Chapter 931 Seek asylum

Looking at Wen Zhong who was lying on the ground unable to move, Yuan Futong’s face was firstly proud, and then he looked at Wen Zhong sarcastically. “In the sacred realm of the people, they are all preaching how bad the literary history of the dynasty is.” It is Shang Wei who can be compared and compared, but in my opinion, Wen’s surname is like this. Compared with Uncle Wang, Liuxiang and Wenzhong are far from you. If this

The next visitor to Beihai was Wang Shuo Liuxiang. I am afraid I was taken prisoner by Liuxiang and sent to Chaocheng. In my opinion, Wen Zhong, comparing you with Liu Xiang and Uncle Wang does insult Liu Xiang and Uncle Wang.”


From Liuxiang to the DPRK, Wen Zhong regarded Liuxiang as his biggest opponent in this life. Now, when Yuan Futong said that he was not worthy to be Liuxiang’s opponent, Wen Zhong’s heart became angry, and then he wanted to refute Yuan Futong’s words. Let Yuan Futong know that he is qualified to be Liuxiang’s opponent. However, before he could speak, he was too excited and affected the injury.

Zhong felt pain and severe pain, and made Wen Zhong calm down again.

Then, watching Yuan Futong ask, “As far as I know, you should have no contact with Liuxiang, so what qualifications do you have to say that I can’t compare with Liuxiang and Uncle Wang?” Even so, Wen Zhong also knew that he was in this respect. Worse than Liuxiang.

However, Wen Zhong believes that it will not take long for him to catch up with Liuxiang. Moreover, since he is Liuxiang, a recognized opponent, he is not qualified to be compared with Liuxiang. Hearing Wen Zhong’s question, Yuan Futong’s eyes flashed with fear, as if thinking of something that made Yuan Futong extremely scared.

Although the fear in Yuan Futong’s eyes only flashed by, and soon disappeared, Wen Zhong still saw clearly. Seeing this scene, Wen Zhong’s eyes passed through the Silk Tree. Yuan Futong really saw Liu Xiang, did he? Does this Liu Xiang leave Yuan Futong with unforgettable fear?

Thinking of this, Wen Zhong looked at Yuan Futong more curiously, wondering what Liu Xiang did. This could make Yuan Futong recall, but he still felt scared. Looking at Wen Zhong’s curious look, Yuan Futong knew that Wen Zhong saw fear in his eyes just now. In that case, it’s okay to tell him for Wen Zhong’s death.

Later, Yuan Futong sighed, “I did meet with Uncle Wang a few years ago, and we also said a few words with Uncle Wang Liuxiang. But, Wen Zhong, you know, it is these short words that accurately explain it. The situation of Beihai in the coming years. Such a terrible person will not make people afraid. Wen Zhong, if I don’t know Liuxiang and Uncle Wang, I will not dare to think of rebellion.

Law. Well, Wen Zhong should send you on the road now. “After speaking, Yuan Futong quickly waved the spear in his hand and stab Wen Zhong’s head, trying to kill Wen Zhong. However, when the spear in Yuan Futong’s hand was about to stab Wen Zhong’s head, Wen Zhong was about to kill him. A Taoist priest suddenly appeared to Wen Zhong, beside him, lightly explained Yuan Futong’s attack, and watched it appear.

The Taoist priest beside him was overjoyed by Wen Zhong.

Then, I wanted to stand up and salute the Taoist priest. It turns out that this Taoist priest is not her. That is Wen Zhong’s teacher, Jinling Notre Dame. However, Wen Zhong’s injury was too serious to stand up. Seeing this, the Notre Dame of Jinling turned over and Ling Pills appeared in the hands of Notre Dame of Jinling, ~ with a light fragrance.

Then, the Virgin Golden Spirit, with mana in her hand, Ling Pills was sent to Jian Zhong’s mouth, so that Wen Zhong’s injury quickly recovered. After the rest, Wen Zhong couldn’t move before he fully recovered.

Seeing this scene, Wen Zhong quickly faced the Jinling Notre Dame, and respectfully performed the ceremony of “Disciple Wen Zhong, visit the teacher.” After Wen Zhong concluded the ceremony, Jinling Notre Dame lifted Wen Zhong. However, Wen Zhong got up and looked at the Jinling Notre-Dame Cathedral and asked: “Teacher, I don’t know, can you save the Shang Dynasty soldiers trapped in this big formation?”

…For flowers…

After speaking, the mother who was looking at the mother wanted to know whether the mother could rescue the soldiers trapped in the Shangda formation, and looked at the pleading eyes. The Notre Dame of Jinling nodded, and then, a powerful force gushed out of the Notre Dame and Jinling, and a series of thick fog emitted a series of thick fog trapping many merchants and soldiers in a large formation.

With that, Yuan Futong next to him saw Jin Ling, the powerful means displayed by Notre Dame, and Yuan Futong was full of fear in his heart. Is this the strength of the saint disciple? It is really strong, but I don’t know that Notre Dame Jinling will do it by itself. If so, if the Virgin of the Golden Spirit moves, I am afraid I will be finished today. After all, this power is not enough to face the Viking Jinling

See before


Looking at Yuan Futong, who was full of worry and fear, the eyes of Notre Dame Jin Ling flashed a sneer, and said lightly, “Yuan Futong, rest assured, the poor road will not be sold to you, because you are not worthy of the poor road to deal with you, yours Fate, the poor Dao will let Wen Zhong personally take it away.” After speaking, the golden Virgin and Wen Zhong who were next to them disappeared into the big formation in an instant.

Looking at the lost Jin Ling, Notre Dame, Yuan Futong breathed a sigh of relief. As long as it is not Jin Ling, Notre Dame, she has a chance to live. Even if she really loses in the end, she can still seek refuge in Lingshan.

However, after leaving the camp and Beihai returned to Wenzhong’s camp, Wen Zhong looked at the Madonna Jinling curiously and asked: “Teacher, how did you come to Beihai at this time?” You are in danger when your master is studying under your command. I specially asked the teacher to come and help you hold your arm.” Cun.

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