Chapter 813 Nanzhao

Brother Zheng Yuan sat beside the tree and said.

“What? What did you say? Is it dead?”

Nan Wujing opened his eyes wide.

“Yes, this is the secret of Shushan. It is said that Master Xuan is related to the evil Demon world. Are you really looking for his old man?” “Bah! Laozi ran away in vain.”

Nan Wu Kyung kicked the tree angrily.

Yang Hao thought of the tower that Senior Shushan encountered in the lock demon and asked:

We met a senior of Spirit Shushan in the lock demon tower, who is that?

Zheng Yuan frowned slightly,

“The spirit of the predecessors of Shushan? We pedestrians have never seen it before, I really don’t know.

Yang Hao stopped asking, Zheng Yuan’s answer was dubious.

“It’s getting late. We have to go to other places as soon as possible. Although Chen Qingzhen asked you to help me hold my arm, now that you are injured, let’s wait until the injury is better.”

“Well, when I am healed, where can I find you?”

“Don’t deliberately look for it, you will always see you in this troubled world. Don’t worry, Chen Qingzhen finally said about revitalization and me. As long as I’m still here, I will keep my promise.

Thank you Dugu, brother, my brother is here to thank you

Zheng Yuan wanted to stand up and express his gratitude.

Yang Hao said quickly:

“No, no, then we will leave now. See you later.”

Facing Shu Mountain with empty hands, all the disciples quickly pulled Nan Wujing nearby and flew without a trace.

“Brother Nan, your father, we can’t save it right away. I’m going to Nanzhao, what are you going to do? Come with me?”

Yang Hao looked at the sceneless Nanfang and asked.

“Get up, anyway, it is against the Demon world. I have long seen that you are extraordinary dragon spirit. Ask you, don’t you say it. In the lock demon tower, you know from the mouth of the old man Chen Qing that you are the son of destiny, and you have saved it. The whole life. It seems that God and my evil Demon world, Demon world will not succeed.”

Nan Wujing complained and said excitedly.

Seeing Nan Wujing’s excited expression, Yang Hao slowly said:

“Brother Nan, don’t be so excited. I may not be the son of destiny among the Muslim population. I might as well tell you that after I was born, I was left in a barren mountain by my master and studied art alone for several years before going down the mountain. No one told me about the son of destiny. . I went down because my master asked me to find someone in Nanzhao.”

“After you were born, you were left in the barren mountain? What about your family? You said you only studied art in the barren mountain for a few years? You have grown up so many years?”

Nan Wujing was taken aback. At this moment, her face was covered with big words: I don’t believe it.

“It’s hard to say. I’ll explain it to you when I have the opportunity.”

“Now that I say it, I’m very curious.

Yang Hao pointed to the river in a low voice:

“There is a struggle over there. I see that the black air is enveloped. It seems to be someone from the Demon world.

There is no scene in the south. Pointing towards Yang Hao, if there is an intermediary in Demon world, even though he felt unhappy in his heart, he still resisted the urge to think about being trapped in Shushan before locking the demon tower. I say:

“Dugu, brother, let’s not drown in this muddy water. We can reach Nanzhao in half a day’s flight.”

As soon as Nan Wujing finished speaking, he saw Yang Hao flying towards the river.

“Hey, I said you have more personality than Laozi!”


“Quickly wait with me! You can’t escape!”

One of the black-robed people said. “You personally want to take me back, but you underestimate me.”

The woman surrounded by the messengers of the underworld, dressed in red, with clean brows and piercing eyes, smiled proudly.

Nan Wujing followed Yang Hao and muttered:

“I said why don’t you go to Nanzhao?”

“Life is a matter of life, and it can be saved.”

Yang Hao said lightly.

Through the smoky black gas, Nan Wu Jingding took a look and exclaimed:

“Sister Ying!”

For an instant, when Nan Yang Hao had no scene, he flew to the woman’s side and played against everyone in the Demon world. “Brother, why are you here?”

The woman asked in surprise.

“I still want to ask you, how did you escape?”

Nan Wujing asked.

“Let’s talk about it when we deal with these evil Demon messengers.”

Yang Hao next to him pointed to an evil Demon angel in front of him and said.

The man immediately started fighting. After a while, the man was beaten to the ground and ran away.

The people sent to catch Sister Xuan are Ronaldinho

Nan Wujing looked at the messenger of the underworld who had escaped and laughed.

“No! There are two groups of people. I just lost the group before

The woman named Xuanmei blushed and argued fiercely.

“By the way, brother, who is this next to you?”

Nan Wujing stopped laughing, and solemnly introduced:

Sister Xuan, this is Yang Hao. His technique is extraordinary, but he is a big man unknown to the world. Now he is my brother!”

Nan Wujing said with some pride, and instead said to Yang Hao:

“Dugu, brother, this is the older sister I told you before, and her name is Nan Wu-hyun.”

Yang Hao looked at the woman in front of her woodenly. The profile of this woman looks like a young lady. After going down the mountain, Yang Hao clearly felt that the memory of the past was slowly disappearing. Yang Hao desperately wanted to remember his sister, father and Immortal Mountain, but these memories gradually faded…

“Brother, it’s unfair. Tell him about someone and tell me a few words. It’s just that no one has a reputation! I have no reputation in the South.”

Nam Wu-hyun twisted his arms with both hands, pretending to be angry.

Nan Wu Jingxue smiled and touched Nan Wuxuan’s head:

“It’s okay, deliberately teasing you, good sister, but my brother Dugu has a big background, then explain it to you slowly, you tell me first, how did you escape? Father?”

777 “I was not locked with my father. At that time, the Dragon King’s people sealed the seal of our monster race. My seal could not be sealed, but they didn’t know. Therefore, I was able to escape. I heard that my father was locked in another by the Dragon King. In the secret room. I wanted to find it, but I couldn’t start. I was also spotted by the evil Demon messenger patrolling, so I was chased here.

Nan Wuxuan sighed softly.

“Don’t be afraid, with you and brother, I can save the father and restore the evil Demon world.”

Nan Wujing patted it and said.

“Then let’s go to the godfather king of the underworld!

Nan Wuxuan blinked and had big eyes.

“Well, there is no rush to save the father king. I promised Brother Dugu to accompany him to Nanzhao to find someone. Moreover, it is impossible to rescue them all with our magic power. Brother Dugu is the son of destiny. When he arrives in Nanzhao, At that time, he will have a way to fight the evil Demon world.” “Son of Destiny?”

Nan Wujing did not answer Nan Wuxuan’s question, but turned to Yang Hao

“Dugu, brother, let’s go to Nanzhao quickly.

“it is good.”

Medium bone soup

Excuse me, do you know where Aunt Mo Yu is?

“have no idea.”

“Brother, do you know Mo Yu?

“have no idea.”

The middle-aged man with a handkerchief on his head shook his head.

Yang Hao, there is no scene in the south. Nan Wuxuan has just entered Nanzhao to ask everyone. .

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