Chapter 955 Tolerance limit

Although Feng Nu saw this named Tutan, it was strange that the person immediately used his master’s original style, but it is not time to think too much, but how to resist the attack of Tutan is right.

Soon, Feng Nu began to wave his hand to perform an action similar to Tutan. Among the few people who got up in Hetutan, one of them was wearing light green clothes with strong wooden slats. When he saw the posture of the anti-phoenix girl, he suddenly said in surprise: “The sword of life.” Someone heard him and said in a low voice, “Old Mu! What are you whispering?”

Old Mu shook his head and said, “It’s okay, let’s concentrate on watching the game!” After speaking, he looked at the field intently.

When that person’s voice just fell, the pale green sword appeared in Feng Nu’s right hand out of thin air.

Looking at the pale green sword in Fengnu’s hand, some of them suddenly asked in surprise: “The sword of life, I don’t know why my friends have such a unique trick.”

Feng Nu frowned at the man and said, “It’s none of your business. Can’t I use this trick?

When I heard Feng Nu’s words, the grumpy Tian Rong suddenly screamed, “Little girl film, Lao Shui will give you face before asking, otherwise I won’t pay attention to you.” It seems that Feng Nu didn’t hear him. If he said, he looked at Tutan Dao in front of him. “If you don’t fight, I’ll come back another day. If you fight, then quickly start.” 863 finished waving the sword and waiting for the soil.

Tan’s answer.

Tutan snorted coldly, “I’ve been waiting for you for a long time. Pick me up, Ban Zhuan said, and waved Ban Zhuan to Feng Nu

Feng Nu is a disciple of the sky, and naturally knows the power of this brick. When he saw Banzhuan taking a picture of herself, Fengnu also greeted him with his sword of life. Suddenly, the sky was shaking, and a space crack appeared in the place where they were fighting. However, when the space crack disappeared, the exposed scene surprised those adults

The originally solid soil pond now looks embarrassed and still has many scars on his body. When their eyes turned to the brick in Tutan’s hand, they were suddenly surprised. It turned out that the slabs were cut into slits in the hands of Tutan, and even the slits almost split the slabs.

But Feng Nu, the other side was a little pale, nothing changed.

At this time, Tutan was a little depressed. “I lost. Go straight down this road and you can reach that mountain. However, I just want to ask the next friend a question. I don’t know if my friend can give me some advice.”

Feng Nu nodded. “I don’t know if you have any questions. If you can answer them, you will answer them.

Lantian’s registered disciple

Tutan said seriously, “I don’t know why my friend is the sword in my life?”

Feng Nu lowered her head, thinking, “My master taught me.

Tutan quickly said, “I don’t know who the commander is?”

Feng Nu frowned and said, “I’m sorry I can’t tell you this.” After several people looked at each other, Tutan shook his head.

Tutan Dao” Stop talking about this, since fellow Taoists can beat me, we naturally follow the original agreement, you can go to the holy mountain, but if you can’t get in, don’t blame us, because we have never been to the holy mountain ourselves. ”

After hearing this, Feng Nu frowned and said, “Why, is there any danger on the way up the mountain?”

After hearing Feng Nu’s words, everyone shook their heads, but Tutan smiled bitterly and said, “With the cultivation we are waiting for, unless it is the strongest sub-sage in the wilderness, even the strongest of the late quasi-sage can be beaten. Defeated, but.” At this time, Tian Rong next to her snorted and screamed. “But Lord Wuzu made a law on this mountain. Our cultivation cannot

Progress. If we enter it, we will be kicked out directly. ”

Feng Nu looked at them and thought: “Then why don’t you just destroy the big formation?” When I gave a speech in Feng Nu, I felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong. It turned out that people looked at her with anger in Donghae.

At this time, Tutan shook his hand slightly, signaled them not to be too nervous, and then told Feng Nu to solemnly, “Martial ancestor taught me how to wait for the martial arts, and guided me to come here to find the second half of the martial arts (bcdb). Repay your grievances with virtue and destroy the holy mountain? You may not know the reason when you first came, but now you can’t mention it anymore, otherwise you don’t blame me

ruthless. “Feng Nu nodded apologetically when she heard this.” Fellow Daoist, it’s late now, Tutandao. Fellow Daoists are requested to go to the holy mountain as soon as possible, but I am waiting to follow, lest “Speaking of this, Tutan will not speak any more, Fengnu also understands what he means, this is the limit of their tolerance. Anyway, the master just asked me to take the jade The character was placed on that mountain, and Feng Nu didn’t bother to take care of other things.

Feng Nu nodded and said, “Please lead the way.”

When Feng Nu nodded in agreement, Tutan also said: “Please.” Then he flew to the mountain, and at their speed, he only took a few breaths and came to the foot of the mountain. Looking at the mountains, the Tutan Road “is here. Go, friends.”

Feng Nu nodded to them and walked up the mountain. Unsurprisingly, when Feng Nu took a few steps, a pale golden mask appeared, blocking Feng Nu from the outside. Looking at this situation, Tutan and others also showed disappointment.

When Feng Nu saw this mask, he stopped, thinking that if Master asked me to come here, such a situation would happen, so the way that Master gave me should be the jade talisman. I took the jade charm that Yang Hao gave her

After the jade talisman appeared, he seemed to feel something.

At this moment, the light falling from the jade amulet shocked many people, but they saw time constantly revealing from the mountain to Zhou to the monks. Feng Nu was surprised when she saw it, because at least some people were there, and everyone was in the realm of Immortal. Although he is not deep, no monk below him picks Immortal. You know, even the Phoenix family has more than two challenges

Kim Immortal, and he is currently a pick Immortal. How not to surprise Feng Nu.

And those monks who descended the clouds respectfully before coming to the mountain, even individual domineering people lowered the clouds very low, and most of those monks concentrated in the mud pool around them and began to ask why things happened.

When they asked the reason, the light falling from the jade talisman gradually dimmed, and then disappeared, revealing countless golden chains surrounding the entire mountain.

Seeing these chains around the mountain, many prospective saints look very solemn, because they obviously feel that this is the condensation of the law of heaven, and they use it to protect the holy mountain.

However, with the disappearance of the vertical beam of the jade symbol, the jade symbol fell into the chain of the law of heaven, and the projection of the dart of emptiness came down.

When Feng Nu saw this projection, he immediately bent over and saluted, “Master.”

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