Chapter 969 Full of fighting spirit

At this time, Qing Tian looked at the ancestor’s eyes unexpectedly and said: “For these reasons, you think this seat will definitely lose.” The ancestor who looked at the swallow nodded, Yang Hao looked at his eyes slightly mockingly. “First of all, for mana, after I am sacred, the soul and heaven can be described as unlimited mana, even!” Chaos Demon God has a powerful body, this seat

Ontology is now the treasure of Innate. Although it is really not as strong as the Chaos Demon God, it is still when this position has not been proven. If this seat is confirmed, who has stronger meat remains to be verified, which may be even. When it comes to the realm of cultivation, although after so long, this seat is not as good as the other sage, but this seat naturally has a way to equalize the gap. “Hear

Because of Yang Hao’s decadence, many Asian Sages also saw hope and hurriedly pricked their ears to continue listening.

Yang Hao seemed to perceive the desire in everyone’s eyes, and continued, “Here is a message to tell you that this seat is also the law of Chaos Dao, not the law of Heaven, otherwise, how could this seat have the power that overwhelms all of you? What about strength?

I got the relic of Pangu Great God, and there is a treasure in his hand that surpasses the treasure of Innate. You think too much.

As for the final level, I was higher than the opponent’s level, but I might have forgotten. Now we have the strength of the Heavenly Dao level, although it is only the Heavenly Dao, the strength of the early stage, but we can violently defeat the opponent. I want to see an injured saint among the strong, and then I can win the nearest young player in the early stages of this saint. “The sky is down, Yang Hao fills up

Full of fighting spirit.

Chaos God Demon returns to the wild.

Hearing that Yang Hao would devour the old ancestor’s reason was completely rejected, and the many sub-sages who were in the wild also showed the slightest joy in Fang Chen.

Yang Hao faintly looked at the eyes of the ancestor master, and then said to many sub-sages, “It is not unreasonable to swallow fellow Daoists. To be on the safe side, we should carefully explore the true strength of other sages and then make plans. I don’t know. What do fellow daoists think 々.?”

“Well, only in this way can we win each other more confidently.

“Yes, we might as well use this eye of heaven and earth to teach him a lesson and let him know the power of our wild world.”

Seeing everyone’s enthusiasm, Qing Tian shouted: “In this case, we will use the real power of the eye of heaven and earth to see each other clearly.

Everyone immediately said in unison: “Okay.”

They immediately mobilized their own destiny, and the eyes of heaven and earth looked at the different worlds and there suddenly appeared weak fluctuations. In the pupils of the huge eyes, virtual shadows appeared. These virtual shadows are the many sub-sages of the vast world.

At this time, there were waves in the huge eyes. “Friends, take action. At the beginning of the world, everything was chaotic. In the name of barbarity, it penetrated the barrier and took care of you.” Suddenly, a huge beam of light directly broke through the barrier of another world, looking at the surviving chaos Demon god. The chaotic evil Demon is retreating. Unexpectedly, at this time, someone took action against their own world, and realized that they were right.

Fang’s strength completely surpassed his own strength in the heyday. God Demon was immediately shocked and said, “Why was there chaos during the Heavenly Dao Period, Demon God shot at me during the Heavenly Dao Period?” Chaos Demon God flashed to the world barrier and blocked the blow.

However, when he felt that the powerful breath was composed of countless tiny breaths, he seemed to think of something and suddenly became angry. “Where does the younger generation rely on the eyes of heaven and earth to deal with this seat? Do you think this seat is injured?” The big hand and the dark sword appeared in his hand.

After appearing, it seemed to have formed a swallowing force, swallowing Zhou’s Chaos Qi cleanly, and then showing its own form.

Yang Hao and the others immediately took a breath after seeing the handle of the sword. This is the sword! The swallowing power is clearly the space crack formed by the sword’s edge cutting the chaotic space. You must know that this is not a big world, this is a chaotic world. The space of this chaotic world is countless times stronger than the space of the big world, and the handle sword only shows its shape, and this

A chaotic space is given a space crack without any mana injection, so you can imagine the power of the sword in the handle

Yang Hao is in everyone’s hearts. “Friends, take action. The power of heaven and earth penetrates the chaos and is punished by the heaven and earth.” Suddenly, the power of darkness and destruction shot from the eyes of heaven and earth to the chaotic God of Demon.

When the chaotic God Demon saw the punishment from heaven and earth attacked him, he immediately injected mana into the sword and slashed forward. In an instant, a chaotic shock wave spurted from the sword and the place where the shock wave passed, the fresh air rose, the muddy air sank, and an epoch-making scene appeared in front of everyone. And the power of the Chaos Sword Qi did not diminish in the slightest, and the punishment from heaven and earth struck.

However, what they didn’t expect was that the punishment of heaven and earth broke through the Chaos Sword Qi effortlessly, and then tore the space to attack the Chaos Demon God. The Chaos Demon God seemed to have expected that his attack could not withstand the punishment of heaven and earth, and moved his body instantly and took away his own world. Thus, the punishment of heaven and earth immediately hit the chaotic space.

A very dark black hole immediately appeared. The black hole ate the chaos around it, but it was quickly repaired and perfected by the law of the great road.

And the God of Chaos Demon looked at the black hole with lingering fear, and then looked at the world of Yang Hao with cold eyes. Suddenly the God of Chaos Demon seemed to feel some coldness. “I thought it was someone! It turned out that it was Pangu opened. The little guy born in the world. You are so bold, dare to shoot this seat, the world will open up. “Chaos Demon is really shameless. He

With that said, his attack will come out next moment. And Yang Hao and others began to guard against the Chaos Demon God, so they can be said to be ready to be attacked by the Chaos Demon God, and the one that was hit immediately was also a light attack. However, to the surprise of Yingying and others, although the attack this time was weaker than the last time, the attack of the chaotic Demon god seemed to be more than doubled.

With two powerful attacks, they did not win between the collisions and disappeared into chaos at the same time.

Seeing this, the god Chaos Demon sneered and looked at the Eye of Heaven and Earth and said: “With you (Qian Zhaohao) who condense the Eye of Heaven and Earth with the destiny of heaven and earth, dare to oppose this seat. You should all stay here today! “After that, he kept flapping his wings and set off a huge wave of chaos.

Just when Yang Hao stabilized the Eye of Heaven and Earth, and was about to counterattack, a noisy voice came from the Eye of Heaven and Earth. “The great event of the heavenly friend is not good, and our luck can no longer hold it. Let’s return to the wild as soon as possible, otherwise, after the eye of heaven and earth dissipates, we may be lost in the endless chaos.” Yingying heard this immediately. Looked at the bully in shock

Disturbing God’s eyes, thinking that in this case, he had no choice but to play cards.

The heaven knows the heaven and the earth, and the soul soldier flies out of the sea of ​​knowledge and comes to the eye of heaven and earth. Endless mana poured into the soul soldier from the eyes of heaven and earth, and the soul soldier suddenly soared, and it was already miles away in a blink of an eye. Yang Hao suddenly roared, “Accept my final blow and create a new world.” The soul warrior suddenly rushed from the secret room to the chaos Demon god like a bullet. .

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