Chapter 861 Tianshu

Under the impatient eyes of everyone, Tai Yuchen in the sky finally stopped shaking, the beam was illuminated with him as the center, and Jin Lei was bathed in the beam, only feeling that his rapid breakthrough made the control of Tai Xu Qi a little bit. The uncomfortable feeling completely disappeared, and the Tai Xu Zun Xiu gradually consolidated at this time.

The splendid Yutaimang array was in Taiyuchen, rippling in the sky, and the stocks belonging to Master Xuanping’s Holy Spirit Treasure also rippled with it. Jin Lei held the sky in both hands and stood up slowly. “Wan Taiyu Taixujie! Jin Lei’s hand and Tai Yuchen holding in the air, Wu Sheng injected air, ripples in the circle, and a light curtain expanded.

It can be said that this is a miniature version of the central light curtain of Taiyuchen Plaza. Although this is a miniature version, it is large enough to hold several Promise Tianxu.

Jin Lei’s fingers kept beating, and the light curtain gradually shrank until it surrounded them and no longer shrank. On the other side, Yang Hao is constantly driving the Taixu Dzi Bead, and the golden Wu Shengqi is constantly injected into the Taixu Dzi Bead, and the mask is getting bigger and bigger, and finally the huge body of the Wuji Tianxu. Was shrouded in it.

“Go!” shouting, they stepped forward and quickly moved to the central area of ​​Taiyuchen Square, where it was a dead Jedi before. The bloodstains have not disappeared, and the ruins still exist.

Yang Hao people kept approaching, and the pungent smell of blood went through the masks of Taiyuchen, Wan Taiyu Taixu Realm and Ge Taixu Tian Poer, and poured into people’s noses.

This smell made Yang Hao feel vomiting, and the pungent bloody smell constantly irritated his nose and made his face pale. On the contrary, others look natural, which makes Yang Hao feel ashamed, thinking that if he has more experience, he will naturally get better.

Ling An saw Yang Hao’s abnormality and patted Yang Hao on the shoulder. “You can’t stand this, my lord.”

“Well, who can’t stand it.” Yang Hao’s eyes were full of stubbornness. “You~ girls can’t stand it.”

“Oh, I’m used to it.” Ling’an smiled lightly, her eyes flashing with deep sadness, but she hid too deeply to see nothing.

“It’s coming soon. I haven’t noticed the greedy taste of Wolf Taiyu Jun.” Tai Xudao.

“Maybe the bloody wolves are greedy for Wolf Taiyu Jun, let’s hurry up.” Wuji Tianxu said, they quickened their pace and soon came to the Great God Pavilion, but it was already in ruins.

They were still moving forward, but the greedy wolf Taiyu Kanjun could not find the shadow. The Great God Pavilion is in the middle, and there is an altar several feet high. This altar is also very simple and has no feeling of luxury. All eyes are on the long knife in the middle of the altar.

This is Tianshu’s sigh, a long knife with a blade inserted on the altar, but on the surface of the altar there are many ancient and complicated words written on it.Yang Hao and Jin Lei only know a little about the altar. With a blank face, he obviously didn’t understand at all. The most surprising thing is that Ling An completely translated those words.

“Grab the Tianshu and grasp the axis. This is the word above. On the left it is written: Tianshu, the weather above is the master, Tianshu, the land below is the master, and there is a sentence on the right, Tianshu, when it is The same.” Ling’an explained: “It should be said that if you master the Tianshu, you can master the spirit of heaven and earth, and master the axis of the circle.

“Hmm. This means it is very powerful, right?” When Yang Hao touched his head, he obviously lacked knowledge in this area. “Take care of him and take it away quickly.” Then, Yang Hao was about to step forward and pull the long knife away, but only a small hand quickly grabbed him. What caught him naturally refers to the bottom of the altar, with a few words written on it, “Here said

The thing is, only Chen, who has controlled the power, can control it. Forget it. I’m afraid Jin Lei’s silver physique is fine here. ”

“I don’t believe this small long knife is so troublesome!” Wuji Tianxu directly stretched out his hand, squeezed the handle with his fingers, and tried to pull up this Tianshu and sighed, but he was disappointed next time. No matter how hard he works, this Tianshu will not leave even a single sigh

“Okay, then I will smash this altar!” Wuji Tianxu’s hand was about to blow down, but he was stopped by Tai Xu

“I said, Brother Monk, when did you become so stupid? This Tianshu lamented the Lingbao. Is it so good to treat it as a sacred object?” He shouted in a low voice.

…For flowers…

And Wuji Tianxu also gradually calmed down, his heart was actually depressed because of the kind of hunger and thirst for cultivation. His blood line is very ordinary, it takes him a lot of effort and time to cultivate to the sacred beast later stage. So in the blink of an eye, because he came to look for this sigh, he went to play with the wolf lord and then fell back to the middle stage of the beast. How long will it take to recover?

But when they were talking, Jin Lei jumped onto the altar. At this time, a strong wind came out from the center of the altar, as if to blow Jin Lei down. However, Jin Lei was unmoved and stepped out. The gray around him was too vain to separate the wind.

However, after taking a step, the wind fierce a bit. In this way, every time Jin Lei took a step, the resistance of the altar became greater. When Jin Lei walked to the middle, Jin Lei even appeared a virtual crystal to resist the strong wind, which is the instinct of the virtual crystal to protect God.


When Jin Lei first reached the center of the altar, all the strong winds dissipated among the rest, as if they had never appeared before. However, the next moment, the formation of this altar is full of bright Taiyu mansions.

The entire altar was shrouded in the fine light, and above the altar, an empty space appeared at some point, and countless mini versions of Chen were flying.

Among them, Chen is the most dazzling, and it is ranked but one of Chen is more dazzling than the others, that is

At this time, the harsh Taiyumang was spawning, and Tianshu and Taiyumang poured into the altar. And because of Tai Yumang, everyone outside couldn’t see what was happening on the altar.

Jin Lei continued to move forward step by step, but at this time, Taiyu’s light was like a knife light, cutting his body too weak, and Jin Lei’s too weak energy quickly consumed a layer under such consumption. about. With the pace of Jin Lei, Tai Yumang is getting stronger and stronger. At this time, Jin Lei’s waiting voice finally sounded.

“There have been too many things recently. I have helped you this time. I have to sleep for a long time, but it is worth it for this long knife.” The voice of Shui Huan sounded in Jin Lei’s mind. Inch,

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