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Despite being shocked by Zhang Han’s talent, after finding the source of Maryokū’s disappearance, everyone also sighed in relief and slowly withdrew from the library.

Anyway, as long as it is not attacked!

I don’t know how long it took, Zhang Han slowly opened two eyes and let out a long breath.

It is not that he does not want to continue to absorb Maryokū. With the powerful fleshy body of Yonkō Level, the stored Maryokū is absolutely massive. It’s just that during this period of extraction, the surrounding Magic Particles have been absorbed, and farther away, Reiatsū can’t reach it, but there is no way.

“How are you feeling? Is there any discomfort?”

Knowing the influence of Zhang Han from his companions, Levy was even more shocked, worrying that he absorbed too much Maryokū, which could not be converted.

“Not bad! Feeling more powerful.”

Zhang Han raised his hand and clenched his fist, and he was pleased to find that Maryokū had a great promoting effect on the strong incarnation.

Think about it too. In the original book, I do n’t say that Natsu, Erza, Grey and the others who are Doragon Sureiyā are not physically strong, and each and everyone is like Xiaoqiang who ca n’t be beaten.

Although it is Mage, it is more like a soldier than a soldier!

It is conceivable that Maryokū has a great auxiliary role in strengthening the body.

While speaking, Magic Particles from the outside world flock to the town like a wind, filling the vacuum. The huge particles flowed, gusts of wind blew, and whizzed around the town.

Even the library where the two were located was also whirlwinded, and the quaint and old bookshelf rocked gently and creaked.

“You don’t know yet, how much movement the Cultivation just caused …”

Levy chuckled and briefly explained what happened before.

“This is the case…”

Zhang Han laughed at the other party’s embarrassment. “It seems that if I study Mahō later, I need to find a place where there is no one.”

“Oh, what kind of attribute is your Maryokū, I can help you in the direction of Cultivation.” Levy asked instead.

People’s physiques are different, and the talents displayed on Mahō are of course different. This difference will be reflected when the body absorbs Magic Particle.

For example, Natsu’s talent lies in Fire Attribute, so when he absorbs Magic Particle of other attributes, it is several times harder than fire, even dozens of times.

This is not to say that Natsu cannot use other Mahō, but it is too difficult and wastes too much time, but it is not as easy as specializing in Fire Element Doragon Sureiyā Mahō.

Zhang Han thoughts move, mobilize Maryokū within the body. I saw a gentle colorful light suddenly appear on its surface, just like a multi-colored bright Haori draped over the body, the brilliance flashed, magnificent.

“It turned out to be … all attributes!”

Despite the previous changes, Levy already had a hunch in his heart, but when everything really appeared in front of him, he was still shocked and numb.

This guy, the talent is so good that Envy is simply a demon!

At the same time, I also understand why everyone just ran to check the situation, it turned out that they were all affected by the disappearance of Maryokū!

Think about it, too, if Zhang Han is not a full attribute, how could Maryokū be absorbed for the first time and cause such a big deal?

After a brief shock, Levy reluctantly calmed herself down, and bit her finger to analyze, “Since it is a full attribute, it depends on which Mahō you are interested in.”

“After all, a person ’s energy is limited, and all Mahō is impossible. The best case is to pick one or two to study, so as not to waste time.”

Zhang Han lowered his head slightly, frowning and thinking.

For him, who is also the three major Culture System, no matter in terms of strength or ability, there is actually not a shortcoming. If it is not Mahy of Fairy Tail, it is really good. He will not waste his extra energy on this thing. Above.

“What is certain is that no matter how many system strengths I will have, unless I encounter a system that is one dimension stronger than the existing one, it will only be based on the Shinigami system and the Haki system. Then, True Yuan and Mahō are only Can exist as an auxiliary … “

Thinking of this, Zhang Han eyes shined, and his frowning frowns also spread out. looked towards Levy and said seriously, “I want to study Mahō in the auxiliary field!”


Levy was shocked by the opponent’s amazing brain circuit again!

Full attribute talent! And the element affinity of each one attribute is Peak …

Even if you choose my Soriddo Script Mahō, it is much better than what the hell assists Mahō!

Brother, you will be retaliated for wasting your talent like this!

As if subjected to countless crit hits, Levy’s psychological shadow area skyrocketed indefinitely, the lovable body trembled, and the whole person seemed to collapse.

“Don’t you just want to see me depressed but helpless, right?”

Levy clenched his little fist violently, posing in a stance where he didn’t agree. In any case, we must find a way to reverse this dangerous thinking!

“Ah? Please don’t get me wrong, I really think so.”

Zhang Han’s eyes twitched, and he didn’t understand why the other party reacted so much.

In Levy’s eyes, his behavior seems to be apparently possessing the talent to become the king of Maradona, but he is going to play handball.

Even if you really do n’t like playing football, you can choose a basketball anyway …

Levy muttered his lips without saying a word, and his big smart eyes stared straight at Zhang Han, as if to say, if you don’t explain clearly, I won’t help you!

After a long silence, Zhang Han said, “You should know my strength, and the purpose of my study of Mahō is to assist in combat. I gave up Akuma no Mi’s power without development, and chose Mahō, which is in my opinion Come, it’s the upside down! “

“So this is ah……”

Although Zhang Han’s reason is somewhat reluctant, if he considers it from his perspective, he can’t be wrong.

It’s just that Levy still has a feeling in his heart, dragging his head, a look of weakness.

I can’t stop sighing, God is really unfair, why should we give talent to people who don’t want it? How nice to me! !

It didn’t take long for Levy to remove several books from the shelf and hand them to Zhang Han.

“Mage, which simply assists in Mahō, is very rare. There is not much information in this area in Girudo. If you want to make a breakthrough, you can only spend more time to study.”

“Thank you.”

Zhang Han thanked the other party for being thankful. If you didn’t meet Levy, it would take a lot of time just to find information, let alone study Mahō.

Levy stopped talking and wanted to persuade the other party again, eventually sighed helplessly, “I can’t help Mahō, but if you want to find information, come directly to me.”

“Yeah, I got it.”

Zhang Han took the book, found an unremarkable corner, and studied it carefully.

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