Chapter 932 Sense of belonging

Hearing this, Wen Zhong’s eyes flashed with excitement. Then, Wen Zhong walked respectfully to the ritual road, “Thanks to the Master in the direction of Jin’ao Island.” Then, Wen Zhong looked at Jinling Notre Dame and asked, “Teacher, do you know that Yuan Futong has set the law of harmony? Teacher, what do you have? How to break Yuan Futong? Is the big formation set up? As long as the teacher can help his disciple break the big formation, the disciple

We will be able to take down Yuan Futong, quell Beihai, rebellion, and return to Chaosong City. “After that, Wen Zhong looked at Jinling Notre Dame Cathedral, and wanted to know Jinling, Notre Dame Cathedral, but there is a way to break the law of Beihai Daying Week.” Yuan Futong set up the Dragon Sanctuary’s Haitian Mirage Dragon Array. The house dragon of Haitian is the house dragon of the Dragon Sanctuary. The formation must be created by Da Luo Jin Immortal

The mirage dragon arrangement, after the formation of the formation, many illusions will evolve in the big formation “eight-five-zero”. At that time, even the masters of the quasi-sage mid-stage realm will enter. Without the magic weapon of restraint, it is impossible to break Haitian, the mirage dragon formation, but it is very likely that he will die in the Haitianwu dragon formation

Unfortunately, house dragons are scarce, and no mirage has ever reached Roda’s Golden Immortal. Therefore, Haitian’s house dragon array has never been really arranged. Although this Yuan Futong is arranged in a large array in Wulong and Haitian, it is not arranged by mirage dragons.

It was collected from the mirage dragon and refined into a heavenly spirit treasure. It is not as powerful as the mirage dragon, the true division of the sea and the sky. Therefore, it is not difficult to break it. “The Notre Dame of Jinling looked at Wen Zhongdao lightly.

Hearing the words of Jin Ling and Notre Dame, Wen Zhong was overjoyed and hurried to show Jin Ling, Notre Dame “Ask the teacher and teach the disciples how to break the formation.” “Wen Zhong, break the mirage set by Yuan Futong, Haitian, the great formation is not What’s difficult, you only need to go to the Beihai Dragon Palace. Borrow a mirage dragon ball from the North Sea Dragon King, you can break the big formation of the sea sky house dragon because, the mirage dragon

Dragon Ball is the most precious treasure of mirage dragons. It is the basis of the house dragon’s cutting method. If you can get the dragon ball in the house dragon, you can use the dragon ball in the house dragon to cover all the mist in the dragon ball.

Without the fog of these house dragons, the mirage dragon, Haitian, and Haitian, set up by Yuan Futong and weakened many times, would fall apart. Wen Zhong, you can’t stay here for the teacher, otherwise, you will be polluted by the wealth of the wild, which will affect your future practice, so you have to go back first. “After talking, don’t wait to hear what I said, the golden spirit of the Virgin shook and disappeared

In front of Wen Zhong.

Although the Notre Dame of Jinling had left, Wen Zhong still respectfully faced the Jinling and Notre Dame she stood before, respectfully doing the action of “disciples are ready to send the teacher”. Later, Wen Zhong After explaining something to his deputy, he quickly went to the Beihai Dragon Palace, wanting to use Beihai Dragon King Ao Shun’s House Dragon Dragon Ball to break the Haitian House Dragon formation.

Said that when Beihai Longwa Ao Shun, who worked in the Dragon Palace in Beihai, heard that Jin Ling, a disciple of the Virgin Wen Zhong, came to visit, doubts flashed in his eyes, although the Dragon Palace was loyal to the early saints. . But as far as they know, those disciples handed down by their parents simply look down on the registered disciples in the volley, thinking that they are many registered disciples of karma.

Dragged down the fate of volleys.

What’s more, they are not even registered disciples of the early saints. When the earliest saints began to speak, they met those disciples who had been handed down from afar, and there was no intersection at all. In addition, when they went to Jinzheng Island, they heard that many registered disciples who had stopped teaching knew their identities and entangled them with some treasures. This makes them very disgusted with Hailong and Wangfen, so

Therefore, the Sea Dragon King only went to listen to the sermon of the saint in the early stage, but did not go, so as not to be entangled by the named disciple during the interception, begging for some treasures. However, even so, there are still some registered disciples who are cut off from teaching and go to the sea to ask them for some precious materials for refining Tianlingbao. Because of the kindness and strength of these registered disciples, sometimes the Sea Dragon King has to put some natural treasures.

For the registered disciples of Jiejiao, such Kuan Shun and other Sea Dragon Kings do not have a good impression of Jiejiao’s disciples and have no sense of belonging to Jiejiao.

Although Ao Shun was full of misgivings about the northern part of the Sea Dragon King, he let his subordinates bring in Wen Zhong, and Wen Zhong happened to come in. Ao Shun looked at Wen Zhong and asked, “My friend, I don’t know. Wen Zhongdao’s friend came to the impoverished Beihai Dragon Palace this time, but what’s the matter?”

He was slightly stunned when he heard the direct words, and then he reacted, watching, “Friend Ao Shun, this time, I just want to borrow that kind of dragon, I don’t know if I want to lend this kind of dragon to my friend”. Looking at Ao Shunshou, I want to know this Ao Shunshou

After listening to Wen Zhong’s words, Ao Shun understood. Wen Xiangzhong didn’t know the relationship between Long Sanctuary and Jiejiao, and Ao Shun didn’t want to make it clear. He frowned and began to think. After all, the purpose of this Wen Zhong was to borrow the Mayfly Dragon Dragon Sanctuary. This Mayfly Dragon Dragon Ball is extremely rare even in the Dragon Sanctuary. Moreover, this ancient dragon ball is also great for their Dragon Sanctuary cultivation. Good

Since the opening of this land, the number of ancient dragons has also been extremely rare. Therefore, Dragon Ball rarely has ancient dragons.

“Wen Zhongdao, poor Dao can take the liberty to ask questions, what do friends want to do with this kind of dragon dragon ball? You must know that this Xiaolong Dragon Ball is not a big role in the Dragon Sanctuary, and there are few places where you need to use Xiaolong Dragon Ball?” “Friend Ao Shun, poor Dao borrowed Xiaolong Dragon Ball, and wanted to use the power of Xiaolong Dragon Ball to break through the Tianlong formation laid by Yuan Futong.

“Haitian flew to the Dragon Array, Wen Zhongdao’s friends have determined that Yuan Futong flew our Haitian to the Dragon Sanctuary? Long Dazhen’s Wen Zhong’s voice just fell, 3.1 Ao Shun looked at Wen Zhong in shock. You know, Haitian’s. Long Dazhen has not been arranged since the creation of Longmai, and its reputation in the wild is not obvious.

In this way, except for the disciples of the Dragon Sanctuary who survived the battle of the Holy Land, few creatures know that the Dragon Sanctuary has a powerful formation called the Haitianchi Dragon Formation. Also, this Haitian-Dragon Array can’t be put out even in the heyday of Dragon Sanctuary. What is Yuan Futong’s ability to put the Heavenly Dragon Array?

Moreover, this Wenzhong is just a sanctuary that has been born for many years. What I have heard in the Purple Thunder Palace is that there is no sacred chaotic creature, it is impossible to know. They don’t know where Haitian likes the Dragon Array and Na Wenzhong come from, they know the name of Haitian likes the Dragon Array.

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