Chapter 862 Sun Moon God Plain

“Forget it, this time my Taixu knowledge can only help you use some Taiyu Chenshui Demon body, and the control is in your hands. You should learn from this Taiyu Chenshui Demon body, even if it is A part of it will also benefit you infinitely.” The message that came in my mind was exactly what Chen Shuihuan used to do. At this time, the right hand, whose heat was transferred, looked down.

, His right hand turned silver, even more dazzling silver than Mang! Jin Lei raised the corner of his mouth and opened his silver palm. Too imaginary. At that time, Shu Tian, ​​who was in the middle of the altar, was trembling, making waves of knives.It sounded like Shu Tian’s sigh was born out of fear?

However, Jin Lei couldn’t take care of that much, and continued to stride out, placing his right hand in front of the “eighty three”, and he was directly invincible. When he gestured down, he directly broke through the barrier. He stood trembling and sighed. He stretched out his silver palm and held it directly on the handle of the sigh, and time seemed to have stopped at this moment. It seems that only Jin Leihe is left in the world

Shu Tian sighed.

The ending, buried too far

Jin Lei grabbed Shu Tian’s handle, and then a terrible air current broke out, trying to blow Jin Lei away, but Jin Lei now grabbed Shu Tian. The air flow stirred and supported it with one hand, and the tallest Sky Purple Thunder Mantle was protected in front of everyone. And Jin Lei was in the center of the airflow, and his silver hair fluttered with the airflow.

Jin Lei’s eyes were extremely firm, and in the pupils, the silver light was quietly expanding, and the power of light was too Chen Yu to expand. Jin Lei yelled loudly, holding Tianshu with both hands together and sighing, and then slammed.

Boom! The moment he left the altar, Tianshu sighed, as if the world was baptized by the power of Tai Chen Yu, and the earth was trembling. If the Great God Pavilion was not destroyed by the greedy big bad wolf Tai Yujun, it would be difficult to survive this shock.

The poor pavilion is destined to be destroyed when it is built, but what about the fate of mankind? Is it already doomed?

“The air of heaven and earth nurtures life, Tianshu laments all beings.” The voice of Tao came from the surface like thunder, and the words appeared in the sky.

Heaven and earth nurture a lifetime, Tianshu laments the meteorite! Tianshu controls the air of heaven and earth, and the air of heaven and earth breeds all beings in the world. When Tianshu lamented, all beings died.

The launch of the divine tool Lingbao can only be described as Lingbao, domineering and controlling the lives of sentient beings, but it also depends on whether its owner can achieve such strength, otherwise it is a joke.

A silver Chinese character floated in mid-air like an entity, while the silver emptiness flowed down, also dispelling the purple thunder mask of the highest sky. The silver Taixu Qi fell on his skin, and he suddenly felt the heat flow into his body, and the Taixu Qi in his body also increased a little at this time. Looking at other people in amazement, and at this time, everyone’s

The eyes are full of joy, and the lost repair can make up for it!

Then, they sat cross-legged, absorbing the silver qi. On the altar, Jin Lei held Tianshu’s sigh in both hands, and he also absorbed the vain energy. The place where Jin Lei is located is also the place where the silver character’s feedback is the strongest and too vain.

Now Jin Lei has also been initially recognized by Tianshu Tansheng. However, even if Jin Lei arrived at Taixusheng, he could not easily try. Because this kind of divine product is too powerful compared to the mysterious middle sky, when going out, Jin Lei will avoid using Tianshu to sigh, because now he has no strength to truly own it.

They didn’t stand up until the silver word gradually dissipated, and almost all recovered the too empty energy consumed in the Tai Yusheng Taixu sacrifice. As for the vitality, they need specific things to restore.

But in contrast, Tang didn’t feel the slightest loss. He still closed his eyes and rested his mind. His whole body was full of restless mental power. His aura had obviously reached the peak of the sage, and now Tang was preparing to break through.

Yang Hao points have also been restored to the middle stage of the too virtual crystal, the too virtual sanctuary, and Ling’an is more advanced, not only restored to the late stage of the too virtual sanctuary, but also condensed more too virtual crystals, and now Ling’an is already too virtual. Saint, the strongest in the peak, there are so many Taixu crystals As for Taixu and Sun Moon God Ape, coming to Taiyuchen Square almost restored the peak of the early cultivation of the beasts.

Taixu, the late god beast is the sun and moon god ape.

And Jin Lei also closed his eyes and pondered. I am afraid that he will make a breakthrough again. Perhaps when Jin Lei comes down, it is Tai Xu Zun! Yang Yang Hao suddenly discovered the experience of being buried in the depths of Tai Yu, Jin Lei’s gain is really great. He only took one step at the end of the day, and he didn’t even break through Wu Shengyu.

But Yang Hao is not depressed, because his thinking is that everyone experiences different things in a lot of time. Although the results are different, the amount of time is the same. So, no matter what you do, there will always be rewards. Yang Hao also thinks that the most precious thing for him is to know such a group of people and Wu Sheng Beast, Ling An, Yu Jin Ao, Tai Xu, and Sun Moon God


The second is the experience during this time. These experiences are precious. At least Yang Hao won’t be so shy anymore, he knows the world more or less. And this time, if he goes out smoothly, Lin Zai’s funeral journey will come to an end.

Finally, under the silver package, he slowly walked out with the inhalation, and his eyes were still shining silver.His body was spinning back and forth, the qi in the middle was exposed, and the silver in the gray qi was also It’s a bit more obvious than before, especially the gray inside, there are silver spots, it looks really strange 3.1.

“Okay, okay, don’t show off, brother Jin Lei, I am so envious of me. If this is a sword, I will steal it from you.” Yang Hao waved to Jin Lei, but his eyes were full Jealous, but he is more happy about Jin Lei

“It’s up to you, forget it. If you want to truly master Taiyu Lingbao, I am afraid that only Jin Lei has good physique. Perhaps in the near future, Jin Lei will gather in Taiyu Lingbao and become a peerless powerhouse.” Ling’an looked contemptuously. With Yang Hao.

“Leave here, talk slowly. The fluctuation just now is not small. If there are still strong men who have not left, or if the wolf is coming back, it will be a tough fight.” Tai Xu said, behind him, Zi Leisheng Wu Yizhang took all People left here, but they didn’t know that the greedy wolf Taiyu never wanted to come back here again. .

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