Chapter 948 Nature

Lu Ya’s face was pale, and he said, “Now we are all in the sub-sage, kingdom, and we are beginning to understand the Fa. It can be said that we are not dead or strong anymore, and you can’t kill me completely.”

Yang Hao curled his mouth and said, “If you can’t kill you, you will be sealed forever until the infinite robbery comes. What do you think of this method?”

After hearing this, Lu Ya’s face became paler. Just about to say something about Yang Hao, he directly called Lu Ya. Lu Ya hurriedly avoided and said, “This time, you may not be able to avoid it. Even so, let Yang Hao pay some interest.” At this point, Lu Ya immediately fought back.

Seeing Lu Ya start to fight back, Qingtian said disdainfully, “I’m about to die” and said Yang Hao put away the soul knife, raised his fist to Lu Ya, the area was immediately torn apart by the two sub-sages, and countless space cracks continued. appear. A few days later, the space in this area was finally restored, completely revealing the two sub-sages.

At this time, Lu Ya was completely injured and fell to the ground, and even the shape of Innate Taoist Temple 12 could not be preserved, revealing the essence of Lihuo. Unfortunately, even the essence of Lihuo has dimmed.

Looking at the nature of the fire in front of you in the sky, you do not change. “Lu Ya, now you have no way to escape.” Lu Ya said hoarsely, “Well, even if there is no way out, you can’t kill me. I will go out in the future and you will regret it for the rest of your life.”

Qingtian said disdainfully: “Even if you can come out in the future, maybe I’ve been involved in proving the Dao, and you are just a small person in my eyes.

Lu Ya screamed, “Even if you are proving Dao Hunyuan in the future, you still have a disciple Dao Tong. As long as this seat is still alive, it will destroy everything related to you. I want you to regret it for the rest of your life. Hahahaha. “When I heard Lu Ya’s evil words, Yang Hao flashed in Yang Hao’s eyes and said, “It seems that you were forced to kill you by Lu Ya, like this.

Then, you can go to hell!” Speaking of Yang Hao’s hand, Zhang Xiang moved away from the essence of fire.

But when Yang Hao’s big hand touched the essence of the fire, a pale golden chain emerged and stopped Yang Hao’s big hand. Looking at the chain, Qingtian said with some dignity, “The Way of Heaven.”

Lu Ya laughed loudly. “Yes, it is the chain of heaven. Every sub-sage has at least one chain of heaven to protect it. Because they learned from heaven, unless you break the chain of heaven, you will never kill me.”

Seeing Lu Ya’s tool Zhang Domineering, Qing Tianxin was very upset. Looking at Lu Ya’s face, he said, “Since there is a chain of heaven guarding your soul, then we will use our consciousness to directly destroy your consciousness and see how you can continue to survive.” He said suddenly and strongly. The fluctuation came from Yang Hao’s forehead at the center of his eyebrows, and he was directly surrounded by the Heavenly Dao Chain

Lu Jian’s consciousness kills.

And Lu Ya has been competing with Yang Hao for so long, his consciousness has been weakened to the extreme. Now he will be killed by Yang Hao immediately after suffering the shock of Yang Hao’s consciousness, and Yasheng who was killed in the wild is born.

After the consciousness of Lu Ya was completely destroyed in Yang Hao, the dark clouds rolled outside Yang Hao, and the huge pressure of heaven was directly pressed into the wilderness. Many creatures in the wilderness felt the anger of heaven.

Luo Qi and others also realized the downfall of Yasheng at this time. People found that Lu Ya had fallen, and their hearts suddenly touched my throat. They had just escaped death, and then Lu Ya fell. If the fall of Lu Ya has nothing to do with Yang Hao, I am afraid no one will believe it.

At this time, many magical powers felt the anger of Heaven and immediately began to count their fingers, but the results showed that they felt fear, and there was a sub-sacred meteor in the universe.

Yasheng, that is Yasheng! There are only a few Yasheng in the wild, that is not a cat and dog-like character. You know, after the expansion of the wild, Innate’s dragon spirit in the wild is countless times higher than before. So with the expansion of the wild, the number of creatures in the wild has also increased, and now there are at least hundreds of millions of trillions. However, among these trillions of creatures, only a few have reached Yasheng, the

Realm, so we can imagine how difficult it is to reach the realm of Ashen.

But now there is a Subsacred Fall, which is the biggest thing in the universe. Yasheng is now the highest figure in the Great Pyramid. Who can kill Yasheng? To what extent has his cultivation reached? This incision is unknown.

But at this time, Yang Hao is not very pleasant. When Yang Hao wanted to kill Lu Ya, Tian Dao secretly discouraged him, but Lu Ya threatened him with his disciple Dao Tong, which was really unbearable for his uncle and aunt. In anger, he didn’t listen to Tiandao’s persuasion, and directly erased Lu Ya’s consciousness. This was in the face of Heaven, and he slapped him fiercely.

And it’s still that sound. Suddenly endless coercion followed, directly depressing Yang Hao and Zhou Wanli on the ground for several meters. It was Yang Hao who was cloudless just now, and suddenly countless dark clouds began to gather. In a blink of an eye, Fangyuan plunged into the darkness for several miles. The dark clouds in Yang Hao began to converge to a certain point, and soon they condensed into an oval semicircle. Then

,In the center of the semicircle, they opened their tracks, only huge eyes looked at Yang Hao coldly.

Seeing the Eye of Heaven appearing, Yang Hao waved his hand to “Hello, Heaven! Long time no see. I won’t miss me this time!”

Hearing Yingying’s words, Tiandao almost vomited blood, and the ghost who missed you will miss you. Last time I blackmailed a top Innate treasure. If it weren’t for a major event, I wouldn’t come to see you this time.

Tiandao ignored Qingtian’s greetings, and the fluctuating coldness of God sounded in Qingtian’s mind. “Do you know what you are doing in Qingtian?”

Yang Hao doesn’t care. “This is nothing more than killing a saint? 860 trivial matter.”

When you hear Yingying’s tone, you don’t care if Tiandao is mad or not, and immediately the cold tone of Tiandao contains incomparable anger. “Slaying the sub-sage is still a trivial matter, then what is the big thing in your heart? Killing? Or killing directly? Me?”

Qingtian waved his hand suddenly, shook his head like a drum, and then looked around, carefully using the sound that others might hear. “This ideal should still be buried in my heart, don’t show up everywhere, keep a low profile.” When it comes to seeing Yang Hao later, how can you think of a low profile?

Tiandao looked at Yang Hao, speechless. He cannot kill and kill. Fighting is useless. Seal it up. Who will survive after the catastrophe? Thinking of this, Heaven is helpless.

Tiandao looked directly at Yang Hao, Yang Hao was full of tension. Then he blinked his eyes and said: “It’s cold. From now on, unless those Ashens deal with you first, you will not be allowed to kill Ashen strong for no reason. Otherwise, I will seal you with the punishment of fighting the great power.” , The majestic voice of Heaven echoed in Yang Hao.

Yang Hao covered his ears and shouted, “Can you keep your voice down? This will make me deaf.”

At this time, Tiandao said coldly: “Don’t pretend to be like this in the sky. Do you know how much it hurts to kill a sub-sage? Do you know that because of this, the expansion speed of the wild world will fall because of land pressure? And lower it, don’t you know?”.

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