Chapter 974 Satire

“Baby not long ago, because he had a small breakthrough, he handed over the matter to the elders of the human race. Babe closed the door and consolidated his achievements. Not long ago, an elder woke him up, and he woke up. When I came, I found that the human race was bathing in the sun. The sun burned many people of the human race, and even many people were burned to death. When the child saw this scene, he only shot down

Up the sun. At this time, He Tiandi came to kill and said that he wanted to destroy me, so he put them away and looked at his mother. “The Heavenly Emperor gave Demon a knock on the god of good fortune.”

Good Fortune God Demon listened to the words of Emperor Tian, ​​his eyes closed slightly, but he began to perform his own secret exploration of things. Soon Demon God opened his eyes and looked at Di Jun and said, “Di Jun, what else do you want to say?”

Di Jun said: “Manny, if my child touches the human race, he must be caught in the evil. After all, the poor road has been established in Tanggu, and they can only come out after they reformed him. More importantly, why did he kill my child? Even if the child does it What’s wrong, he won’t die!

Heavenly Emperor Lang would severely injure Emperor Jun on the mainland, and then said coldly, “Don’t die, how many people your child killed me, don’t die, they deserve to die. And when they came from the East China Sea, how many places they passed when they came to Zhoushan, The sun above is really hot, I’m afraid the places that pass by are all fly ash, and the karma on them is probably not enough.” But he said that Emperor Tian had Taiying on his feet.

God Jun, with a “bang” sound, although Di Jun took Taiying and hid, there is a big lake on the vast continent. After evading the attack from the Heavenly Emperor, he said angrily, Di Jun, “I lead half of the world in the wild, and my children also have great luck, which is enough to offset the karma generated by their coming out this time. Why do you Want to kill them?,

When Emperor Jun, Tianda saw him and escaped from his feet, he was about to slap himself. At this time, Demon God Good Fortune sighed and said, “Human Ancestor, forget it. After all, he is the master of the monster race.

When the emperor listened to Taoist hands, the voice of God Demon was immediately collected. Looking at Dijun with disdain, “If it were not for your mother, you would be dead. Although you, Dijun, led nearly half of the wild nature, your luck can naturally offset the karma of your child, but your child is a child. So other people’s children are not? Although fate can offset karma, there is no

Method to counteract cause and effect. Your children kill too many, and there are countless causal accumulations, and death is cheaper for them.

When Di Jun heard the news, he said angrily: “How can those ants of the human race compare with my children?” Di Jun feels bad when he speaks, and he can’t act in front of anyone. The face of God Demon said that the human race is an ant!

Sure enough, God Demon of Good Fortune heard the words, and then suddenly said coldly: “Oh, Human Race is a bug. Isn’t Dijun an ant in my eyes?” During the speech, the God of Good Fortune turned his head and said no more. Take care of this.

At this time, the eyes of the heavens hanging in the void have the heart to kill the emperor. I managed to find a savior for you, but you drove away others. But Di Jun couldn’t help but save it. In a few days, the invasion of the chaotic Demon god will begin. Now if Dijun is dead, the monsters will definitely find trouble with the human race, and the master in front of him can kill people without blinking, if he goes to the human race

, I am afraid that the big cauldron in his hand is definitely not a vegetarian, the monster race, I am afraid that the top forces will be burned to death.

Thinking of the voice of the Heavenly Dao in the heart of God Demon, he thought, “God Demon, Dijun can’t die too much. If they die, the situation that the wilderness finally settles down will be chaotic again. Those Zhoutian star gods of the demon race will never They will watch Dijun and Taibai die, and they will avenge Dijun with their personalities. But they are not the opponents of Human Ancestor at all. I am afraid the most

The latter result is that they will be burned to ashes by the ancestors, and the master of the universe will drop a lot. After the robbery, the invasion of the chaotic Demon god will begin. Without Yaozu, these strong people, I worry that our people will fail. ”

God Demon frowned upon hearing this, and then said: “Isn’t there a witch race? It’s not that God Demon doesn’t care about the monster race, but she never said that she belongs to the monster race.

Tiandao Momo said: “Although the overall strength of the Witch Clan is not weaker than that of the Monster Clan, the fertility rate of the Witch Clan is too low. I am afraid that it only needs to fight, and the Witch Clan may be depressed. As for the Humans, they are born too late, it is impossible. Cultivate a strong person like the Yaozu, so we can only leave Dijun and other people first.” Demon God fortune nodded, expressing understanding, and then

Looking at Emperor Xiangtian, he told him the whole story, hoping that he would not kill Emperor Jun and Taiyi.

The Heavenly Emperor was silent and chaotic. He didn’t know about Demon’s invasion. He didn’t kill Emperor Jun and earn the trip. In fact, he also planned to do so. After all, although the human race has a great advantage in cultivation, it is still far from the number of terrifying monster races. No wonder God will protect the monster race. Thinking of this day, the emperor sighed. “. “In that case, this matter is over

NS. Mom, let me see what the people are doing first, so I won’t accompany you. “Speaking of the emperor’s size quickly shrunk to good fortune, God Demon flew to the bottom of the valley.

At this time, I suddenly said: “Return me the Chaos Clock.” As soon as the voice fell, many great magicians turned their eyes to the Heavenly Emperor, the Chaos Clock. Unexpectedly, the Chaos Clock was taken away only now. This is a great irony!

Emperor Tian snorted coldly, “Chaos Clock, as the Golden Crow’s compensation for my human injury! I want to get it back, unless you can beat me.”

Taiying was a little desperate when he heard the words, and then looked towards Heaven, hoping that he could help him regain the Chaos Clock. Tian Dao looked at too many eyes and was a little silent, and then said: “Ancestors, the chaotic clock is still too! Heaven needs a chaotic clock to suppress its destiny. Without the help of the chaotic clock, the destiny of the heaven will be short (qianqianzhao) time Increase within, but the heaven will disappear in time

In the long river of time, without suppressing its future destiny. Besides, it’s useless to become Ah Sheng’s golden body. “Many great gods suddenly looked at Heavenly Dao stupidly when they heard that, Innate’s top treasures are useless to him, how is this possible? Even if his body is comparable to Innate’s treasure, he is protected by the Chaos Clock outside. I’m afraid it’s impossible even for a saint

Win him.

Who knew that Heavenly Emperor left his mouth and said, “What does it matter to you? What does it matter to you?” He said that in the eyes of many great gods, such as looking at aliens.

And Tiandao seemed to have been stunned by this sentence of Heavenly Emperor. Until Heavenly Emperor’s figure disappeared, the thunder and lightning in the void suddenly became extremely violent, and every thunder and lightning tore the void. It seems that the only way to vent the wrath of heaven. And Demon God of Good Fortune also warned Dijun and Tai, eyes, and then it blurred, and finally disappeared. .

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