Chapter 806 Henggu Tianyu

“So, he lives in the palace?”

Henggu Tianyu then asked.

“I don’t know this little one, but the little one will serve you.”

After speaking, the shop went to the kitchen.

Henggu Tianyu was surrounded by Gu Zhou, and few people stayed for dinner. It’s getting dark outside~, it rains very slowly.

Suddenly, hearing the whole sound at the entrance of the inn, Henggu Tianyu looked in the direction of the door.

“Immortal, let’s go back.

“Yes, Immortal, go back. My master must be anxious to ask you to go back soon.”

“Don’t, it’s raining so hard, stay here till late, and go back tomorrow.”

A woman in a hat said to two wayward waiters and waitresses, and then sat down at the nearest table.

“Master, please enjoy your wine.

The owner hurried out of the kitchen, brought the wine to Henggu Tianyu, and then immediately ran to the guests who had just entered.

“Guest, do you want to eat or stay?”

“Immortal, why don’t we go back?”

The girl next to her was still trying to persuade the woman sitting in the hat.

“I said, stay here until late and go back. Come and sit down.”

The two waiters stopped insisting and sat down slowly.

“What would the guest officer want to eat? We have a new batch of good beef here. Would you like to try it?

The store looks down on people and must stay and ask.

“Food, yes

Before the girl next to her finished speaking, Xiaopan immediately picked up the conversation.

“My home, my home, rest assured, it’s all clean and contentious.”

After finishing talking, Xiao Xiao didn’t continue to ask what food to eat, and went straight into the kitchen.

Henggu Tianyu saw this little behavior very strange, and thought of the method of poisoning that the great wizard once said. The wine in front of him didn’t dare to move for half a minute.

“Your beef, sir.”

The owner took out a plate of beef from the kitchen and put it on the table. He looked at Henggu Tianyu without moving his chopsticks. He asked: “Grandpa, why don’t you eat? Isn’t the dining table suitable for your taste?”

“In the past two years, there have been fewer and fewer people, and I have been scared by you.”

The woman in the hat doesn’t know when she came to Henggu Tianyu

“Immortal, how dare we offend customers when we do business.”

The owner said with a smile.


The woman took out a medicine bottle from her waist and gently pulled out the cork. The unpleasant smell of garlic diffused from the bottle.

“Immortal, the little one is wrong, take it back quickly, and the little one will change the table for this person right away.”

The owner ran into the kitchen with beef and wine.

Henggu Tianyu stood up and said to the woman in front of him:

“thank you for your help.”

“It’s easy, you’re welcome.”

The woman walked back to the original table and sat down.

Henggu Tianyu couldn’t see the expression of a woman wearing a hat, but she always felt familiar.

Maybe I missed it too much, making everyone like her, Henggu Tianyu would definitely think so.

After the meal, Henggu Tianyu lay quietly on the bed in the guest room, still unable to sleep, as long as you close your eyes, the little lonely foam will appear in front of you.



There seemed to be the sound of snakes crawling by outside the room. Henggu Tianyu immediately sat up and hid outside the door.

Sure enough, there was a small black snake wandering around the corner outside the door.

But Little Black Snake didn’t seem to be targeting his guest room.

The little black snake swam past the guest room of Henggu Tianyu and continued on.

Henggu Tianyu followed that little black snake to see what it was.


The little black snake stopped in front of the guest room, probed back and forth on the door, looking for the entrance.

The room was dark, and the gap in the door was just enough for the little black snake’s body.

Seeing the little black snake slowly swimming in and squeezing in,

Henggu Tianyu is not a chivalrous hero who helps others. He wants to leave when he sees this, don’t worry about it. However, an idea flashed through his mind.

Immortal and Henggu Tianyu followed in.

The little black snake continued to swim, as if guided by the smell. The direction of swimming was aimed at the person sleeping on the bed.

Henggu Tianyu was still hidden. In the dark, through the faint moonlight, he vaguely saw a straw hat lying on the table.

It’s that girl,

A bit of luck in Henggu Tianyu’s hand hit the little black snake wandering in front.

The little black snake moved, but still moved forward, seemingly unaffected.

Although it only consumes mana, it is just a snake in every world. How can it resist? Henggu Tianyu was surprised, but he couldn’t make any more sounds. After all, he is invisible. It is a girl’s room, which is inconvenient. I think about it, this girl should also have a way to deal with it.

Henggu Tianyu twisted his fingers with a gas bomb and hit the sleeping woman.

The woman sat up immediately,


As he got closer, the little black snake got more and more excited, and spit out the letter again.

The woman had spotted the little black snake and screamed in horror.

When Henggu Tianyu saw that the situation was not good, he immediately appeared and immediately set up a barrier in front of the woman. The little black snake couldn’t get in, and Henggu Tianyu cast another spell. The little black snake was instantly enveloped by the black fire and turned into ashes.

…For flowers…

Henggu Tianyu waved his hand gently, and the barrier was lifted. The woman is a little unkempt, but her face is familiar.

“Dugu Xiaomo!

Henggu Tianyu blurted out his eyes, but the next moment his eyes slowly became dull, he asked coldly:

“Who are you?”

The woman put on her clothes calmly, and said with a faint smile:

“Do you guys and girls pretend to admit the wrong person like this?”

“Don’t say anything, let’s go.

Henggu Tianyu turned around to leave, the woman stopped him:

“Oh, I haven’t thanked you yet. My name is Yaoxue, what is your name?”

Henggu Tianyu, you don’t have to thank you, we are also two to two.

After speaking, Henggu Tianyu stepped out of the guest room door.


Love and hate have been there since ancient times, and this endless sadness will last forever

Henggu Tianyu opened the door of the guest room and saw two waiters standing at the door.

“My son, is my Immortal okay?

One of the girls asked.

“It’s okay, the black snake is dead.”


The two were surprised.

Although Henggu Tianyu said coldly, he still said:

“This black snake is unknown, be careful.”


“Xinlian, Fu Xuan!”

The two attendants heard Yao Xue’s voice and immediately saluted Henggu Tianyu and hurried in.

“Immortal, are you okay?”

Xinlian’s maid asked with concern.

“Of course it’s okay!”

The beautiful face of a woman named Yaoxue flushed.

“It seems that the wizard is right. Immortal likes him very much.”

Fu Xuan, the waiter next to him, is a bit fun.

“I think Henggu Tianyu seems to have some meaning to Immortal. Although the tone was cold just now, you still have to be more careful.”

Xinlian answered and agreed.

“It’s not just because of my face, if I really have this face

Yaoxue felt depressed and lost.

A few days ago, the great wizard of the evil Demon world came to Nanzhao to search for King Jin and talked about the son of Dragon King.

In order for Henggu Tianyu to end the relationship as soon as possible and continue to work for the evil Demon world, King Gu needs to cooperate.

This great wizard decided to make the king’s adopted daughter Yaoxue look like a woman in Henggu Tianyu’s heart. Inch,

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