Chapter 814 Stay overnight

However, after asking for a long time, no one knew who Mo Yu was.

“Ah! I’ll take a break, don’t ask, Dugu, brother, did your master say where this Aunt Mo Yu is? After asking for a long time, no one knows. There won’t be such a person at all.”

Nan Wu’s stomach was already hungry, and he complained impatiently to Yang Hao.

Yang Hao was very anxious at the moment, his face was not very good, and just about to go back, Nan Wuxuan said immediately:

“It’s getting late. Let’s go get something to eat, and then stay. There is an urgent need to find someone. What do you think?”

Yang Hao, Nan Wujing said nothing.

Nan Wuxuan pointed not far ahead.

“There is a nice inn over there. Stay there tonight.”

Yang Hao, there is no scenery in the south, and walked in the direction of Nan Wuxuan’s fingers.

Noda Inn,

Guests appear in pairs,

People found a table by the window and came down.


“Come on, sir. What do you want?”

“Are you in Nanzhao? What are some signature dishes to report?”

“Ye, we have good beef here, and the specialties include Mingyu prawns, casserole fish, fresh soup, and fragrant bamboo rice.”

“Well, what I just said was for Laozi.”

“Well, please wait, guest officer. I will let the chef make it for you.”

“One more pot of good wine!”


Nan Wu Jing hasn’t eaten a decent meal for several days, and I will definitely come back if I caught it today.

“Guest, your wine, this is the braised peanuts presented by the shop. Please use it slowly.”

The young hip flasks were laid on the table, and placed on the bowls and chopsticks and wine glasses in front of the individual.

“Come on, I’m full, no matter what happens tomorrow, don’t get drunk tonight!”

Nan Wujing said and poured the wine.

Yang Hao looked at the wine in front of him and the water he drank. He sniffed lightly, and some of them rushed towards the nose. He reported, and instantly paid a low-paying job in his throat. Yang Hao frowned slightly and slowly put down the cup.

Nan Wujing was still pouring himself wine, but he didn’t notice Yang Hao’s expression, but the mouth was seen by Nan Wuxuan next to him. What kind of person is Yang Hao in my brother’s mouth? It is the son of destiny. I can’t even drink alcohol.

“Brother, drinking is a mistake. We drink less today, and we have serious things to do tomorrow.”

“I know, I know, every time I drink, your brother, when did I miss something? Come, let’s drink.”

After a glass of wine, Nan Wujing had a deep alcohol barrier.

“Great! Good wine!

Seeing Yang Hao’s glass of wine, Nan Wujing asked:

“Dugu, brother, why don’t you drink it?”

This wine is too spicy to drink. Nan Wujing smiled and said:

“E, I said Dugu, brother, if you don’t drink, the wine will not be spicy. I told you that wine is a good thing. Drinking when you are happy can help you, and when you are sad, drinking can solve your troubles. Come, drink, drink ,got used to.

Yang Hao coldly held up the wine glass and drank, his throat was still like fire, in a trance, the voice and smile of Immortal Mountain wanted to cherish were very clear at this moment, Yang Hao picked up the wine jug and poured another drink.

“How is it? Drinking is great, I’m right.

Nan Wujing watched Yang Hao add wine and hurriedly said:

“Why are you drinking so fast? Let’s drink, I’ll pour the wine.”

With that said, grab the hip flask, and you drink my glass.

Not far away, the shopkeeper was quietly looking at the greedy smile on his mouth.

“Guardian, this is the signature dish of our shop: try the fresh soup, please use it slowly

Little ma slid the food onto the table.

Hurry up and serve, and give us another pot of wine.

Nanwu toast was not very happy.

“Okay, the little one urges the kitchen, I will bring you wine.”=”Little, don’t listen to him, we don’t want to drink anymore, hurry up and serve.”

Nan Wuxuan stopped the owner who was going to the kitchen.

Xiao aimed at the person who asked him for a drink just now. At this moment, although the man expressed dissatisfaction, he did not answer and expressed his opposition. Xiao always read his words and immediately agreed, “Small hurry up, and then the’cook’ hurry up and leave.

“Sister, outside, you want to give me some face.”

“Brother, this is no better than our own place. No one tells you how to drink in the Demon King Hall. It’s better to be careful here.”

Nan Wuxuan suddenly lowered her voice:

“Have you noticed that it’s time to eat, there are so many people on the street, but the business of this shop is so deserted, isn’t it weird?”

Yang Hao looked around and felt something was wrong, but he had never stayed in an inn and couldn’t say anything.


Nan Wujing hugged his belly and yelled.

“Brother, what’s wrong with you?”

“Brother Nan?

Yang Hao, Nan Wuxuan asked quickly.

Suddenly, Nam Wu-hyun also felt a stomachache, as if countless insects were eating.

“What happened to you two?”

Seeing at Yang Hao, in front of them, the two brothers and sisters were holding their stomachs, with extremely painful expressions.

“I feel a lot of bugs are biting.”

Wu Nanxuan said painfully, and the sweat on his forehead instantly fell.

Yang Hao’s luck suddenly increased, he hesitated for a moment, and held Nan Wujing, stretched out his palm to press on Nan Wujing’s belly.

“. “Brother Nan, are you better?”

“Oh, you are really useless.

“This guest officer, what happened to them?”

Xiao Ran walked out of the back kitchen with a surprised expression.

“They suddenly said that their stomach hurts, this dish?”

Yang Hao pointed to the table and asked.

“The guest officer, you also ate our food. Do you feel a stomachache or something?”

“this is not.”

“This means there is no problem with our food.

“Where is the doctor here?”

Little left, looked at the right, looked at the opening and said:

“I think these two guest officials do not seem to be sick, but embarrassed.”

“Yu Zhong?”

“Yes, the guest officer is not a native of Nanzhao. I don’t know that we have many tricks in Nanzhao Shengxing. Of the two guest officers, it should be the lightest bug.”

“Oh? Do you know how to solve it?”

(Zhao Qian’s) Yang Hao is looking very small,

“The small is how the shop can solve the bugs, the small knows that someone can solve it.

“Who, where is he?”


The shop rolled his eyes and hesitated.

Yang Hao obviously didn’t understand what it meant, and urged:

“Come on, who can save them?”

Seeing this different person, Xiao Yang Hao said coldly:

“There is a doctor in the city called Lu. You can go to him, but it is late now. These two guest officers can drink the flood in our shop to relieve the pain. It will not be too late to find him tomorrow.

Well, first bring the flood to them to relieve their suffering

Yang Hao said.

“Grandpa, the two silver bowls of our store, plus the meal you just ate and the accommodation fee for the night are fifty taels of silver.”

After reading the novel, he asked Yang Hao for silver and stretched out his right hand. There is no silver in Yang Hao. Although I have changed several coins before, I have never seen silver before. How did it make it?.

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