Chapter 934 Time is right

The time is right.

Looking at the Taoist running towards the distance, Wen Zhong’s eyes flashed sarcasm, took out his pocket, and took out his Mo Demon god mount. Then, his body flashed, and he sat on God Mo Demon, turning God Mo Demon into a black light. Go and chase that Tao, man, want to kill that Taoist, and send him to the list of gods.

The speed of this Mo Demon god is very fast. Almost instantly, he and Wen Zhong appeared in front of the man, blocked the man’s path, and then smiled at the man. “My friend, since I’m here, why should I leave without saying goodbye?” After saying that, Wen Zhong used the divine thunder, let his body spray a powerful thunder and hit the man

Although the Taoist did not know that Wen Zhong showed the famous Wild Shangqing Shen Lei, when this Shangqing Shen Lei appeared, the Taoist felt that he was shrouded in the shadow of death. Seeing this, the Taoist’s face changed drastically. No matter what else, he quickly sacrificed the day after tomorrow to his Lingbao Yanfeng, standing in front of him, wanting to show Wen Zhong on

Shen Lei’s supernatant came up to resist it.

However, he underestimated Shen Lei’s power in the Shangqing. Although Wen Zhong, because of his low strength, he barely showed Shen Lei in the Shangqing. However, the Shen Lei on the supernatant was created by the early saints based on the Yuan Ling, the god Thunder, and its power should be underestimated.

When Wen Zhong’s high-clearing lightning hit the flame peak, the flame peak was pulled and split in half and turned into two stones, causing the ground to collapse. Although this flame peak is only the treasure of tomorrow, the Taoist used countless efforts to forge the treasure of the core of life that is closely related to the life of that Taoist.

Now, the flame peak of Lingbao, the core relic of life, was destroyed by Wen Zhong, and the man suddenly vomited blood, and his breathing instantly weakened to the extreme. They could not even continue to fly, flying directly to the ground. Unfortunately, before the man fell to the ground, he became two evil Demon. They hit the Dao, the people severely, and instantly destroyed the Dao, the people’s flesh, and let the people

The soul flew to the sealed platform.

Seeing this scene, Wen Zhong did not kill the soul of the people, nor did he let the people slip away. After all, at this time, if all the gods on the list of gods are added, then this disaster should be over.

However, at this moment, Demon Qi appeared in the void, exploding the soul of that Taoist. The powerful force instantly exploded the soul of the Taoist and disappeared into the wilderness. Although, this Demon gas was killing the soul of the Taoist, and then disappeared into the wild, making people no longer feel the trace. However, before Demon Chi appeared in the wild, all

The saint felt it and frowned. But Demon Qi’s attack speed was too fast. Before they could take any action, Demon Qi had already hit the soul of the indecisive Taoist holding the title of God. Seeing this, the too superior Xuanmen saint felt deeply dissatisfied in the formation.

After all, if this soul is not bombarded by this Demon gas, then this soul will enter the list of gods, occupy a place in the list of gods, and make their profound disciples less on the list. However, now it has been too early to bombard the altar empty. If this is too early to continue to do this, what are the rules? Thinking of this, too high class people want to go

Purple Heaven Palace, ask Immortal to say that Demon God decides.

This Taichu is very powerful, even if they join hands, it is impossible to give it to Taichu. However, before the Supreme and the others went to the Purple Night Palace, the powerful force of the Heavenly Dao appeared in the sky and fell on the wall of the wilderness. When the power of Tiandao was integrated into the Wall of Wilderness, Taishang and the others felt strongly that they had lost their sense of the outer realm.

Seeing this situation, a slight smile appeared on the face of the too superior. On the contrary, the face of Taichu became extremely ugly. He did not expect Immortal Dao Demon God to be so overbearing, which directly prevented him from participating in the disaster of Conferred Gods. However, Immortal said that God Demon is powerful. It’s no longer what I can resist now, so, in the end, I can only be powerless in the beginning

Sighed, silently watching the disaster of the Great God in Outland.

After feeling Immortal Dao Demon completely closed the connection between the wilderness and the outer domain, he suddenly opened his eyes in the Qingcheng Mountains, his face showed a slight smile, and the corners of his mouth moved slightly. He sent a message to Ziya, “Ziya, the time has come, you can start crusade against Xiqiao.”

Hearing Yang Hao’s voice, Ziya respectfully faced the direction of Qingcheng Mountain, and said “Yes, both masters and apprentices.” After that, Ziya came to Ji Chang and looked at Ziya who appeared in front of him. Ji Chang asked curiously: “. “Come here today, but what’s the matter?” You know, since Ziya joined Xiqiao, Ziya rarely came to look for herself. However, every time Ziya came to look for it.

For myself, this means that something great will happen in Xiqiao.

Lord Hou, he came here because he was poor. He wanted to tell Lord Hou that it is time to cut down the merchants and we can start to crack down on the Shang dynasty in Xiqiao. “After hearing what Ziya said, Ji Chang was very happy at first, then looked at Ziya anxiously and asked: “You are running out of time to join Xiqiao. Our strength in Xiqiao has not improved much compared to before, and it is still very much compared with Shang Dynasty.

Gap. Prime Minister, according to my wishes, we should wait a few more years until Xiqiao’s strength becomes stronger before we start crusades against the Shang Dynasty. I don’t know what the prime minister would like?” After speaking, Ji Chang looked directly at Ziya, wondering if Ziya could agree to his proposal. Hearing Ji Chang, a slight smile appeared on Ziya’s face.” , You forgot (Qian Li is good) something, then

It was at this time, during the catastrophe of God, that Xiqi’s destiny returned, and he could naturally get everyone’s help. the power of. ”

Hearing the words of Ziya, Ji Chang was stunned at first, and then he reacted and looked at Ziya happily, “That is my evil power. In this case, with the prime minister’s intentions, we will begin to crusade against the prime minister. The crusade against Xiqiao will be handled by the Prime Minister with full authority.” After speaking, Ji Chang looked at Ziya seriously.

Facing Ji Chang’s gaze, Ziya looked at Ji Chang solemnly and said, “Don’t worry, the dynasty of the Eastern Expedition will be handed over to Pang Dao. After that, Ziya turned and left, and began to prepare for the crusade against Xiqiao. After the day, Ziya led his army to Sishui Pass.

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