Chapter 915 defy

Although Taidian and others don’t understand what Ziya relies on, the appearance of Ziya today has planted a seed in their hearts. In the future, Ziya will show extraordinary abilities. Therefore, today, the seeds planted in the hearts of Taidian and others will blossom and bear fruit. This will make all those present have blind confidence in Ziya. As long as Ziya fails, There is no sleepiness

It’s hard to confuse them. Looking at Tai Dian and the others, Ziya showed a slight smile on her face, looking at Ji Changdao next to her. “Hou Ye, although there are many talented people in Xiqi now, this is only Xiqi now.” With the expansion of Xiqi’s power, Xiqi will need more and more management talents. Therefore, Hou Ye will be invited Make recruitment orders, recruit talents, and prepare for the future

Prepared. Moreover, this is something that Xiqi has sorted out by the poor road, and the current situation should be greatly improved. Moreover, Lord Hou was ordered to implement it in Xiqi to enhance Xiqi’s strength. By the way, all the soldiers in Xiqi will gather in the schoolyard tomorrow. At that time, Pindao will personally train and strengthen the fighting strength of all soldiers in Xiqi, Hou Ye, and Pindao. They need to train for tomorrow.

Make some preparations, so they will leave first.

After seeing Ji Chang taking the bamboo slips in his hand, Ziya said goodbye. When he heard the words of Ziya, 837, Ji Chang said hurriedly, “This is very casual. By the way, Prime Minister Jiang, your residence is in Xibohou Mansion, and Fujiang, which is south of Rice.”

Ziya listened, nodded, and said, “After the trouble, Lord Hou, Ziya’s body swayed and disappeared in front of Ji Chang. Seeing Ziya leaving, Ji Chang quickly opened the bamboo slip that Ziya gave him and checked the contents. .

It turned out that Ji Chang didn’t pay much attention to the contents recorded on the bamboo slips. After all, in Ji Chang’s view, Ziya has not been in Xiqi for a long time, and Xiqi’s situation should be unclear. Therefore, the suggestions given will not greatly improve Xiqi’s strength.

However, after seeing these eyes, Ji Chang was deeply attracted by the contents recorded on the slips, and he could no longer remove his eyes and heart. When he saw something wonderful, he couldn’t help applauding on the spot. When he heard Ji Chang’s constant applause, everyone below looked at the bamboo slips in Ji Chang’s hand curiously. I really want to know what is recorded on this bamboo slip

Well, how could Ji Chang be so excited, cheering again and again.

It’s just that Ji Chang didn’t see it for all those who were in a hurry. At this time, his mind was completely attracted by the content recorded on the bamboo slips, and he was completely busy with other things. After a long time, Ji Chang raised his head, his face full of admiration. If Ziya is still there at this time, Ji Chang will pull Ziya and discuss the contents recorded on the bamboo slips.

Unfortunately, at this moment when Ziya left, Ji Chang couldn’t help but feel sad thinking about it. Gently stroke the bamboo slip in his hand, as if it were a rare treasure. After the meeting, Ji Chang just raised his head and looked at everyone below him. He just saw that there were many people under him, and looked at the bamboo slips curiously, eager to know the content recorded on the bamboo slips.

Seeing this situation, Ji Chang smiled and handed the bamboo slips in his hand to San Yisheng Dao below. “Let’s wait and see.” Seeing Ji Chang’s admiration, Yisheng quickly took it and raised his head. He wanted to know what was recorded on the bamboo slips, which impressed Hou Ye. It seems that San Yisheng, like Ji Chang before, is firmly attracted by the content recorded above

Living. When the people next to him saw San Yisheng, even if they saw the records on the bamboo slips, they would be like Lord Hou. After that, they could no longer resist the curiosity in their hearts. They leaned over to San Yisheng and looked at the contents recorded on the bamboo slips.

But bamboo slips seem to have infinite Demon power, which can attract people’s eyes and hearts to it, cheering and excited for the content recorded above. After a long time, San Yisheng and others finally read the contents recorded on the bamboo slips.

Afterwards, San Yisheng (bcdb) handed the bamboo slips to other ministers who had never seen it before. Then, he looked at Ji Chang admiringly. “Master Hou is really furious. This Prime Minister Jiang is really a rare talent in the world. With Prime Minister Jiang, we can wipe out the Shang Dynasty in Xiqi, and the world will be at peace.”

“Yes, Prime Minister Jiang is indeed the disciple of Saint Yang Hao. Fortunately, we can get the support of Prime Minister Jiang from Xiqi, otherwise, we cannot rely on Xiqi’s power alone to overthrow the Shang Dynasty. Instead, it will not take long for the Shang Dynasty to be overthrown by the Shang Dynasty. It’s overwhelmed. Now that you and others feel that what is recorded on the bamboo slips can greatly enhance Xiqi’s strength, then this implementation matter

Leave it to you and others. I hope you and others will not let you and Jiang Cheng have expectations of you and others?” After that, Ji Chang looked straight at San Yisheng and others.

When I heard Ji Chang’s words, San Yisheng and others quickly promised: “Don’t worry, we will never live up to Hou Ye’s expectations.” Ji Chang listened, nodded, then turned and left. After seeing Ji Chang leave, San Yisheng and other ministers from Xiqi began to discuss the records on the bamboo slips in the hall.

Although, Xiqi, the soldiers and ministers had a lot of resentment against Ziya because Ziya had asked their beloved Xibohou to pull the cart for them personally, but after becoming the leader of Xiqi, Ziya turned to Xiqi. People showed his great abilities

In just a few months, Xiqi has undergone earth-shaking changes and its strength has rapidly increased. This made Xiqi, who was dissatisfied with Ziya before, completely surrendered to Ziya’s powerful abilities. In my heart, Lord Hou is a discerning person who can find his ability so outstanding and join Xiqi.

At this time, people no longer cared about Master Hou personally pulling the cart for Prime Minister Jiang, because the abilities of Prime Minister Jiang are indeed worthy of Master Hou, such a respected literati, since then, Ziya’s prestige in Xiqi has been increasing day by day. , Now no one will disobey Ziya’s orders.

He said that when Liu Xiang knew that his younger brother Ya had only stayed for a month, he made everyone in Xiqi believe in his heart, Fangchen, and when his words were spoken, his eyes flashed with admiration. . He smiled in the direction of Xiqi and said, “Ziya, brother, you really deserve to be the person of the gods. It is really amazing. However, in the next month, all people in Xiqi will be

Conquer, poor Dao will be inferior to his brother. However, Ziya, the poor brothers will not give up so easily. “After finishing speaking, Liuxiang took out a piece of jade and let it stand in the void, and then he played Taoist tactics, put it in the jade, let the jade enter for a period of time, disappear in the same place, and wait for it to appear again, the jade is already Came to the front of the Azure Dragon General Soldier.

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