Chapter 970 Obvious

The Chaos Demon saw that the soul soldier did not have the aura of chaos, and his whole body became crystal clear as if mana was condensed, so he laughed, “I thought you were power! I prepared a great magic weapon. It turned out to be only mana condensed. See how I break it. “Said that the sword in his hand was instantly trajectory along the road, and the dark sword aura suddenly smashed into chaos, summoning the soul soldier.

However, this chaotic Demon god was wrong. The soul soldier is the soul of the magic axe used by the Pangu Mountains. Although it is not as good as turning on the god axe, it is not as powerful as the sword in his hand, so the chaotic God of Demon is the tragedy. Under the full launch of the Eye of Heaven and Earth, the soul knife almost reproduced the beauty of Pangu when it opened the sky. The chaotic separation between the knife and the knife, light rising, muddy sinking

The complete middle world appears in the chaos. However, the world was not stable, and the world was crushed by the might of the soul knife.

Chaos Demon’s sword aura also cut out the world, but unfortunately it was not as good as the world opened by the Eye of Heaven and Earth. The sword and the sword qi collided instantly, but the ending was beyond the expectations of the Chaos Demon God. The soul soldier slashed sword energy directly, and then slashed towards himself regardless of time and space.

Seeing this Taiying snorted immediately, Senran in his eyes intended to strengthen the victory, 883 looked at the big hand from the same palm. This Zhang Tai exhausted all his strength, intending to completely attack and solve the Emperor Tian, ​​and then destroy its soul and let it and his nephew to be buried.

But Emperor Tian is not an ordinary sub-sage, his practice is to transform profound art, his body is comparable to Innate’s treasure. Even the Chaos Clock was attacked by him, and all souls were in danger of awakening to resist this move. His muscles are too strong. Can he compare with Chaos Clock? The answer is impossible.

Therefore, when the emperor collided with Tai’s big hand that day, he felt his right hand numb, and then some terrible pain came from his shoulder. All the gods who saw this scene took a deep breath. Is this a human? When did the human race have such a powerful body? Or we haven’t been out for a long time, causing our news to be too outdated.

The original attack of the Great Emperor not only interrupted Tai’s hand, but also did not escape Tai’s entire arm, and was directly beaten into a blood mist. Uh, no, even the blood mist has dispersed.

Many great gods saw this scene stupidly, and their entire arms turned into flying ash. How is this possible? You know, Tai is a chaotic (bcdb) and the entire universe is also in place. People may not be surprised if the original son of Tooyou Town is injured, but this person is obviously the late Ashen, although the deceased Ashen is not far from the chaotic Ashen, the gap between them

It is obvious.

However, the next scene was beyond their expectations. After mobilizing too much mana to repair and upgrade their weapons, they did not continue to kill the Heavenly Emperor as expected. On the contrary, their eyes were fixed on the Heavenly Emperor. It seems that the next moment will be given to Emperor Tian. Eat, “It’s you.” Taiying spit out these two words. The Emperor Tian raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his mouth showed silk

Smile. “it’s me.”

Tai Wenyan burst into laughter suddenly, but the serious ferociousness was even more gloomy. The corners of the mouth that the Emperor Tian looked at also twitched a few times, but the smile seemed to be mocking.

Dijun, who was sitting next to me, was puzzled by the appearance of many great gods. He just died playing and wanted to live, but now he is laughing. Well, the leader of the human race laughed because that trick happened to take advantage, but it is a miracle that you can laugh if you are too taken advantage of by others!

Dijun next to him can’t stand it anymore. He was confused and said, “Brother.”

Taiying recovered, shook the noise barrier next door, and said a few words in Dijun’s ear. Di Jun’s eyes were also shocked.

Heavenly Emperor Zhitai had already told Dijun that he was the one who had captured the purple color, but even so, what about it? They could beat themselves and daydream.

After waving too much to restore the Demon method he set, Di Jun walked towards and said coldly, “The ancestors were right!” If you kill my beloved son, you will die today!” He said not to the Great Emperor Lin Tian When he spoke, he summoned himself, and planned to trap Lin inside.

The Emperor Tian coldly snorted, slapped his palm on the book of Hetu Luo, blocking himself, and then said coldly, “Your Emperor Jun is not my opponent at all, you can get up too!” He said that Emperor Tian also turned his eyes to Up side.

Taiying didn’t answer yet, Di Jun roared, “Damn it, ancestor, you dare to look down on me. Hetu Luoshu, the power of heaven and earth will kill me.”

As Emperor Jun’s words just fell, the Hetu Luoshu, who was originally blocked by the great hand of the Great Emperor, instantly spread to all the places that covered a few kilometers, and cut off the prying eyes of many great gods at the same time.

At this time, after the book enveloped Zhou’s mouth, he found that he was in a different environment at this time. In front of him, he completely turned into a desolate and ancient continent, desolate and empty, but surrounded by mountains. Seeing his eyes concentrating, he said with disdain, “Di Jun, I thought you could do anything! It turned out that the power of Hetu Luoshu brought me in.

I came, but you made a mistake this time. Hetu Luoshu couldn’t trap me at all. “While speaking, Emperor Tian’s body began to swell, and the big hand with the points of Emperor Tian directly slammed his fist at Yang Hao.

Suddenly, a crack appeared in the dark space, and there was a muffled hum. When you move your ears, you know that you guessed well, and you play with your fists again.

At this time, the voice of the array sounded in this continent, “The power of the dragon shakes the earth.” With the voice of Emperor Jun, the dragon veins on the desolate continent immediately began to tremble, and then became all under the gaze of some unbelievers. The dragon, and the repair of this dragon is no worse than that of Emperor Jun. As the dragon’s eyes opened, Emperor Tian felt an endless murderous aura attacking him. When he saw

At the time of the Heavenly Emperor, he immediately whispered coldly: “How could this be the Chaos Sub-Saint? They only have the strength of Chaos Sub-Saint, but they don’t have the realm of Chaos Sub-Saint, they are still not mine. Opponent.” As he spoke, Emperor Jiantian raised his fist and slammed directly at the nearest dragon. Immediately, the dragon that hadn’t gotten up was fisted by Emperor Tian, ​​straight

The explosion became several segments, and then it became a dragon vein. However, the dragon veins were separated by several deep cracks.

The remaining dragons suddenly got up when they saw this scene, fearing that they would be beaten into a few pieces by this guy while lying down, and they would lose a lot. Sure enough, as the giant dragon lifted into the sky, the expression in the eyes of the Great Emperor became slightly serious. After all, these dragons are of the Chaos sub-saint level. As Yang Hao’s memory of the dragon demon king in the past, naturally there is a strong description of the body of the dragon. Now

The body of this dragon has not reached the level of Innate Bao, but it has also reached the best level of Innate Ling Bao.

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