Chapter 817 Discuss countermeasures

“Thank you, Father

After the king exited the hall, he ordered his attendants:

“Go, check who the Princess Wuji has been in contact with recently, and stare at it these days.”


Nanzhao, a restaurant

“Brother, did you eat well? Let’s continue to help Brother Dugu find Aunt Moyu”

Nan Wuxuan, Yang Hao sat next to him and watched Nan Wujing gobble it up.

“Okay, okay, Laozi ate a meal and was beaten to death by you. How do you find a way? Do you still ask if you catch people like you did before?”

Nan Wujing stopped his chopsticks and asked, curling his mouth.

“The doctor Lu Gu who helped you solve the problem told me that the aunt surnamed may be a court man. Let’s ask the guard before going to the palace.”

Yang Hao answered the conversation.


The silk dragon is floating in the air,

People immediately became alert to “seven or eighty zero”.

In the palace

Nan Wujing lost some silver on the table, and he got up and went out of the shop. As they walked, they vaguely felt that Dragon Qi was also following.

People looked at each other, turned and walked into an alley. “No matter who comes, please come.

Yang Hao took the lead to ask.

A middle-aged woman in plain clothes appeared in front of people instantly.

“Are you looking for someone?”

The middle-aged woman looked at Yang Hao and asked.


“Who are you looking for?”

Yang Hao did not answer immediately, but carefully looked at the woman in front of him. Does the master say that? It’s so simple, is it a person in the palace?

“Who are you? Why tell you who we are looking for?”

Seeing Southern Yang Hao hesitated.

“Me? I may be the person you are looking for, but there are two more evil Demons around you, so I want to make sure there is nothing wrong.”

The middle-aged woman pointed to the guide Wujing, and Nan Wuxuan said to Yang Hao.

“Are you Moyu? Auntie?

Yang Hao exclaimed, you really didn’t find a place, so you don’t need to work hard.

“Yes, but I can’t confirm your identity.”

“Hey, we can’t confirm your identity yet. You said you are Aunt Mo Yu or Aunt Mo Yu. We have been looking for someone these days. You may have a purpose through hearsay.”

Nan Wujing was just accused by this woman as a demon not happy and angry.

Yang Hao patted Nan Wujing on the shoulder.

“Master gave me a dream and asked me to find an aunt named Mo Yu in Nanzhao. Master was trapped and said that only Aunt Mo Yu can tell me what happened.”

The middle-aged woman answered:

“Your name is Yang Hao, and your master asked you to study art in a year that was not Gu Shan, but when the year comes, your master has been slow to pick you up.”

“Yes, you are really Aunt Moyu Yang Hao, overjoyed.

“Hey, why did you come here until now? Come back to the palace with me.”

Aunt Moyu said, grabbing Yang Hao’s arm.

“Palace? Mo Yu, can my two friends get up, Auntie?”

Yang Hao asked

Aunt Mo Yu saw that there was no scenery in the south, and Nan Wuxuan said blankly:

All they have to do is to abide by the rules and not cause trouble.

“Bah, what broke the rules. Laozi is not rare to go.

Nan Wu Jing came up and went straight back.

“elder brother!”

Nan Wuxuan pushed her elbow to the south and there was no scenery.

“Mo Yu, Auntie, I am here with my brother and Dugu. After all, it is to get rid of the Demon method. Many people work hard, don’t you think?”

“Yes, follow up.

Aunt Mo Yu took Yang Hao, turned and continued to walk forward.

“Brother, go.

“I do not go.

Nan Wujing continued to be angry.

“Brother, the mana of this woman is far above us. If it is really Moyu, auntie, it will help us regain the evil Demon world. If it is not true Moyu, auntie, then Brother Dugu is not dangerous. We have to see. past.

Nan Wuxuan explained.

“Sister Xuan, I always feel that something is wrong with you recently. Do you like Yang Hao? I have helped him directly these days. I tell you, Yang Hao is not a good choice, so don’t give the wrong heart!”

“Brother! What are you talking about! I have only known him for a few days, how can I like him?

Nan Wuxuan chuckled, seeing Aunt Mo Yu and Yang Hao go further and further, Nan Wuxuan hurriedly said:

“Brother, let’s keep up, we will almost lose sight of them.”

Nan Wu curled his lips, pulled Nan Wuxuan to instigate the method of operation, and instantly followed the mother-in-law behind Aunt Mo Yu.

Under the palace

In front of the palace,

“Hello Aunt Yu, who are these?”

The key guard stopped at the door and asked routinely: “These are the guests of Princess Wudi.

Aunt Mo Yu responded..

The guard carefully looked at the person in front of him and said respectfully:

“You are not allowed to carry weapons when you enter the palace. Ask a distinguished guest to put the weapon here, and then go in. After you come out, you must return it as it is.”

People looked at Mo Yu, Aunt Mo Yu, and Aunt Mo Yu nodded by default.

Yang Hao immediately handed the wind spirit sword behind him to the bodyguard.

Nan Wuxuan also wrapped her head around her waist.

Only the impatience on Nan Wujing’s face threw the watch Yuan Yin knife over

This palace is much bigger than imagined.

Aunt Mo Yu led the people away for a long time, and finally stopped in front of the palace. There is a faint fragrance in the palace.


The court lady immediately saw Aunt Mo Yu,

“Has the house been cleaned up?

Aunt Mo Yu asked.

“It’s already packed.

Every time Yang Hao walked a few steps, he saw that the palace was a lotus pond. The lotus in the pond was blooming one after another, which was very beautiful.

Pedestrians walked in the temple for a while, and finally reached the crowded house, row room, the palace lady said that it was very spacious. “You are in the temple now, and Princess Wudi will call you later. This is an order from the court lady. What can you tell her?” “Aunt Mo Yu

Yang Hao shouted at Mo Yu who was about to turn around and leave.

“When did you tell me about Master?”

Aunt Moyu saw Xiang Yang Hao:

“Are you so impatient? Come with me.”

“This is the main hall. The princess will come by 3.1 in a while. The old slave will first talk to his son about the other world, the venerable, that is, your master.”

Aunt Mo Yu changed her previous tone.

“Many years ago, the Venerable Other World brought you from Immortal Mountain to Non-Gu Mountain in the world, and asked you to practice in the Non-Gu Mountain, and agreed to take you down one year later. With your qualifications, the years of the human world are enough for you You learn all the techniques.

After the outside world has arranged for you, he came to Nanzhao to inform the old slave, princess, and son of your existence, and told us that the change is imminent, and he will go to the heaven to discuss countermeasures with the emperor.”

“Aunt is talking about the heaven? No, the master is not in the heaven. In my dream, I saw the master sitting on the ground with long hair in a dark cave, his hands and feet tied up with chains, and his hollow eyes didn’t know him. Where have you been. How can the heavens treat Master like this?”.

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