry Kyōka Suigetsu was destroyed, reason had already been thrown by him to beyond the topmost clouds.

“Laugh! Now you, facing me that Reiatsū can’t perceive, only this time! Unfortunately, your time …”

A generation of forced King Aizen classmates began to pretend to be forced, but before the words were finished, Zhang Han was rudely interrupted.

“come on!”

Faint smile on Zhang Han’s face, as he did last time, with absolute confidence in his indifference.


Aizen’s pupils were wide open, and even the slits on his forehead had split into larger gaps.

“I think you should be able to understand what I mean. Right, that’s the kind of expression, move it! See if you can touch my corner of the clothes after evolution!” Zhang Han raised an eyebrow, teasing smile. Deeper.

Isn’t it just pretending, who is afraid of who!

“Why? This is someone who has the same battle strength as me, and it’s worth saying … No! Even if you have enough strength to fight me, you don’t deserve to say that!”

Aizen, who was caught in Wrath, was completely incoherent, with a hoarse voice and a crazy angrily roared. “What are you? The poor worms still trapped in the low-end dimension by the power of Shinigami, never know how big the world is!”

“Hehe, if you want to show your realm, and then enhance the sense of superiority in your heart, you may wish to look around.” Zhang Han waved his hand and gestured, “Look at this glacier world, you think that the strength of Shinigami alone Can it be done? “

Hearing this, Aizen was very suspicious. He glanced a few times, and the desert that was originally desolate turned into an endless glacier, as if from Hueco Mundo to the land of ice and snow in a short time.


Seeing his world, Aizen is completely calm.

To the best of his knowledge, there is no Zanpakutō in the world that can do this. Does it mean that the damn bastard in front of him also has the power to break the limit?

Aware of Aizen’s doubts, Zhang Han continued to stimulate, “You really think that you are the only one who can jump out of the Shinigami framework? Don’t forget, I also own half a Hōgyoku!”

To say that Zhang Han broke the limit, it was much earlier, and had no half-cent relationship with Hōgyoku.

Hakka no Hyōrinmaru fully inherits the power of Hie Hie no Mi. In Pirate World, Aokiji can freeze the sea of ​​dozens of nautical miles. Zhang Han can freeze the desert of dozens of kilometers, which is not a problem!

In terms of attack range alone, Zanpakutō is really not as good as Akuma no Mi.

Of course, Zhang Han wouldn’t say the principle, just to see Aizen was depressed and stooped, but he had scratched his head for a long time, but he still couldn’t understand anything, and he looked dumbfounded!

However, surprisingly, it didn’t take long for Aizen to calm down suddenly.

“I confess that you have incomparable talents on Kidō and Zanpakutō, especially some weird abilities, which opened my eyes! But what about that? After all, you are still a Reiatsū weak presence, I will never feel it, at my level, what the sky is high and the sea is broad! “

Zhang Han curl one’s lip, sarcastically, “It’s a pity that Reiatsū is so powerful for you, but I’m helpless with Reiatsū’s weakness. It seems that what you call the sky is high and the sea is broad is not worth looking forward to.”


After being hit by countless heavy clashes in a row, Aizen could no longer suppress the violent anger, only to see his left eye wide open, a flash of white light flashed.

Immediately afterwards, the whole person turned into a blue light spot and suddenly disappeared into the air.

Zhang Han’s eyes were fixed, and his heart was clear. This should be the movement of the three-evolution light form!

Without waiting for him to respond, the next second, Aizen already appeared in front of him.

Ka-cha !

Zhang Han’s body suddenly turned into a ball of pure white ice, which was cut into two pieces by this blow.

Follow closely from behind, the broken 2 pieces of ice burst into ice pieces of different sizes and are scattered all over the ground.

“So easy?”

Although Aizen has repeatedly scorned Zhang Han, deep in one’s heart has already raised the opponent’s danger level to the highest level. I did not expect that the three-evolution self would be so fierce that he would kill the opponent in one move!

But is it really that simple?

Just when Aizen was hesitant, the ice underneath was like a wave in the sea, undulating. Obviously, it is a solid ice layer, but it shows a water-like shape, which is a bit weird.

Although Aizen was not surprised, the whole person’s incarnation Blu-ray appeared again in midair.


“No! Where is this?”

Reiatsū, which is forced to the extreme by Aizen, can of course be distinguished with no difficulty. The surrounding environment is very different from the sky before it. However, the specifics are different, and I can’t say why.

咔, 咔, 咔…

At this time, no matter the sky or the ground, there were countless cracks, and the empty space was originally combined into countless giant ice surfaces.

Every ice surface has a regular hexagon with exactly the same length. The sides overlap, the head and feet, everything is surrounded by ice.

“This is … Mirror Dimension ?!”

Reminiscent of the battle with Zhang Han in the Soul Society, Aizen reacted suddenly, and he came to a world full of ice unconsciously!

Until all the changes ceased, and one of the ice environments was like a water wave with some slight ripples, Zhang Han remain calm and composed while handling pressing affairs stepped out of the ice environment and stood in midair.

“Welcome to my world!”

Zhang Han repeatedly shot the gun to stimulate Aizen in order to let the opponent rush straight into the trap that had already been arranged.

To be honest, after Aizen evolved in 3 stages, its last shortcoming, speed, has also been completed. In this case, if Zhang Han chooses to face head-to-head, it is difficult to defeat his opponent and may even be killed by Aizen.

That is why, when Aizen evolved, Zhang Han had already begun to layout, using the characteristics of ice and mirror space, and Mira Mira no Mi’s ability to create a Mirror Dimension.

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