I Have Zanpakuto

Chapter 1086

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In the cabin, Garen and the others looked dull, watching the long-legged girl holding Zhang Han’s hand, walking through the door and disappearing around the corner.

The conversation between Zhang Han and Morgana instantly refreshed everyone’s 3 views. At this moment, Zhao Xin and Garen have begun to doubt life.


The sound of the door closing passed into the ears, waking the three people.

“Wow, wow! I can do this TM too!”

Zhao Xin immediately broke his tongue, and he didn’t know how many Divine Beasts he had ran.

“Actually, the job of Dick Si is very good, at least it represents our future, there are infinite possibilities, and every time I see a Goddess, it is a new beginning …”

Garen wanted to cry without tears, a depression that seemed to have died father and mother, and when it came to the back, he didn’t even believe it.

Darius looked up at the ceiling, his eyes slightly sour.

This kind of god operation … I Liu Ritian, served! !

On the other side, Morgana grabbed Zhang Han’s arm, walked to an unmanned bathroom, locked the door, then turned around, and said with a cold face, “Since you have seen your identity, it’s the old lady’s recognition, saying What do you want? “

“Your little blood, and a device for producing dark energy.” Zhang Han blunt said.

In the first 2 days, Zhang Han was still irritable. Where did he get the dark energy production device? Didn’t expect Morgana, he was so bold that he dived into the Giant Gorge.

It’s a gift from God! !

If this is not fiercely knocked on a stroke, how can it be worthy of his reputation of 3 feet high and goose hair removal?

Because of this, after discovering Morgana’s true identity, Zhang Han did not choose to pierce her on the spot. If you really want to turn your face in front of you, it will only be cheaper for Super Seminary and Angel Legion. Zhang Han won’t get any income by himself, but also has to work for them.


Hearing Zhang Han Chiguo’s extortion, Morgana almost jumped up in shock, then lowered his voice, fiercely said, “Don’t dream, this is absolutely impossible!”

In this World, the civilization of High Rank takes genes very seriously. Especially gods like Morgana, the level of confidentiality of their own genes is absolutely the highest in High Rank.

The main reason is that genetic engineering is too developed. If you want the enemy to obtain your own genes, you can study a plan of restraint in minutes. When the time comes, you will definitely be restrained by death. There is no room for you to turn over.

It’s better to say that other conditions, even if Zhang Han goes too far, just pinch his nose to recognize. However, on the issue of genes, Morgana would rather turn his face than would accept this unreasonable request.

“There is no room for negotiation?”

Zhang Han didn’t expect that the other party would refuse so simply, he couldn’t help turning cold, threatening, “Don’t forget your situation!”

Laozi is blackmail, what’s wrong? Blame Benzema if you want to blame …

In fact, he just wanted to study Morgana’s genes to provide assistance for his perfect Divine Physique, which didn’t mean plot against her.


Morgana’s lovable body trembled wildly, but his tone softened a little when he thought of the current embarrassment.

“Dark energy production devices can give you, and even I can send you a few demons to serve as technical workers, but genes are definitely not good! This matter has not been discussed!”

Morgana regretted it secretly. Why did he get a hot head some time ago and ran to Juxia for undercover. What’s even more annoying is that the Xiongbing Company has moved over as a whole …

One Zhang Han is hard enough to deal with, plus Leona and Sun Wukong … Morgana asks herself, even if she is added, it will be difficult to beat the opponent.

In that case, then negotiate obediently and honestly!

Zhang Han thought about it and stepped back, “So, give me a set of dark energy production equipment and related supporting materials. As for the skilled workers, it is free, plus the genes and technology of Fourth Generation Divine Physique. . “

“Don’t tell me, you have no other Fourth Generation Divine Physique genes for so many years?”

Morgana’s heart moved, and after a while, she had calmed down.

“It can be seen that you and Super Seminary are not the same thing. In that case, we actually have a very broad cooperation space. Consider, how about working with me?”

Not waiting for Zhang Han to refuse, Morgana stepped forward, the towering Yufeng pressed against the other ’s chest, rubbing it gently, and tempted in his mouth, “As long as you are allied with me, all the technologies I have can be taken out It ’s not impossible that you share, even if you want my blood. “

what? Conditions are so good?

Zhang Han was very impressed. With the technology of the demon Legion, his Fourth Generation Divine Physique will definitely take less time to build.

But another thought, how could there be a good thing about pie in the sky?

Morgana paid such a huge price, and what he asked for was definitely not simple.

“Tell me, what do you want?”

When saying this, Zhang Han’s vigilance mentioned the highest point.

After all, he is not very aware of this world’s black technology. If Morgana is silently pitted, how could he call himself a member of the transmigrator?

“The black ball you used in the last battle, we can develop it together! Of course, the results obtained can also be shared.”

Morgana clung to Zhang Han’s cheek and sighed softly in his ear, then said, “As for my blood, exchange your genes. So we check and balance each other and build a greater foundation of trust.”

Some time ago, Morgana had contacted Death God Karth. From his mouth, he learned that Zhang Han ’s Gudōdama turned out to be the secondary creature they had been studying!

Such an amazing discovery made her to be wild with joy.

In this World, secondary creatures are the ultimate weapon. Whoever first grasps this power can act wilfully in the true sense.

For example, The Force of Galaxy Garen.

With only an anti-empty ability to wipe the fur, you can directly ignore the laws of physics. A shut-up or silence can stop the fighter plane equipped with the void engine.

It’s simply that the mouth holds the Heaven’s Decree in the legend. !

This shows that the sub-biological world is perverted and powerful!

In the eyes of Death God Karth and Morgana, Zhang Han’s use of Gudōdama is simply blind. It’s like using diamonds as bricks. It makes people feel stomach and liver pains, and they hurt everywhere!

“You mean Gudōdama?”

Zhang Han opened his backhand, and a black sphere floated in the palm of his hand, and there was a deep suspense in his eyes.

Morgana did everything, and even spared no effort to connect his own genes, just for a trifling Gudōdama …? !

Suddenly there was a weird feeling of ‘My Spittoon, the Holy Grail of Ru’.

At this moment, Zhang Han wanted to laugh, but he couldn’t laugh. His face was twitching frantically, which was really uncomfortable.

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