Chapter 914 Convinced

Look at the suspicion of San Yisheng and others. Ziya didn’t say much. He is the person who represents heaven and entrusts the gods. He represented the way of heaven and consecrated the gods in heaven and managed the wilderness. After some special things, Ziya may be like the immortal Demon god. Make some decisions instead of Tiandao. For example, when the Zhou Dynasty’s national fortune was interrupted, Ziya was at a special time to test the Zhou Dynasty instead of Tiandao.

destiny. Although San Yisheng and others did not really believe what Ziya said, Ji Chang still believed Ziya’s words, and turned his eyes to look at Ziya, “Taoist, Ji Chang was ignorant before, but I still hope that the Taoist priest will forgive me. Taoist, you continue to sit, and I will continue to pull the cart, okay?”

However, as soon as Ji Chang’s voice fell, Ziya stared at Ji Chang’s reprimand and said: “The number of days is like this. The ups and downs are survival. Only the number is fixed. Can you play?” After that, he left. Going out, fell steadily to the ground, ignored Ji Chang behind him, and walked straight to Xibohou Mansion

Looking at Ziya, Ji Chang’s heart was full of self-blame, but he did not resent Ziya, after all, Ziya did not remind him less before, but he did not understand the mystery, and only insisted on Yang Hao step, Yang Hao won the national fortune for the Zhou Dynasty, and he is no longer willing to persist.

Thinking of this, Ji Chang sighed and quickly caught up with Ziya. Soon, all the people returned to Xibehou Mansion. After returning to Xibohou’s mansion, Ji Chang looked at the people below and said, “Gentlemen, from now on, Taoist Ziya belongs to Xiqi, and he has full authority to handle Xiqi’s military affairs. You must never treat Prime Minister Jiang in the future. Rude, understand?”

However, as soon as Ji Chang’s words fell, everyone in Xiqi was shocked. Although, looking at Ji Chang’s previous attitude towards Ziya, Xiqi already knew it. Master Hou attached great importance to Ziya, but San Yisheng and others did not expect that Master Hou would trust Ziya so much. Before Ziya showed his ability, he transferred all the power of Xiqi to Ziya.

This is not a joke. If this Ziya is just a person who deceives the world, then Lord Hou has surrendered Xiqi’s power so easily, isn’t he destroying Xiqi? Even though Lord Hou really values ​​this Ziya, he is testing it and letting him After Ziya showed sufficient ability, it was not too late to transfer Xiqi’s power to Ziya.

Thinking of this, San Yisheng and others wanted to persuade Ji Chang to let Ji Chang not surrender Xiqi’s military and political power. However, before they could speak, they were stopped by Ji Chang’s sharp gaze. When San Yisheng and the others did not defy their orders, Ji Chang nodded in satisfaction, then looked at Ziya

Motion to Ziya to say something.

Seeing Ji Chang’s signal, Ziya first awakened Li Dao’s “Thank you Hou Ye’s trust, the poor will never let Hou Ye’s expectations go.” To be honest, Ji Chang doesn’t think Ji Chang’s courage. It was so big that when he didn’t show much ability, he gave himself this kind of military and political power. If he is just a person, he will definitely be

Moved by Chang’s behavior. In this life, he assisted Ji Chang to complete a great cause in order to repay Ji Chang’s kindness.

Unfortunately, his ambition is not here. Moreover, Ji Chang’s ability cannot make himself bow his head. In this life, only his teacher Yang Hao Sheng can make himself completely bow his head. Therefore, Ziya cannot fully assist Ji Chang, but can only help Ji Chang complete his great cause and complete the great cause of conferring the gods at the same time. After that, he will return to Qingcheng Mountain to practice with all his strength, and strive to break through to the realm of pseudo-sages as soon as possible.

, Win glory for the Qingcheng Mountains. Thinking of this, Ziya looked at all of his staff and said: “Now, for Xiqi, the most important thing is to improve Xiqi’s strength in all aspects. After all, the various abilities are much worse than that in a short time. It will send heavy troops to attack, and at most two generals will attack, so you can train with peace of mind, increase your strength, and vigorously develop agriculture at the same time.

Prepare for the business. If this is the case, there is really a general guard and troops coming to attack Xiqi, and Pang Dao takes this opportunity to train well. ”

When Ziya said this, Tai Dian interrupted and asked: “Why did the Taoist chief say that the Shang Dynasty did not deal with Xiqi in a short period of time? You know, the Shang Dynasty was full of talents and strong soldiers. Although there are many people who oppose business now, but If the Shang dynasty intends to suppress it, then the rebellious princes will not last long.

In addition, the Taoist leader and Wang Uncle Liuxiang interacted with each other. They learned that Uncle Liuxiang might be afraid of the methods of the Taoist leader. Pills Liuxiang Wang Shu knew that when the Daoist joined Xiqi, he might immediately attack Xiqi, first get rid of Xiqi, without giving Xiqi a chance to grow up. “After that, I looked at Ziya upright, wondering how Ziya would answer. After all.

The current strength is far inferior to that of the Shang. If the Shang sends heavy troops to attack, then the current strength will not be able to resist the attack of the Shang for a long time, and it will be wiped out.

Everyone admires

A smile flashed in Ziya’s eyes when he heard Taibian. “. “My brother, I already know that I have joined Xiqi.” However, before the other rebellions in the DPRK were put down, Pang Dao was convinced that he could prevent the elder brother from leading the army. Otherwise, as long as he starts to attack Xiqi, Pandao will allow other rebellious princes to attack Chaocheng in a short time. Take down the Lingtian Emperor

, Once Lingtian Emperor was captured, the turmoil in the Shang Dynasty would become even more frenzied. (Money is good, Zhao) By then Bigan will be anxious even if the means are too early. In addition, Shang Chao’s situation at this time is much more complicated than Bill and others thought. He couldn’t get out of Chaoge City easier than his brother. ”

When he said this, Ziya’s eyes flashed with admiration, because if he was in Ziya, his status surpassed him, he could not guarantee that he would be able to deal with this matter better. However, the admiration in Ziya’s eyes disappeared too quickly, and everyone present did not see the admiration in Ziya’s eyes.

The Xiqi people in the hall only felt that when Ziya spoke, they showed strong self-confidence, causing them to have an illusion in their hearts, as if no one could resist Ziya, this feeling, Tai Dian and others were shocked. Looking at Ziya curiously, I want to know what Ziya has to rely on. In fact, there will be so much confidence. .

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