I Have Zanpakuto

Chapter 1078

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“Queen-sama, the composition of that thing is really too complicated. With our existing resources, it will take at least 30 years to analyze it.” A demon trembles with indignation.

“What? 30 years!”

Morgana’s lovable body shivered straight and reprimanded, “Asshole! You’re trying to find a way for your Queen, I don’t even want to wait for 3 minutes!”

In order to analyze Gudōdama, Morgana used all the resources in the base, but there was still no result.

Seeing Shan Zhen Haiwei in front of her, she couldn’t find the tableware to enjoy the food. This feeling made her both frustrated and irritable.

The devil’s face explained hard, “Queen -sama, it’s not that we don’t work hard, it is really that the composition of that thing is too complicated. However, if there is a big clock, the analysis speed will be accelerated by dozens, even hundreds. Times. Look, or … “

“What else? Say it!”

Morgana turned black, staring at each other, “Do you want your family to beg the bastard of Karth? What use are you idiots?”

The subordinate demon was cold sweating and kept bowing and apologizing.

“A bunch of idiots, the old lady will be mad at you. There hasn’t been any growth in 10000 years, but the angel Legion is that’s all. Even analyzing a black ball is so strenuous. I’m stupid like you, and it’s a spectacle of the universe. !!! “

Looking at his subordinates, Morgana was out of breath.

“Queen -sama is angry.”

Atto walked behind Morgana and whispered, “We still need Karth’s big clock to open the space-time insect bridge and transfer the demon wings battleship to Earth. Why not take this opportunity to contact him and test his tone by the way.”

“And, the subordinates suspect that the guy named Zhang Han should not be Karth.”

Seeing Morgana with doubts, Atto continued, “We have an ally relationship with Karth. If Zhang Han is his, so many days have passed, Karth impossible will not contact us. Even if he does not want to cooperate with us, he should be informed. A cry, so as not to cause unnecessary conflict between the two forces. “

“Putting it that way … I was wrong with him at first?”

Hearing Atto ’s words, Morgana calmed down, “Forget it, anyway, ask once, ask twice, and do n’t bother 2 masters. However, if Karth ’s guy dared to ask your Queen to dance striptease in person, You go to explode for me to get his eggs! “

“Oh, can my subordinates finish the striptease and go burst his eggs?”


Not long afterwards, the ping-pong and ping-pong sounds from the base and the screams of the stern people shocked the flying birds perched on the island, and they flew away.

On the other side, in Super Seminary, The Wanderer Ryze is also closely watching the battle between Zhang Han and Leona.

Gudōdama’s appearance immediately caught his attention.

“Something like a sub-creature actually exists! Could it be said that the higher rank of the void world is also real? Well, will Ultimate God read by Death God Karth also …”

The Wanderer Ryze sweated a little on his forehead, so he dared not think about it anymore.

Leona can’t figure out what Gudōdama is. Morgana can only vaguely feel that Gudōdama hides the big secrets, but The Wanderer Ryze, who has studied the god-making project for a lifetime, can see Gudōdama’s out of the ordinary at a glance.

This thing is definitely the prototype of the secondary creature, and there is still a lot of room for evolution! !

What makes The Wanderer Ryze even more strange is that the universe was born more than 100, 40, 100000000 years, and the scientific world has evolved 100,000 years, and still has not been able to find a sign of the exact existence of secondary organisms, but a person from Mahō world can already use it freely. Now!

If it is not clearly sensed, Zhang Han is a person with flesh and blood, The Wanderer Ryze will even think that he is coming to the higher rank of Earth from the void world.

This is a slap for all High Rank civilizations in the universe.

Is n’t it good to say something, you do n’t work hard, you never know what despair is!


Deep in the universe, the palace of angels.

Sacred Caesar was sitting on the throne, showing a very large holographic projection in front of him. The scene inside is exactly the process of Zhang Han fighting Leona.

When Zhang Han entered the Sage of Six Paths Mode, Gudōdama evolved, and the sacred Caesar’s beautiful eyes shrank, facing the temple sound transmission, “All high-level angels, come to the palace.”

Soon, high-level angels such as the left-wing angel Yan, the right-wing angel, and the angel cold rushed to the palace and stood under the order.

To their surprise, a battle is being played in the holographic projection in the center of the palace, and the battle location turned out to be a backward planet in the distant Chiwu Galaxy.

According to the database, the planet named Earth is still in pre-nuclear civilization.

Similar to this low-level civilization, normally they have no interest at all. I do n’t know why Queen-sama suddenly became interested in Earth.

In spite of the doubts in their hearts, without Sacred Keisha speaking, they could only bury their doubts in their hearts, standing still and waiting for orders.

Seeing everyone gathered, Holy Kesha smiled and said, “Did you see? A very interesting little boy.”

“Hmph, no matter how interesting, it’s just a pre-nuclear age, that’s all. Subordinates can’t see where he is interesting …”

When the angel is disdainful, he will come to say, “Your Majesty, are you too bored to pay attention to such low-level things?”

But halfway through, the angel seemed to be pinched by his neck, and his voice came to an abrupt halt.

“Huh? This … how is it possible? A trifling human, actually defeated Goddess Leona’s miniature flare frontally!” The angel stared at the hologram with dumbfounded eyes.

Other high-level angels exclaimed, their eyes full of incredible.

Leona is the main god of the scorching sun and a level of powerful existence with sacred Keisha. Even if it is due to age, the power it grasps is not complete, nor can trifling humans be able to contend.

However, this scene in front of me is like making a big joke with them.

At this moment, the angels really want to ask, this broken image, could it be synthesized by Her Majesty Queen, deliberately teasing them?

As soon as this weird thought rose, it was shattered by Holy Kaiser.

“If I am not mistaken, the black ball mastered by the little boy should be the first-level secondary creature. His appearance thoroughly proves that the void world that was controversial in Super Seminary at that time really exists!

“What? Cracking a joke …”

“Void world actually exists ?!”

“What are they doing? Forcibly intervene in the main material world with the help of human hands?”

The angels under the steps were in an uproar, and you talked about me one by one.

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