Chapter 947 Breath lock

Hearing the words of the ancestor of Yin and Yang, Lu Ya and others were shocked, but Demon, who was next to him, had a greedy look in his eyes. It’s not that no one wants to grab someone else’s Tianbao Bay, but a great supernatural power will mark the Silk Yuanshen in a hidden place inside the Lingbao. Unless he has cultivated several times higher than him, he will find the brand of Yuanshen in the Lingbao, let alone

Said to ruin it. Now, the primordial seal of the ancestor of Tai Chi Yin and Yang has been destroyed. This is a good opportunity to seize the map of Tai Chi

Just when Demon was about to steal the Tai Chi map secretly, the Tai Chi map flew in the direction of Yang Hao. When Lu Ya and others saw this scene, they immediately roared. The ancestor of Yin and Yang also hurriedly suppressed the figure of Tai Chi, and kept in touch with him for countless years with the silk of Tai Chi, so as not to let him move to Yang Hao again. Lu Ya and others also rushed after hearing the news and sent the mana to Yin Yang Lao

Ancestor, “Eight Six Zero” helped the yin and yang ancestor suppress Tai Chi. Looking at the Tai Chi diagram in Yang Hao, my eyes were widened, and the transmission of mana was immediately increased. The sword spirit began to tremble and summon the return of Tai Chi Tu. However, Taiji Tu was suppressed by Lu Ya and others. Although it is trembling, it cannot move.

Yingying coldly watched Lu Nian and the others “space solidify”, and then instantly cleaved the knife again. Lu Ya and the others were released in the next moment, his space was frozen, but the oncoming sword was in Yang Hao’s hands.

Lu Ya and the others were pale, pulling the Yin-Yang ancestor and flashed to the side in an instant, while Tai Chi lost a lot of sub-sheng’s suppression and flew towards Yang Hao. Yang Hao waved his hand and grabbed the Tai Chi Tu in his hand, and the Tai Chi Tu immediately stopped shaking. Then, in all Yasheng’s surprised and confused eyes, Yang Hao held the knife in his left hand and held it in his right hand, and then pressed them hard.

Suddenly, a dazzling light came from the place where the two collided. After the light dissipated, the Taiji figure had disappeared, leaving only the big knife, but the big knife had undergone great changes.

The blade that was originally illusory became real, the original pattern appeared on the surface of the smooth blade, and the color of the blade began to change to the original bronze color, as if it had gone through countless years.

The Reappearance of Tu Ya Shengtian Road

Qingtian looked at the change of the big sword in his hand, and suddenly laughed, and the ancestor Yin and Yang on the opposite side said angrily: “Qingtian, you despicable fellow, quickly return my Tai Chi picture to me, otherwise I will never start with you. die.

Qingtian was very happy to see that his weapons were stronger at this time. The ancestor, Qing Tian listened to the words of Yin and Yang, and said coldly: “We have been in the Immortal realm for a long time. You have to say it again. Now you have no defense against Tai Chi. I want to see if you can escape this seat. Attack.” As Yang Hao once again wielded his sword to attack Lu Ya and others, he suddenly condensed.

Gather the real swords and gangs to break through the air and slash towards the land pressure

After seeing the attack, Lu Ya and the others pretended to escape. However, what they didn’t expect was that the knife had completely locked them, and Zhou’s space had been completely frozen. Even their actions are very difficult, let alone avoid Yang Hao’s attack.

When Lu Ya saw this scene, he suddenly roared: “All my friends, I will try my best to stop this attack, otherwise I will not be able to escape its attack, and then we will all die.” Lu Ya turned his Hetu Luoshu into a huge array of Hunyuan Heluo to protect everyone’s safety, and then he carried countless Dragon Qi worlds and gathered towards Lu Ya.

When Luo Gang swallowed other people nearby and was in a bad mood, they wanted to hide but couldn’t hide. Now their breath has been locked by the knife. No matter where he hides, he can’t escape the chase of the knife gang. So, just listen to Lu Ya’s words and start attacking Daogang. They wanted to completely break the knife before it came. Immediately, Demon summoned his trapped Immortal sword

, The eternal ancestor exudes the breath of eternal light, swallowing the ancestor, opening his mouth, and the ancestor once again becomes a huge eye. The deadly ancestor’s sharp spear also appeared in his hand. Yin and Yang ancestor lost the Tai Chi picture, and now he doesn’t know where it is, it is recorded in his hand.

After they killed Lingbao, Dao Gang was not far away from them. After Lu Ya saw it, he immediately said: “Attack.” Immediately, Demon’s Immortal sword turned into a green light, tearing the surrounding space, forming a crack in the space, and hitting the eternal old Dao Gang. The eternal light of the ancestor also shone on Dao Gang, and Dao Gang suddenly stopped, and then tore Yong Yong in less than two seconds.

Constant light. Rushing out, the eternal ancestor immediately vomited blood, but the eternal light of the eternal ancestor won enough time for everyone to attack.

And the Immortal sword trapped by Demon of Mieshitian also came to Daogang at the moment. Under the command of Demon, the immortal sword that was trapped was severely severed from the connection with Daogang. Immediately, the sword energy exploded in the sword gang, and turned against the attack on the Immortal sword, and immediately offset the attack on the Immortal sword. The sword energy was also scattered on the Immortal sword. However, when the knife gas leaves the knife gang, the original strong knife

Gang became a little unreal.

Lu Ya and others were overjoyed when they saw this situation, and then the black hole that swallowed the ancestor was once again destroyed by Dao Dao Qi, and Dao Gang became blurred again. Then came the punishment of the ancestor Zi Tianlei, countless purple sky thunders attacked Daogang like a torrential rain, and even a chaotic thunder at the end, making Daogang even more blurred after countless thunders fell. With the yin and yang ancestors, kill the ancestors, do

With Kuntu’s combined attack, Dao Gang was finally breached.

Seeing that Dao Gang was broken by everyone, Lu Ya and the others couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, but before they could relax, a faint voice rang not far away. “Good skill, I didn’t expect you to break this attack in this position, but then you won’t have such good luck.” Hearing this voice, Lu Ya and the others felt that their hearts were raised in their throats. Eye up.

They saw that Yang Hao was walking towards them holding a big knife. When I saw this scene, Lu Ya immediately said: “Gentlemen, please leave! We have failed this time, so leave as soon as possible to avoid innocent disaster.” After speaking, Lu Ya’s body turned into a ray of fire. Disappeared in Yang Hao.

Seeing that Lu Ya had fled 3.1 first, the other Yasheng also gave up their Demon method immediately. When Yang Hao saw it, he immediately slashed the knife at Zhou in anger. Immediately, the knife went to Yasheng to escape, and Yang Hao went to Lu Ya, because in Yang Hao’s eyes, Lu Ya was much more dangerous than the others.

Looking at the direction of Lu Nian’s escape, he took the leisure of a sage to chase there, and soon saw the red light of Dao Huo moving forward. Yang Hao said lightly, “Where is Daoist Lu Ya going?”

Hearing Yang Hao’s voice, Lu Ya suddenly looked at the telephone pole hard, but when he looked back, he saw Yang Hao walking towards him. Lu Ya’s face was pale and said, “Why don’t you chase other people in the sky?”

Yang Hao said lightly: “You are more threatening than them, and they don’t have to worry about killing you.”

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