Chapter 954 Reckless

In this way, I walked towards Fengnv Road in the direction Yang Hao gave me. In this way, I encountered a lot of things on the road, which greatly increased Feng Nu’s experience. Besides, I also know the world well. I also understood why Master would be very happy to know that Master Yin and Yang had lost his treasure. The wild is a world where the weak can eat the strong. Only in these united tribes

Only in China can we see the sadness, happiness and helplessness of family and friendship. Feng Nu seemed to feel deeply moved when she encountered such things. She was sad for the sad things and happy for the happy things. After a long journey, Fengnu seems to have grown up, and his intelligence has also improved a lot. He is no longer as simple as before.

After so many years, Feng Nu finally came to the destination Yang Hao let her arrive, but it surprised Feng Nu

Yang Hao once mentioned this place a little bit. This place is a place with beautiful mountains and rivers, far away from the laws of wild jungle. However, in front of me, it is obviously a huge clan, and there are many powerful people, but Zhou has no trace of silk law. Feng Nu was very confused when she saw this scene. The master will not lie to himself! So why is it so?

Feng Nu just thought about things but forgot the aura of convergence, and this result was quickly felt by the strong man in front of her.

“I don’t know which fellow daoist is here, I’m far away.” These words were Feng Nu, who was awakened by thinking clearly about the matter.

Feng Nu looked at several people who were besieging her. “I came here by the order of my master. If there is any crime, I still hope Han Hai.”

When I heard Feng Nu’s amiable voice, the faces of those people were slightly relaxed. Among them, I don’t know who the teacher is, how do you know this place?”

Feng Nu shook her head and said, “I can’t tell you the name of my tutor. I hope my friends will forgive me.”

One of the grumpy, full-faced guys said: “Well, don’t toast to that person. Tell me what secrets you have. Are you here to steal the skills left by the Lord?

Some handsome guys heard the rampage man’s words, and suddenly said coldly: “Rongtian, you said too much.” The man named Rongtian curled his lips and muttered a few words.

The handsome man looked at Feng Nu and said, “Please go back to your friend!” People with ulterior motives are not welcome to enter within a few miles. “At the end, the man’s tone was cold.

At this time, the Phoenix girl also frowned and said: “Several dao friends, my master told me to come to this mountain to do some small things. I still hope that the dao friends forgive me.” While speaking, the Phoenix girl pointed to a nearby mountain.

When I saw the mountain that Feng Nu was referring to, everyone present became ugly. The person named Rongtian suddenly said angrily: “After all, you are not here to take the skills left by Wuzu, and you don’t need any reason. Tutan, do you think you should catch her first and then interrogate her carefully? What is the purpose here?” “Rongtian said, looking at a loyal and honest man.

The brawny man named Tutan frowned upon hearing this. “Since my friend doesn’t want to leave this place, I will be angry. However, I am not waiting to bully more and less people, I will shoot.” Feng Nu was a little excited after hearing this. He is just a master of the quasi-sage mid-term. After the master’s training, the master also said that I can compare with the people at the pinnacle of the sacred realm.

Individuals will never be my opponent. Then he said happily: “If I beat you, I can enter that mountain!”

The man named Tutan paled when he heard this. “Well, as long as you can beat me, what if you come to the holy mountain recently?”

Feng Nu nodded and said, “Well, if you lose next time, turn around and leave immediately.” This person named Shitan also softened his face a lot.

Feng Nu stretched out her hand and said “please”.

Saying that the two immediately started fighting, but to the other’s surprise, they actually moved each other. However, Feng Nu’s style is a bit plain, as if deliberately imitating the actions of others. On the other hand, this man named Tutan, although a bit too strong, although his fists are not as powerful as a phoenix girl, his movements are like flowing water, and every punch he throws

The head is obviously with the power of dirt.

Feng Nu felt that the rules of this land were really familiar, and he thought while playing. Feng Nu quickly thought of this. Is this an earth-shaped fist? Thinking of this, Feng Nu’s brows wrinkled again. The teacher said that this kind of soil boxing was obviously created by the teacher himself. How is it possible for them? Besides, they also called the mountain where the teacher asked me to put things on the holy mountain, and no one else was allowed to enter. inside

What else is there? What is this? How could the teacher let me come to this ghost place! Thinking of this, Feng Nu started to ruin his teacher in her heart.

In the Tutan where she had fought with Fengnv, she was a little angry when she saw Fengnv’s absent-mindedness, apparently distracted. He dare to be distracted by the fight with me, this time he wants you to look good.

Thinking of this Tutan’s figure swaying away from the war, Fengnu saw that Tutan left the war in a daze, because it was clearly the saint that the teacher taught him to stay idle, how did he do it?

Seeing that the Phoenix girl was still absent, Tutan suddenly furiously said: “This fellow Daoist, if the fellow Daoist can take this step next step, the poor way will make the fellow Daoist go out of the mountain. If the fellow Daoist can’t walk, what are the consequences in his eyes? You can ignore the next step. “When it comes to the last time, Tutan will calm his irritated heart.

When Feng Nu heard Tutan’s words, he finally came over. Seeing the other’s anger, he knew that his distraction had been discovered by others, and his face blushed slightly. Then his face turned dignifiedly and said, “Well, let’s see the strength of the Taoists.”

When Tutan heard Feng Nu’s voice, he waved his hand and made a strange movement. After seeing this action (Qian Wanghao), Feng Nu’s face changed slightly. This is obviously Yang Hao’s super trick with the greatest defensive power and not weak offensive power. This brick is a knack for knocking people on the Internet in the previous life, but this brick in the universe is in understanding the laws of the earth in Yang Hao

This kind of gravity compression law completely condenses the power of the earth, and then completely condenses into a brick with its own strong willpower.

This brick is formed by the power of wild soil, and it can be said to be extremely strong. If the strong in the early stage of the quasi-sage condense into this thing, it can completely withstand the attack of the strong in the mid-stage of the quasi-sage. Of course, if there is a Lingbao, it is another matter. And this brick is not just defensive. With his powerful and invincible body, I am afraid it is even the above product

The Innate Lingbao is powerful, and it can’t stop the powerful people who use the bricks in the later stage of the quasi-sage to destroy it. This object can be regarded as the best combat tool for home travel. .

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