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Urahara Kisuke raised his hand and snapped his fingers. The empty space behind him suddenly showed a 4 4 square door.

“This is Reishi Henkan-Ki. Recently, in the past few days, I made some changes in the above details to ensure that the conversion efficiency is higher and more stable.”

Urahara Kisuke raised his finger to several black instruments inlaid on the white door post and explained casually, “Because time is tight, the appearance is a bit worse.”

Speaking of which, Urahara Kisuke secretly looked at side Zhang Han with afterglow.

Those black instruments are of course not parts of Reishi Henkan-Ki, but Seal Hōgyoku’s instruments.

This seal will be implanted into his within the body unconsciously by Zhang Han. When he comes into contact with Aizen ’s Hōgyoku, it will immediately burst out and seal 2 people within the body ’s Hōgyoku together.

At this moment, even if Urahara Kisuke has already practiced the calm temperament of ‘Mount Tai collapsed before, the color remains the same’, he is still a little uneasy, afraid of what Zhang Han can see from it.

Fortunately, Zhang Han, who is the black technology Shirō-chan, still stays at a level where he knows about the tall things such as Reishi Henkan-Ki, not knowing why. I don’t understand the working principle of those instruments at all, let alone the lie that Urahara Kisuke was dismantled on the spot!

I saw Zhang Han took out Lady Deathstrike and other Puppets from Inner World and walked through Reishi Henkan-Ki together. On the other side, Urahara Kisuke manipulated the instrument and secretly knocked seal into Zhang Han within the body.

After doing all this, it was slightly relaxed.

“Then next, I will open the way to Hueco Mundo, Mr. Kurosaki, have you negotiated?” Urahara Kisuke jumped on the wooden beam inserted on the mountain and shouted at Ichigo in the distance .

Zhang Han took Puppet back to Inner World and waited quietly for Garganta to open.

“Mr. Urahara, let’s get started!”

Kurosaki Ichigo said goodbye to Ishida and the others, walked to Zhang Han, and rushed to Urahara Kisuke nodded.

Urahara Kisuke raised his hand and supported the cane, one-knee kneels on the wooden beam, chanting words and spirits in a low voice,

“My right hand is the stone that bridges worlds. My left hand is the blade that binds reality. The black-haired shepherd is hung from a chair. Stratus clouds come, and I strike down the ibis!”

As the voice gradually rose, the huge Reiryōku in the palm of his hand spread along the cane and spread to the wooden beam under his feet. Immediately, a blue and white rays of light came straight out, connecting another wooden beam not far away.

The space between the 2 wooden beams, like a piece of oil painting, was pulled up and down.

At first glance, it looks like an invisible giant beast opened his eyes, the inside was dark, and he could not see anything clearly.

The breeze gradually rose, carrying dust and broken leaves, and slowly flew into the air.

“The cave leading to Arrancar is called ‘Garganta’, and there is no road inside. The turbulent air flow formed by Spirit Particle forms vortex. Please use Spirit Particle as a footstep to move slowly. Going deep into Garganta, you should be able Reached Hueco Mundo! “

These are common-sense things. Zhang Han used to understand them when studying in the Zhenyang Spirit Technique Academy. Urahara Kisuke mainly told Kurosaki Ichigo.

“Well, it’s gone!”

Kurosaki Ichigo impatient jumped up and plunged into Garganta. Zhang Han directed Urahara Kisuke nodded, follow closely from behind, and fell into the depths of darkness.

Urahara Kisuke stared silently at the backs of the two, and did not sigh in the heart until Garganta closed.

If possible, he did not want to use this method to imply Zhang Han, but Hōgyoku is too dangerous. Anyone who knows how to integrate Hōgyoku, after removing Aizen, how far his ambition will grow.

Rather than holding innocent expectations, it is better to kill this danger early in the bud.

In Garganta, Kurosaki Ichigo took the lead and ran ahead. Zhang Han followed behind, running, wrinkling frowned from time to time.

There is no reason for it. The Spirit Particle pavement in front of it is not hollow, but it is still intermittent. If one is not careful, it will fall into the pit. Compared to the country road Zhang Han took when he was a child, it was rougher several times!

It’s not that Kurosaki Ichigo doesn’t have to concentrate on Reiatsū, but that he was born with Reiatsū in a mess. Within the body mixes Shinigami, Quincy, and Hollow’s Reiatsū. The conflict between them often causes unnecessary consumption and unstable Reiatsū output.

In the original work, until Tensa Zangetsu was destroyed, Ichigo got a new Zanpakutō from Nimaiya Ōetsu, and several Reiatsū within the body were completely fuse together.

Jumping over the broken Reiatsū pavement again, Zhang Han was completely intolerable and said, “Ichigo, let me go ahead!”

Kurosaki Ichigo turned his head and greeted Zhang Han laughed, “It’s okay, if you’re worried about me consuming too many Reiatsū, this output is nothing.”

Zhang Han’s face was black, and I was afraid of falling into the pit. Who is so worried about you? Never seen such a cheeky guy …


Without waiting for Zhang Han to speak again, Kurosaki Ichigo suddenly stepped on the foot, lost his center of gravity, and fell off the broken Reiatsū road.

“Help! Zhang Han! Save me quickly …”

Kurosaki Ichigo shook his arms frantically, trying to adjust his body balance, but felt the speed of falling faster and faster, hurriedly calling for help at Zhang Han.

Before coming, Urahara Kisuke reminded that Garganta belongs to the world. If it really falls like this, I am afraid that it will be lost in the space turbulence …

Zhang Han was so angry and funny that he raised his hand to condense a Reiatsū rope, wrapped it around Ichigo and dragged him back up.

“Hu hu! So dangerous!”

Ichigo sat on the ground with his buttocks, flapping his chest constantly. That moment was so exciting! If Hueco Mundo is trapped in Garganta before he arrives, will he still be laughed at when he passes it?

“Let me go ahead.”

Zhang Han pats Ichigo’s shoulder, motioned to the other party to follow him, turned around and set off again.

Compared with Ichigo with shallow control force, Zhang Han’s Reiatsū is extremely stable, and the control force is super strong. The Reiatsū road surface condensed at the foot is smooth and smooth, which is almost incomparable compared to the country road just now.

“Yeah, Reiatsū of Captain Rank is different. It’s amazing to have such a refreshing pavement!”

Kurosaki Ichigo subconsciously turned his head and looked at the trail made by himself, and his heart was suddenly hit. This gap is really too big!

Zhang Han said with a smile, “This is not Reiatsū’s problem, and your Reiatsū is similar to Captain Rank.”


Kurosaki Ichigo was shocked and said in amazement, “If you say that, has your Reiatsū already exceeded Captain Rank?”

“Oh, although your guess is not too different from the facts, what I want to say is that the cohesion of the road does not have much to do with the height of Reiatsū.”

Zhang Han explained, “It ’s mainly because your Reiatsū within the body is messy and the control is not fine. In the future Cultivation, you can try to control Reiatsū and do some detailed operations. After a long time, the control will naturally increase. Go up. “

“So this is ah!”

Kurosaki Ichigo suddenly realized that he was no longer entangled in the problem of the road and followed Zhang Han to trot all the way. It didn’t take long before he crossed Garganta and arrived at Hueco Mundo.

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