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When people are highly focused, time always passes quickly. Unconsciously, the sun has set.

“hu ……”

Zhang Han took a breath and returned to reality from the ocean of knowledge.

The books found by Levy are not very comprehensive and superficial about Mahō, and some of them are even a concept, even without principles.

It is conceivable that even the author of the book is not very interested in supporting Mahō.

However, Zhang Han still found some more practical auxiliary Mahō. For example, strengthening defense, strengthening speed, strengthening wrist strength, etc.

Thanks to the huge Maryokū of Zhang Han within the body, even the relatively shallow Mahō can exert a terrible formidable power, and the strengthening of the body is about 10%.

You know, the proper Yonkō Level of his body, 10% is also a terrible figure. After strengthening, it is very close to the kind of perverted like Hyakujū no Kaidō.

It is conceivable from this that the assistant Mahō is still making headlines!

“In the original book, the most researched assistant Mahō is probably Little Loli Wendy. Her assistant Mahō can be referred to!”

Zhang Han rubbed his chin and thought, “However, she is Tenryū Doragon Sureiyā. The difference between Doragon Sureiyā Mahō and the general Mahō is a bit big. I don’t know if I can copy it.”

The most important reason why Mahō in Fairy Tail is so centered is that Mahō overwhelming majority in Fairy Tail is Instantaneous Casting!

You read that right, it is Instantaneous Casting!

They rarely arrange arrays, or chant long and complicated incantations, but construct the Mahō circuit in the body in advance. When they are released, they only need to guide Maryokū to operate in the Mahō circuit, and the corresponding Mahō will naturally appear.

This point is very different from other Western fantasy novels.

So it can often be seen that Grey just puts a POSS, and a magical array flashes on his hand, and a lot of ice will be made. The shake before the cast is very short, to the extent that there is almost no!

In other words, the most difficult part of Mahō is to construct the Mahō loop. The more formidable power Mahō, the more complicated and changeable the circuit, a little careless, it is likely that the enemy has not been defeated, backlash yourself first!

Mahō is easier to skip grades to challenge than the strength of other worlds, and coupled with the excellent characteristics of Instantaneous Casting, how can Zhang Han be unmoved?

It is precisely because of the characteristics of Instantaneous Casting that 99% of Mage in Fairy Tail looks more like a warrior. The most typical one is Erza. If she does n’t say she is using Kansō Mahō, who would consider her Mage?

“How is it? Does it feel boring to assist Mahō? And most of them are simple and rough low-level Mahō. You can consider other attribute Mahōs, such as flames and thunderbolts, whose attack power is not worse than your Cero!”

I don’t know when to get up, Levy carrying his hands, cautiously walked behind Zhang Han.

The persevering look, the whole pair did not correct Zhang Han’s distorted values, so he would never give up.

“Flame? Thunderbolt? Are you talking about this?”

Zhang Han laughed, spread his hands, two hands burst into dazzling rays of light at the same time, the left hand was crimson, the right hand was blue … flames and thunder were presented in Levy’s eyes.

The slight difference is that the flame of the left hand is quietly burning in the palm of the hand, and the entire palm of the right hand is turned into thunder.

Because Zanpakutō incorporates Paramecia Atsu Atsu no Mi, it does not have the elemental ability.

“Well, is this also … the power of Akuma no Mi?”

Levy was shocked again, how many powerful fruits can still be eaten!

Akuma no Mi can’t eat more, of course, but who makes Protagonist special, Atsu Atsu no Mi and Goro Goro no Mi have merged with Bankai.

“I didn’t say that I only ate a Pika Pika no Mi.” Zhang Han said pretendingly.

“Hu! So that’s how it is!”

Levy gave a strange blank look at each other, “Why don’t you say that, damn guy, with so many abilities? I’ve been tangled in the afternoon for nothing!”


Zhang Han accosted laughed, put away the flames and thunder.

“Light, Fire, and Lightning are the three forces that are more violent and brutal in nature. You can actually study how to increase the attack power of these elements, Mahō.” Levy thought about it and suddenly proposed.

“En? That’s a good idea!”

Zhang Han eyes shined and smiled with palms.

He originally planned to copy the Mahō used by Wendy. With Levy’s reminder, he was suddenly surprised that the direction of assisting Mahō most important should be to help improve the formidable power of Bankai and the fruit.

“However, there seems to be something wrong …” Zhang Han frowns thought hard.

It did n’t take long for the lifts the head suddenly, and murmured, “It ’s my own fault! To be more precise, it ’s Akuma no Mi ’s power to assist Mahō!”

What is the biggest feature of Logia Type Akuma no Mi? Elementalize the body!

When using the Logia Type fruit ability, it is equivalent to the corresponding element!

Then, the development assistant Mahō no longer needs to improve his wrist strength, defense and so on as before! Zhang Han only needs to learn the corresponding Attack Type Mahō, and then release it based on Akuma no Mi’s power, and that’s it!

In other words, when the lightning is released in the future, it consumes its physical strength and converts it into lightning, which is then released by Maryokū stimulate through the magical array.

Compared with other Mage’s Mahō, Zhang Han does not need to mobilize the elements of nature, but directly calls Akuma no Mi’s power within the body, which magnifies Akuma no Mi’s power.

Zhang Han felt that this idea was feasible the more he thought, the unable to bear smiled and smiled, grateful, “Thank you so much, Levy! Can you help me find some Mahō in the light system, Fire Element, and Thunder Element?”

“Really? Did you change your mind ?!”

Oppositely, Levy was more pleasantly surprised than Zhang Han, secretly thought that he had made no effort in vain, and finally gave back the values ​​of this guy!

“wait a moment……”

Waiting for Zhang Han to speak, Levy hurried towards the bookshelf, rummaging through it. The urgent look seemed to fear that Zhang Han would repent …

Soon, Levy held a book taller than his body in his hands, walked back and forth, and placed it in front of Zhang Han. Pats said, “These books are all about the 3 capabilities Mahō. Go back and study slowly, remember to come back after reading. “

The Mahō classification in Fairy Tail is relatively rough, roughly divided into holding department Mahō and ability department Mahō.

You need to use Mahō props with your own Maryokū to use Mahō, which is called holding Mahō. For example, Seirei Mahō of Lucy, Kadō Mahō of Cana.

Broadly speaking, those who do not need Mahō props can be classified as Mahō. In other words, Mahō embodied in his own Maryokū belongs to the ability system.

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