Chapter 935 Completely failed

With that said, after Wen Zhong killed the man, he urged God Mo Demon to rush back to Beihai as quickly as possible. Since Yuan Futong dared to walk out of the camp, Beihai, he didn’t have to go back. Mo Demon is extremely fast, and it won’t take long. Wen Zhong will return to the camp.

Looking back at Wen Zhong, many generals present were relieved. At this time, the servants had always reported that Yuan Futong had come not far with an army. Seeing this, Wen Zhong immediately ordered a fight. Seeing Jian Wenzhong who appeared in the army, Yuan Futong was surprised. He did not expect that Wen Zhong had already returned to the camp.

Could it be that his intelligence was wrong, but this shouldn’t be. This person doesn’t need to deceive himself. After all, he still thinks that with his own power, Wen Zhong went to entangle in the Beihai, and he could not return to Chaocheng and led the troops to quell Xiqi. It seems that Wen Zhong has got the news and must rush to Beihai as soon as possible to preside over the overall situation. This is really not blessed by God, Yuan Futong, blessed by God and Yuan


When Wen Zhong appeared, Yuan Futong had the idea of ​​wanting to retreat. However, Yuan Futong also knew that he must not give up at this time. Otherwise, soldiers who succumb to others without fighting will definitely lower their morale.

Thinking of this, Yuan Futong ordered his soldiers 853 to attack where Wen Zhong’s army was. When he saw this, Wen Zhong was not to be outdone, so that all his soldiers were greeted by him. Although Yuan Futong’s number was dominant, after the war, Yuan Futong was defeated by Wen Zhong soldiers and eventually had to return to the base camp, Beihai

Because, in Beihai, there were large groups of Haitian ancient dragons during the Daying Week, so Wen Zhong saw Yuan Futong and his people. After returning to Daying, Beihai stopped, so as not to fall into Haitian’s dragon formation again and lose a lot of power. However, at this moment, a Taoist priest suddenly appeared in front of him and said: “Poor Dao Qin is over, I have seen

Taoist friends. “It turned out to be Qin Tianjun. Poor Dao returned the gift, but I don’t know if Qin Daoyou is here this time, but what’s the matter?” Although Wen Zhong did not reach Qin Wan and waited for the good name of the heavenly army, Qin Wan, It is clear in the cut-off teaching. Therefore, Wen Zhong can tell his name in Qin Wan and know who the person in front of him is.

Seeing Wen Zhong really knew his name, Qin Wan’s eyes flashed with Fangchen. After all, this shows that he is still famous in teaching. Even the followers of Dolly’s Virgin Mary Wen Zhong have heard of his name.

“Friend Wen Zhong, Fan Dao is here this time, let Xiao Dao send this little dragon dragon ball to Dao Friends Wen Zhong.” After speaking, Qin Wan turned his hand, and the fog beads that were continuously sprayed appeared in Qin Wan,’s hands, and then , In front of Wen Zhong

Looking at the giant dragon in front of him, he was overjoyed and quickly faced the direction. After he respectfully did “the apprentice and grandson, I helped him”, Wen Zhong smiled at Qin Wan again and said, “Please come to Qin Daoyou Run.” “Wen Zhong, you don’t have to be polite. Peng Dao is just following orders. Friends Wen Zhong, the things have been sent to Pang Dao, and Pang Dao should return to the teacher. We should go back.

Don’t come here. “After speaking, Qin Wan shook his body and disappeared in front of Wen Zhong

With the dragon ball of the ancient dragon in hand, Yuan Futong’s Haitian ancient dragon formation can no longer play the role of silk. Then, Wen Zhong’s figure flashed. Appeared in Daying, Beihai, looking at Daying, Wen Zhong Beihai, Yuan Futong was very happy, and then, with Wen Zhong’s help, I was going to kill a large group of dragons that Haitian liked. As long as you can kill Benhe, those merchants outside

Don’t worry about it. However, before he started, he saw Wen Zhong offering an orb. When this sphere appeared, Yuan Futong saw a lot of fog in the big formation of Wulong, Haitian, and rushed into the sphere in Wenzhong’s hand, making Wulong Dragon Ball The power radiated. Be strong. Seeing this, Yuan Futong couldn’t help but stare wide, and looked at Baozhudao in disbelief (bc

db) Wen Zhong’s hand. “This is the Mirage Dragon Ball. I didn’t expect Wen Zhong to have such a baby in his hands. It seems that Pindao has completely lost this time.”

As soon as the voice of Yuan Fu’s call fell, Zhou’s fog gathered in Wulong’s Dragon Ball, causing the sea and sky mirage dragon array under Yuan Futong to collapse. Looking at the Haitian and Mirage Wars destroyed by Wen Zhong and Yuan Futong, I was shocked. They did not expect that the powerful sea and sky mirage dragon formation would be broken by Wen Zhong.

Seeing the incredible crowd, Wen Zhong’s eyes flashed sarcasm, and he hurriedly commanded the army, and madly beat Beihai, the big camp, and Haitian’s Wulong group was breached. Let Yuan Futong’s morale drop, and Wen Zhong’s morale will rise, which will soon end the war.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Futong quickly moved towards Lingshan, wanting to take refuge in Lingshan. Unfortunately, without taking a few steps, he was killed by the divine light in Wen Zhong’s eyes, and his soul flew to the place named after the gods. After quelling Beihai’s rebellion, Wen Zhong left some soldiers to deal with the aftermath of Beihai, and at the same time he took some soldiers to Chaoge City quickly.

However, it was said that Han Rong, the governor of the Sishui Pass, Zhi Ziya led the Xiqiao Army to attack the Sishui Pass, and urgently called the generals to see the sun: “Everyone, Xiqiao Prime Minister Ziya, invite troops to attack my Surabaya Pass. I don’t know, you can do it. What to fight back the enemy?” After finishing speaking, Han Rong looked at everyone under me and wanted to know all of them, but there was no good countermeasure.

However, as soon as Han Rong’s voice fell, Yu Hua said directly: “You don’t need to worry, adults, as long as Ziya dares to attack Lishuiguan, Poverty Dao will definitely let it come and go.” “Well, then trouble Taoist Yu Hua.

In his own hands, with Yu Hua’s ability, he has the most strength. Now that he heard Yu Hua agree to it, Han Rong was very upset. Seeing Han Rong value himself so much, Yu Hua felt more like Fang Chen. He said directly: “Don’t worry, adults, the poor will not let the adults down.” After that, Yu Hua left and went downstairs to prepare. After all, Ziya is a disciple of the sage Yang Hao, his method is not

Unusual. He might as well prepare more, so as not to be defeated by Ziya, and then lose face in Yuhua.

A few days later, Ziya led the Xiqiao army to the front of Baoshuiguan. However, just when Ziya led the Xiqiao army to the front of Banshui Pass, the city gate of Banshui Pass suddenly opened, and the volley disciple Yu Hua appeared in front of Ziya with many people. He looked straight at Ziya, and asked: “Friend, it is Ziya, a disciple of Sage Yang Hao.” Although Yu Hua was asking Ziya,

Listening to Yu Hua’s tone and attitude, he has already determined that he is Ziya. Seeing this, Ziya smiled slightly and stepped forward. He looked at Yu Hua and said, “Yes, poor Dao is Ziya. Who is your Excellency?”,

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