Chapter 973 Future protagonist

Seeing this Heavenly Emperor, I knew that it would be too difficult to kill Emperor Jun under the eyes of Heavenly Dao, and then looked at Yang Hao angrily. “God, don’t think I can’t kill them. The more you stop me, the more you want to kill them. Qian Yuanding betrayed me.”

After saying that Emperor Tian Tian controlled Qian Yuanding and completely destroyed the Xian Yuanshen in the Taixu Chaos Clock, the Taixu Chaos Clock immediately spit out blood in anger. Damn it.

After the Chaos Clock was extinguished by the Primordial God, Tai immediately used Jianghe Mail into his pocket, and planned to go with the top Chaos Lingbao to completely wipe them out. “It’s your blessing to die in Qianyuan Ding

When Tian Dao was in Emperor Jun, Emperor Tian Da, and Qian Yuan Ding, he felt very bad and suddenly couldn’t sit still anymore. Then the black cloud began to condense on the wild Yang Hao. After a few breaths, the wild was plunged into darkness, and golden lightning pierced the void from time to time, and finally gathered on the top of the head of Emperor Tiandian.

When the thunder and lightning converged completely at the end, the white light flashed in an instant, dividing the entire void into two parts. At the same time, only the silver eyes opened coldly, and their eyes looked at Emperor Tian.

With the appearance of the 12 silver eyes, a huge coercion instantly enveloped the wilderness, no matter who felt the breath, they all rushed to the “Way of Heaven”

At this time, Emperor Tian’s situation is very bad. Heavenly Emperor Ben was seriously injured after he was attacked by the Heavenly Dao the previous time and was attacked by the Chaos Clock last time. Now, the pressure of Heaven is almost all toward the pressure of Emperor Heaven. Emperor Tian felt his bones creaking. It seems that the next moment will be completely crushed by the coercion of the heavens, the previously controlled wound will suddenly split, and countless blood will fall.

On the land of Guangjia. There is no meaning to flinch at all. On the contrary, my eyes are staring at Tiandao’s eyes “Heaven Tao”.

Tian Dao’s gaze also stared at Emperor Tian coldly. The extremely cold words “let them go” sounded over the universe, and the great god who heard these words shuddered, as if he was about to freeze to death next moment. On the contrary, there are not enough ordinary gods Immortal, but they don’t feel any discomfort, they just think the sentence is very.

But the Emperor Tian hehe laughed and said, “I have the ability to take it out.” He said that Emperor Tian would hand over the Qianyuan Ding in the middle to Tian Dao.


Suddenly, the purple cloud god thunder slammed toward Emperor Xiangtian like rain, and it seemed that Heaven was irritated by Emperor Tian’s words.

The Emperor Tian did not dodge, but was hit by countless purple clouds, as if he had the aroma of barbecue. However, Qian Yuanding was handed over to the Dao of Heaven without much effort. In the eyes of many wild gods, Zhong said again: “I have the ability to take it out.”

When Tiandao heard the news, he suddenly became angry and wondered when he was the master of the wild world. However, the people below me really can’t move. If he does this, I am afraid that the next guy will come to his own trouble directly. “Ancestor, don’t die.” Tiandao’s words are always so concise and clear, but the anger contained in his

Can be felt by many of the Dadonghai.

The Emperor Tian looked into the eyes of Tian Dao and laughed wildly, “You dare to kill me.”

God, you dare to kill me. ”

God, you dare to kill me.

Countless echoes resounded in the wild, the Emperor of Heaven was not afraid of the threat of Heaven, but asked Heaven if you dare to kill me.

Many concepts of the East China Sea shook their heads secretly. This ancestor may be scared silly. The Way of Heaven is the supreme existence of the Chinese concept. Killing you is like pinching an ant. Why can’t people kill you? But the next thing really surprised the gods. Heavenly Dao did not completely kill the Heavenly Emperor as they thought. Instead, his big silver eyes stared at the sky coldly

Emperor, as if wanting to see through it.

Seeing Tian Dao dare not do it by himself, Emperor Tian heaved a sigh of relief. After all, he is not the one who owns Yang Hao. Qian Yuanding’s power can be exerted on his own. It is very good, but compared to the wheel of Heaven’s Dao that can be used, it is already Qian Yuanding’s blessing if he can resist a little bit, let alone fight with Heaven’s Dao.

At this time, Tiandao’s gaze was also helpless! Human Race, as the protagonist of the future, was destined to take the middle road, and he couldn’t change it at all. If this ancestor is killed at this time, with the future destiny of the human race, I am afraid that countless people will oppose it. Then, under the tracking of the avenue, heaven could not stop them from proving the way, coming over, I am afraid that the final result will be every time

Being torn to pieces by the sermon, my dream will become a dream bubble. This is not important. After all, the human race is not the protagonist in the universe. As long as we arrange countless tribulations for the human race, and these old people of the human race kill them, the new generation human race will not appear, if they don’t know it. But it was Gan Dingyuan in the hands of Emperor Tian Dao that didn’t dare to start.

As the Dao of Heaven who personally sealed the Great Ding, he naturally didn’t know who the real owner of the Great Ding was. The man gave the tripod to the ancestor. I am afraid that ancestors are a very important part to him, or he is one of them. If he kills him, I’m afraid he will fight himself desperately soon! Thinking of this heavenly Dao will cause a headache!

Thinking of the countless runes flashing in his eyes from time to time, it seemed to be thinking about how to save the two bastards Hetai. Finally, when Tian Dao was almost desperate, a figure appeared quietly, Tian Dao’s eyes immediately lit up slightly, and he still looked at Tian Dao as before.

Two worlds, in the depths of chaos, a magnificent palace 883 roams in chaos. The golden characters above the palace show who is the owner of this hall, the tile palace.

Yes, this is the small world opened by God Demon in Chaos Clock, not Zhoushan, the cave, so God Demon had to build the palace in the shape of the heaven. Since good fortune, Demon was sacred, and listening to the opinions of destruction is the easiest time to achieve it. Therefore, she never went out to practice indiscriminately, even Laozi and others did not know the sacredness of Demon God. I

The unclear reason is that God Demon of Good Fortune can know this from Heaven, but God of Good Fortune Demon didn’t probe the cat’s eye, so she naturally didn’t know about it.

Just when God Demon of Good Fortune was directly practicing, a huge consciousness came to the Demon Shrine of Good Fortune, awakening the God of Good Fortune Demon who was practicing. Looking at the vast consciousness in front of him, God Demon of Good Fortune walked down from the cloud platform and called a checkpointer, thinking: “I don’t know what is important for the arrival of the heavenly way?”

Tiandao smiled bitterly in his heart, but his consciousness was very cold. “The wild world, you will know when you go.” As the space cracks emerged, God Demon frowned when he saw this, and walked towards it.

When God Demon passed through the cracks in the space and reached the vast continent, she was suddenly startled by the situation in front of her. A huge giant held up a huge tripod and stared coldly at Tiandao’s eyes, as if he wanted to break it. .

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