I Have Zanpakuto

Chapter 1079

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It didn’t take long for the angel to walk out of the line and bowed to Keisha, “Your Majesty Queen, please allow me to lead my sister to Earth to destroy this human being!”

“Angel’s justice order does not allow any challenge!”

Hearing the angel’s cold request, Holy Kesha gently took the head.

“As you guessed, at the moment, we do n’t understand the void world, let alone the purpose of their coming to the main material world. The only clue is this human being. If you kill him, do n’t say what attitude the void world will have towards us We will lose the only chance to get into the life of a higher rank. “

Prior to this, Holy Kesha had always believed that the main creature was the main creature because they dominated the universe. Of course, she has never denied the existence of secondary creatures, and has been studying the quality of the void.

In her eyes, the secondary creature is not the lifeform that dominates the world, but should be a tool like a computer used by the main creature.

Through research, Sacred Caesar has achieved tremendous results. The sub-biological engine has been created by her and is armed on the left and right wings of the angel, as well as the next generation of angel king, Ani Side.

However, after seeing Zhang Han’s Gudōdama, such an idea immediately became untenable.

Even if Gudōdama seems to be just an ability of Zhang Han, rather than an independent, independent thinking individual, if it continues to evolve, it is not difficult to imagine how it will become.

“Your Majesty Queen, do you need me to send an angel team to spy on him?”

Angel Yan understood the meaning of Holy Caesar and asked.


Sacred Caesar once again shook the head, instructed, “You personally went to the Chiwu Galaxy and secretly monitored him. If necessary, test the opponent’s purpose in appearing in Earth and the origin of the black ball.”


Angel Yan took orders and returned to the queue again.

After talking about Zhang Han, Sacred Keisha leaned sideways, his chin on his left hand, and asked lazily, “Is there any news from Morgana?”

“Your Majesty Queen, since the last Nebula War, you have not been able to find Morgana’s whereabouts.” The right-wing angel reported.

Sacred Caesar frowned slightly, and his voice became cold, “But, I got news from Death God Karth, Morgana is in Earth.”

Even the Styx galaxy can detect the whereabouts of Morgana, but the angel Legion, who is the master of the universe, has no news at all. Such a face of Chiguo makes the Sacred Caesar very dissatisfied.

Concealed in my heart, the time for peace is too long, did the angel Legion slack?

Panicked, he hurriedly asked for sin, “It is a dereliction of duty.”

Angel Sister Yan couldn’t bear to be criticized and relieved, “If Morgana has the technology of Fourth Generation Divine Physique, we will lose the ability to capture her movements.”

“She’s so downcast, how can she study Fourth Generation Divine Physique, even more how to use it?”

Sacred Kaiser disdainfully disregarded the former younger sister and turned to say, “Hiko, your mission to Earth is very heavy. If you get news from Morgana, report it to me immediately.”


Angel Yan suddenly changed the subject and said, “When it comes to Death God Karth, there is a very strange thing.”

“Oh? What?”

“Just a few days ago, Death God Karth suddenly called on the energy of a dozen stars, and it seemed that he was calculating something with a big clock.”

With a hesitant look, Angel Yan pointed to Zhang Han in the video and speculated, “Will it be Death God Karth? We discovered him one step earlier, and now we are using the big clock to calculate the black ball?”

“Is this still the case?”

Sacred Caesar has a serious face, “Death God Karth has always believed that the void world is real, and studying secondary creatures is not an unimaginable thing. But now, that little boy is very important to the entire universe, and he ca n’t let him mess.”

“I think Karth needs a little warning!”

In the speech, as always, the arrogance and domineering, as if Super Seminary’s biggest villain BOSS is in her eyes, is just a clown, and it can be destroyed!

In fact, before the fall of Sacred Caesar, the Great Influence of the universe did not dare to act blindly without thinking, which is the name given to the angel Legion tens of thousands of years.

It can be said that as long as she exists for one day, the justice order can be maintained, and no one who does not open his eyes dare to jump out and question the authority of the angel.

If this were not the case, Death God Karth would not try his best, and eventually joined Morgana to kill her.


Over the city of Juxia, Super Seminary.

Zhang Han wears Haki’s Six Paths robe, floating in the air, exuding white light on his body, as if coming to a god in the world.

“Back to the sun, with inexhaustible and inexhaustible energy, it seems that a stronger one-dimensional move is needed to truly break the damn light shield!

At this moment, Zhang Han’s face was solemn. If Leona’s defense could not be broken and there was little chance of getting her blood.

In addition, the 2 people are simply discussing, not life and death battle, the Teacher in the Academy may jump out to stop at any time.

Beating Leona, but failing to hurt her, this battle will be meaningless.

“A move will determine the outcome!”

Zhang Han right hand stretched into the sky, with a free hand, a lightsaber condensed purely from golden light appeared in the palm.

Immediately afterwards, the shocking power of within the body exploded, and the faint white light merged into the lightsaber along the palm of the hand. At the same time, 9 Gudōdama turned into liquid and wrapped around the lightsaber surface.

In a blink of an eye, the lightsaber exuding bright rays of light became a pitch-black as ink Black Sword, trembling at high speed, and the black light at the tip of the sword resembled poisonous snakes, and fluctuated.

Just as Zhang Han raised the Black Sword, the black light rose suddenly, straight into the sky, embarrassed, and looked like Kinrin Tensei Baku.

However, the destruction aura contained therein is more terrifying than Kinrin Tensei Baku, and even more terrifying!

In the field of vision, all the space around the black beam is distorted and torn to varying degrees, as if this world is also shaking for its birth.

In the three years before coming to Super Seminary, Zhang Han was not in vain.

Feeling that Zanpakutō and Akuma no Mi are getting weaker and weaker in attack, and gradually unable to keep up with their own growth rate, Zhang Han has been trying to fuse several forces together.

The black light in front of me is the result of the fusion of Gura Gura no Mi, Pika Pika no Mi and Gudōdama.

It is called ‘Six Paths • Absolute Cut’.

Well, ignore this nasty name, the point is that it can cut off almost everything, and its attack power is several times stronger than Kinrin Tensei Baku.

Seeing this scene, Leona couldn’t help but eyes shrank. Although the dark computer couldn’t analyze the composition of Black Sword, Zhang Han’s sentence alone can guess that this thing is at least stronger than Ginrin Tensei Baku just now.

A Ginrin Tensei Baku beat her back, even more how is the Black Sword in front of her?

Leona did not dare to neglect, using the maximum energy currently available, condense a pillar of light in his palm and blasted towards Zhang Han.


Silently, the black beam cut through the sky and fell away.

The pillar of light, the space, and the shield of Holy Light with Leona, like paper paste in front of black light, was cut off and annihilated like crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood!

The entire world is silent for a moment, only for this horrible sight that is not human!

Everyone stared blankly at the sky, at the black beam that split the sky, like the black light, and also shattered their cognition and soul into slag.

Especially Leona, who was facing black light head-on, seemed to be scared and stupid, floating blankly in the air, his brain blank.

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