Chapter 816 Fierce

“There are two more. Go and see the woman in the next room. If so, give it to her quickly.”

Yang Hao took out the ingot and handed it to Lu Jinyi

Doctor Lu Gu looked at those small smiling eyes and took it.

Things used to blackmail travelers

“When will they wake up?”

“My son, don’t worry, they are okay, they can wake up in an hour~

Doctor Lu answered.

“Guest officer, you haven’t eaten yet. These two guest officers still have an hour to wake up. Let’s go downstairs for dinner first. I-prepare a small one for you.”

Xiao Yin said to Yang Hao.

“it is good.”

Yang Hao also felt a little hungry. Although he could not eat or drink for many days after he reached the cultivation state, his stomach was hungry.

Before going downstairs, I quietly placed an Immortal female mask next to Nan Wuxuan’s bed.

“Guest, are you still living tonight?”

After eating Yang Hao, he was about to go upstairs, Xiao leaned over and asked: “Well, I’m still alive.”

“Then you should pay for meals and accommodation first.

“How many?”

“Two silver coins.

said laughingly.

The concept of no money in my heart said nothing. I stretched my hand to my waist, ready to pay.

“Wait, we can eat and live for more than a month with two silver dollars. You must be a black shop today. Go, let’s report to the official.”

With that, Nan Wuxuan and Nan Wujing grabbed the small shop’s neck.

“The guest officer spares his life, the guest officer spares his life! The small one is wrong, won’t the money be confiscated? Don’t take the small one, don’t take it.”

The owner did not expect the two guest officers upstairs to wake up so soon. It stands to reason at least an hour, but this half hour hasn’t arrived yet. “We were fooled yesterday, did you get out of the car?”

Nan Wujing glared at the shop, and the shop pinched some of the shops off the ground.

His face flushed with pain, and he vomited laboriously: “It’s not me, it’s not me.”

“Who is that? Say it! Cut your neck if you don’t say it.”

The shop points to the kitchen at the back.

Nan Wujing pointed right at the kitchen door, and the kitchen was sucked out instantly.

A short fat man and a tall thin man.

“Let it down and say, I am dying

Said the small snack forcefully.

Nan Wujing threw the shop on the ground.


The shop owner immediately knelt on the ground and begged for mercy:

“These two are brothers, the one who opened the shop, the tall and thin one is the cook, and the short and fat one is the shopkeeper who instigated me to cheat.”

The short, chubby, tall man looked at Nan Wu with a fierce look, shaking and trembling all over. “come here!”

The hump-backed shopkeeper was shocked by the South Five Views. Just now, they were sucked out by the wind. This must be a monster, it must not be a good harvest.

Nan Wu-hyun is afraid that his brother Nan Wujing will kill them and cause unnecessary trouble. He left first, he was tied up and fainted instantly. The card area of ​​this store was changed from “Yuanlaidian” to “Guxiaheidian”.

“Brother, let’s go.”

“Forget it?

Nan Wujing is still angry,

“After all, it is the Nanxun site on earth. We should not cause trouble.”

Nam Wu-hyun finished speaking and looked at Yang Hao, who was silent beside him.

Yang Hao is also embarrassed at the moment. Although the silver has changed, it doesn’t hurt. It’s just that people have a bad sense of home and have to guard against it.

“Dugu, brother, why are we all fooled, but you are not fooled?

Nan Wujing also saw Xiang Yang Hao and asked curiously.

“I don’t know, I also ate the table last night.”

Yang Hao responded lightly.

“Sure enough, the Son of Destiny is different from us!”

Nan Wujing made no secret of envy.

“Let’s go, brother, let’s continue to help brother Dugu find Aunt Moyu

“It’s all afternoon. Your brother and I have been hungry for a long time. Let’s eat something before looking for it.”

Nan Wujing strode out of the store.

In the palace

A little girl hurried into the room.

“Where is the father now?

“Return, Princess Wang just discussed the secret with King Gu in the hall, and she should still be in the hall now.

The princess frowned slightly.

…For flowers…

“let me go.


When the princess’s mother was still alive, King Gu had fought the queen many times. Although everyone in Nanzhao admires King Gu, how could the queen of Nanling Great Emperor’s descendants know and tolerate the small behavior of King Gu in private?

Unfortunately, failing to prevent the king hit his poison, and the queen spent half her life trying to force this poison out. The king of Gu regarded the king’s life as a threat, and the queen had to let it sway. The king has always believed in the king, and her own method is still unknown.

Fortunately, the princess was protected by her mother’s faithful Mo Yu. Although King Gu was harmful, she saved her several times.

Emperor Wudi!

“Get up, why is Xi’er here?”


“Subordinates have seen Princess Wudi

King Gu bowed his hands respectfully.

Father, Xi’er has something important to discuss with you. ”

“What is it?”

Princess Wudi said nothing, looking at the Gu King standing next to her.

Xi’er, King Gu is not an outsider. It doesn’t matter if you say it. “Father, what Xi’er wants to tell you is about Xi’er’s lifelong events. What would Xier say if the king was there?”

Princess Wudi said a little coquettishly.

“A lifetime event? Hahaha, please go down first, the little girl has very thin skin.”

“Yes, the subordinates retire.

Who is Fang Chenlang we are seeing? Come on

Emperor Wu Ji was convinced that the French king had left, and said slowly:

Father, on the way to Xi’er to worship the Loire Monastery today, I really saw a person who looked like Xi’er in my dream. Xi’er thought, Xi’er must have hit someone. Xi’er was already interested in him in his dream, so he hoped that his father would become.

“Oh? Have you seen the dreamer?” “Yes, father, but Xi’er is worried that this man is unwilling to admit that Xi’er and Xi’er are married

“My son is very beautiful. Is there any man in Nanzhao who doesn’t want to marry Xi’er?

“This person, not Nanzhao Xierzhou, asked Aunt Moyu to find it, hoping that the father would succeed.”

“Xiao Xi’er has grown up, and he did not stay. Father can promise you. However, Father must first see this person. After all, dreams are dreams. If this person misbehaves, it won’t work.” Cun.

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