I Have Zanpakuto

Chapter 1085

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On the deck of the Great Gorge, a group of Marines soldiers looked like rare animals and watched the entire group of male soldiers.

A Colonel came over and saluted, “Welcome the soldiers of the company, and here will be your home! Come with me.”

Everyone followed the Colonel to the cabin.

Today is the first day of coming to the Juxia, without training tasks. After a simple welcome ceremony, Zhang Han and Garen and the others went to the arranged dormitory, preparing to settle down first, and then taking time to familiarize themselves with the surrounding environment.

After walking around a corner, the front door suddenly opened automatically, and a long-legged girl in a white uniform appeared in the sight of several people.

The black long straight hair, the delicate face, the tall chest, the tightly stretched uniform, and the Byakuya legs of the two slender, Zhao Xin and the others looked straight.

“Wow !!!! Is there this scenery on the aircraft carrier?”

Zhao Xin’s eyes were fixed on the swaying posture, and he did not want to move away for a moment.

“Oh, let me go! This benefit is too much for my appetite!”

Darius also looked like a pig, and thought, the girl in front of him was more than two dimensions higher than the one he had molested before he entered Academy.

Zhang Han narrowed his two eyes, carefully looking at the beauty coming on the way, and he couldn’t help the expression moved.

The appearance can be deceiving, the sound can be modified, and even the figure can be disguised, but soul fluctuation cannot deceive people! No matter how disguised this girl is in front of her, Zhang Han’s Reiatsū can’t be concealed, even more how. A few months ago, the two had a conflict.

“Morgana? It’s really boldness of execution stems from superb skill, actually lurking on the giant gorge! I don’t know where her self-confidence comes from, can’t you really recognize it?”

With Reiatsū’s detection, Zhang Han is 100% sure that the long-legged girl in front of him is Morgana.

“Letter, don’t let slip an opportunity! Don’t hurry up and talk, maybe there will be unexpected gains.” Garen encouraged.

“Can I?”

Zhao Xin was very impressed, but he was hesitant.

“How can I not?”

Garen seemed anxious than Zhao Xin, urging, “If you can’t, we will be even worse! Believe in yourself, come on!”

With the demonstration of Zhang Han in front, three gay pals deeply understand that the scarce resources of Goddess are definitely fast and slow. If they do n’t act decisively, chances are that they will be snatched away.

At this time, Morgana, disguised as a Marines female soldier, had come to the crowd, Darius swallowed, and subconsciously gave way, in exchange for a charming smile.

Just when Zhao Xin gathered courage and was about to stop the beauty, he suddenly saw Zhang Han faint smile, moved one step, and stopped in front of the girl.

Lying in the trough! !

What’s more, Shuangtiaote was preempted by this product! !

At this moment, Garen and Zhao Xin were both expressions of unrequited love, and the entire world was gray and no longer glorious.

Blocked by Zhang Han, Morgana squeezed her heart and stopped.

Damn it! Isn’t this guy seeing anything?

But I thought about it again. Only a few high-end angels have seen Death God Karth. They usually wear very heavy makeup. Even if I had a fight a few months ago, Zhang Han also recognized himself impossible .

“This beauty, you look familiar. Have we seen it before?”

Just when Morgana didn’t think so, a frivolous word came into his ears, and he slightly raised his head, facing the cold eyes, and Morgana couldn’t help but tremble.

This guy really found me! !

However, where is the horse’s foot exposed?

Morgana’s brain is running crazy, countless thoughts flashed and disillusioned in his mind, followed by a blunt laughed, “My name is Liang Bing, I have been serving on the Great Gorge in recent years. . “

The conversation between two people caused several people to boo.

“I said, Zhang Han, this old-fashioned way of talking up is already outdated, you still want a new singularity!” Zhao Xin puts his arms around and looks like an old driver.

Although Garen and Darius didn’t speak, they were all despised.

Zhang Han ignored the boos of several people and said with a smile, “This is a coincidence! The beauty I know is also called Liang Bing, and is also a holy … Angel!”

The last two words are very heavy, obviously reminding each other, don’t pretend, your crude acting has long been seen by the uncle.

“Cut! Don’t climb the relationship anymore. Everyone said that after serving here for several years, how could you know you?” Zhao Xin spoke again.

Since Zhang Han preempted the opportunity, Zhao Xin said nothing to watch, such a good Byakuya dish was spoiled by the scumbag.

However, in a disdainful and questioning eyes, Liang Bing suddenly showed Isshō, “If you want to ask me to have a drink in this way, if you want, I agree!”

The implication is that the old lady knew she was exposed, what do you want?

Morgana didn’t know the purpose of Zhang Han, but after a while, he roughly judged. If the other party really wants to flip their face, they can sound the alarm and go to war directly.

But he didn’t do it, obviously there was no purpose.

That being the case, all is well to say, Morgana is going to take Zhang Han out of the cabin first, and then find a chance to slip away.

Today, Juxia has become a training base for male soldiers. If his identity is exposed here, in the face of the siege of everyone, Morgana will have to lose half his life even if he does not die!

Hearing Morgana’s words, Zhao Xin and Garen immediately choked on speechlessness, and countless question marks appeared in their heads.

Such an old-fashioned conversation can even hook up with a girl!

Does scum dregs bring its own charm value of +10086 BUFF?

God, how unfair! !

However, when everyone thought that Zhang Han would happily take a girl to find a place to talk about life and talk about ideals, the other party’s answer instantly shocked the chin.

“Unfamiliar men and women sit together, talk about literature, talk about life, talk about art, and finally are not all about talking about the thing between men and women? Why don’t we skip this boring stage and go directly to the topic?”

The implicit meaning is that since everyone knows people, don’t waste time.

by! Was fooled by this bastard again! !

“Then come with me!”

Morgana stared at Zhang Han with a killing intent, but he could only pretend to be interested, and he reluctantly followed the script of the other party.

The damn guy actually described the old lady as the kind of bichi that can be reached with just a finger.

Morgana vowed secretly that when he was out of danger this time, he said that he would catch this bastard, and fiercely ravaged to death.

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