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If Naruto in Hokage became stronger for Hokage’s dream, and Luffy in Pirate went to the sea in search of OP, then Ichigo is not!

Throughout the original book, Kurosaki Ichigo has repeatedly come forward and waved his sword at the enemy. There is only one reason, that is protection!

Protect your loved ones, protect your loved ones, protect your companions, and protect the city you live in, Karakura Town!

For this reason, he has always been passively involved in one vortex after another, with no choice at all.

Some people may say that Ichigo’s character is too soft, too un pursued, and not great at all. But Zhang Han wants to say that such a character is truly grounded!

In the horizontal comparison, Naruto, Luffy, and Ichigo are all very noble, and they are placed in the real world, and it is properly Second Generation!

Naruto’s father is Yōndaime Hokage, shocking the Golden Flash wave Minato of the ninja world, and Mother is Uzumaki Clansman. The innate Chakra is a huge amount. The bloodline alone can kill most of Shinōbi in seconds.

Luffy’s father is the leader of the Revolutionary Army, grandfather is Marines Legendary Vice Admiral, and his strength is definitely the existence of the Admiral level. There is Haoshoku Haki born in Bloodline, which is also awesome.

Look at Kurosaki Ichigo again, not to mention his life experience, which is even better than the top two.

If you look at it from this angle, you will find, oh my god, you can’t see the shadow of the counterattack!

If you say you saw it, it is definitely an illusion created by the plot!

Hokage and Pirate tell you that you can have dreams, but must have the talent and courage to match them. It may be cruel to say this, but after reading the original book and carefully analyzing it, it is not difficult to find this.

Otherwise why, that many Pirate’s servants flocked to Gurando Line, but One Piece was difficult to make one for several decades?

The most fundamental reason is that because of the lack of strength and talent to match the dream, it finally broke the head and even paid the price of life!

When Kung-fu Dugong takes a group of small animal partners and gallops on Gurando Line, do you think it can be used as One Piece?

Do not!

I only feel a little funny, amusing and cheerful, and even more moved, but I definitely don’t think Kung-fu Dugong can be a One Piece!

Why is Luffy OK, but not Kung-fu Dugong?

Obviously, both of them have the courage and conviction to rush to the sea, but Kung-fu Dugong has no such talent.

Dreams and talents do not match, this is the cruelest thing in the world!

Without talent, the efforts of several decades are often no better than others. So there is only one Maradona in the world, only one Zidane …

Talent determines the upper limit, and the effort is only to increase your lower limit.

Naruto and Luffy may represent the downcast Prince, perhaps the Legendary hero, but they have never been the general public.

In contrast, Kurosaki Ichigo, from his body, will find a very common, but very important trait-the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility!

From protecting younger sister to protecting family, to protecting Karakura Town.

This is very similar to Little Spidey in Marvel!

He didn’t have great dreams or determination to gamble on it, but simply wanted to protect his important things.

This special Naruto and Luffy are also available, but not as obvious as Ichigo showed. Protecting your companions is only part of it. The most important thing is to pursue your dreams.

When Kurosaki Ichigo learned from Shirō-chan that Zhang Han had ventured to Hueco Mundo, not even think came to Urahara Store, ready to help him.

In Ichigo’s mind, Zhang Han is both a mentor and a good friend. The partner has difficulties and of course must come forward.

Ukitake Jūshirō saw through this, so even the effort to persuade Ichigo was saved. Ichigo would follow eagerly without him trying to fool around.

“This kind of thing, I don’t actually want to trouble you. After all, you are still a high school student. Studying is the most important thing. But since you are here, let’s go together. Right to go to Hueco Mundo for a tour.”

Zhang Han did not know that Ichigo came here, and the Soul Society was planning behind it, which inevitably hit the other party’s enthusiasm and chose to acquiesce in his follow-up.

Anyway, there are a lot of fish in Hueco Mundo. Ichigo is there. By the way, I can help myself block a few.

Who knows that the voice just fell down, Ishida Uryū, Yasutora Sado, and Inoue Orihime jumped out from behind the stone pile, looking towards Zhang Han with expectation.

“Mr. Zhang Han, that … we also want to travel!”

Inoue Orihime raised her arms to her chest, her index finger tapped, and her pretty face was both nervous and expectant.


Zhang Han’s face was black, and Fiercely stared at Ichigo.

Bringing Kurosaki Ichigo is troublesome enough, and then bring these tow oil bottles … Would you like a happy revenge?

Ichigo scratched his head in embarrassment and said in his mouth, “They are all worried about your safety, so … see if you want …”

“No! Don’t think about it!” Zhang Han flatly refused.

Several people were shocked and lifted the head in surprise, wondering why he refused so simply.

“Mr. Zhang Han, we guarantee that we will not drag our legs!” Ishida Uryū hurriedly said.

“Yes! Mr. Zhang Han, I can also help you treat the injury and restore Reiatsū.”

Inoue Orihime stepped forward and gently pulled Ichigo’s sleeves, beckoning him to help himself quickly.

However, waiting for Ichigo to speak, Zhang Han stared at him coldly, indifferently said, “You don’t know how dangerous Hueco Mundo is, I don’t know either! We two, neither can guarantee their safety.”

“Now, you have 2 options, either go back with them, be your high school student with peace of mind, or drive them away and follow me to Hueco Mundo!”

Speaking of which, Zhang Han stepped forward and nodded Ichigo’s chest, said solemnnly, “Remember, you only have these 2 options! And I only take one person!”

For Hueco Mundo, Zhang Han doesn’t really care much. The few in front of him are Xiaoqiang who live to the Grand Finale. The aura is added, and the danger is not at all.

Mainly because there are too many people, it is really annoying. Moreover, 10000 Aizen grabbed them, trying to threaten themselves, when the time comes to save themselves, or not to save?

In order to avoid too many unpredictable factors, the best way is to eliminate once and for all the thought of going to Hueco Mundo.

Warned Kurosaki Ichigo, Zhang Han didn’t care about a few people and walked to Urahara Kisuke.

Looking at a frivolous Urahara Kisuke, Zhang Han sighed and complained, “Mr. Urahara, you really will give me a problem!”

“Ah, they have to wait for you here, and I can’t drive people out.” Urahara Kisuke spread his hand and pretended to be very innocent, “Again, the news that you went to Hueco Mundo is not my disclosure Out. “

Zhang Han unable to bear turns Byakugan madly, if the other party says, you will be done when you hear half of the letter! The best way is to put the left ear in and the right ear out, don’t believe it at all.

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