Chapter 805 Shake

Fearing that Yang Hao points would disturb their leader’s conversation with Shi Wei, the body of the guards trembled, and the bitter Sheng Wei bloomed in their bodies, oppressing Yang Hao.


“It’s a pity that only Shengwei wants to push me back, but that’s not enough!”

The corners of his mouth were slightly aroused, Yang Hao’s mind moved slightly, his divine consciousness exploded, and his gentle spiritual power waved away, and he immediately withstood Shengwei, but it did not cause any commotion.

At the same time, Yang Hao, like an okay person, calmly walked up the stairs on the third floor.


“how is this possible?”

Seeing this, everyone in the restaurant was shocked, including the guards, who opened their mouths and stared at Yang Hao incredulously.

With only Nine Tribulations and Half Saints, how can you be immune to a few peak Saint Seiyas and choose the sacred power of the Heavenly Dao powerhouse?

Rao both were taken aback, frowned and thought.

After careful sensing, Shi Wei smiled lightly, then turned to look at Fang Chen. His eyes were full of joking.

“I wanted to tell you, but now it seems unnecessary!”


Fang Chen raised his brows, and his body suddenly stepped back.

At the same time, several guards in front of Yang Hao were roaring loudly and slammed at Yang Hao’s fist.


The violent Shengwei, mixed with thunderous power, poured out.

Realizing this, Shi Wei raised his brows and flicked his right hand. An invisible sacred power spread out 773, and immediately filled the entire space. Yang Hao’s eyes were tightly locked, and his eyes were full of worry.

Obviously, Shi Wei has recognized Yang Hao.

“The motivation is not bad!

Wei Yang Hao, the right hand was blown up, the power of divine thought rippled, but it dispelled the invisible holy power.

At the same time, the shield of Taixuan emerged, the power of defense erupted eight times, the power of divine consciousness was blessed, covering the shield of Taixuan, blooming a pattern of yin and yang, and violently collided with a storm of sacred power.


As soon as the two collided, a powerful shock wave erupted, and a gust of wind swept past, and suddenly shook the Four Peaks Saints back several steps. Yang Hao stood still, with a cold expression, looking at the four guards.

At this moment, the sound of air-conditioning had already sounded in the restaurant.

Everyone was stunned.

Nine Tribulations and Half Saints, but they can force the peak Saint Seiya, this is simply a fantasy!

They completely refreshed their cognition!

Even Wei Shi was shocked. He originally thought it was not easy for Yang Hao to resist that offensive, but he did not expect that Yang Hao not only resisted, but also forced the four to retreat!

“this means!”

The other Fang Chen frowned slightly, and looked up at Yang Hao in confusion.

“Sage of the Four Peaks dare to stand in our way?”

Suddenly, the cold voices continued to flow, like a huge mountain, the cold momentum suddenly surged and pressed in everyone’s hearts!

There will be conflicts between people on one’s side

The cold aura bloomed, and that power was like an ancient beast, awakening. The cold sword air is mixed with vitality, falling on everyone, pressing on everyone’s heart.

“Step by step!

Footsteps sounded in their ears, and the frightened people slowly raised their heads, and what greeted them was a charming girl.

Although she is small, the power contained in her body is amazing!

“This girl looks so young, she is an invincible saint!”

“Oh my God, such a young and invincible saint?”

“When these two people are together, what is their status? Da Luo Heaven, Nine Tribulations and Half Saint, the attack on the four great sages will also shock them back! The other, so young, has become an invincible Saint Seiya!”

“Murphy, are they from Tianyingmen?”

“How is it possible? It is said that a goshawk is accompanied by a goshawk at the Tianyingmen. Besides, even the people at the Tianyingmen have no such talent?”

“Hey, are they from Tianbao Pavilion?”

At this point, everyone in the entire restaurant fell into silence, shivering, and dared not speak any more.

The four guards staggered, stepped back, staring at Yang Hao and Shen Qingyun

“Daluo Heaven is not bad, but the cooperation is relatively weak.”

An indifferent voice sounded, and Yang Hao slowly stepped onto the third floor with his hands behind him: “If your offensive is too scattered, if you unite, even if you can’t repel me, you won’t be shocked by the power.”


The corners of the mouth (bcdb) twitched, and the four guards were so depressed that they couldn’t refute them.

Other people’s counterattack against the four of them in the Nine Tribulations and Half Saint Daluo Heaven Realm, how can they have the face to refute?

“Okay, don’t think that you can call us back to be presumptuous!”

The four pinnacle saints gritted their teeth and took a step at the same time, just about to start, a surging force, like a bell and drum, burst out.


That force, like a hammer, hit them almost instantly and knocked them out.

“Be careful, be compassionate!”

Fang Chen, looking at Xiang Yang Hao and Shen Qingyun, frowned and exclaimed. “Shen, don’t do this, nun.

Yang Hao quickly shouted his prestige.

“Do not?

Hearing this, the person who had just walked to the third floor couldn’t help being surprised. In her opinion, Yang Hao was for safety, so she injured the four guards.

Unexpectedly, Yang Hao would not let her do it.

As soon as his eyes rolled, Shen Qingyun waved his hand suddenly, and a light curtain suddenly enveloped the entire third floor.

Seeing this, Shi Wei’s heart moved, and the breath that had been dangerous for a long time filled the entire restaurant.

“Great Sage Warrior?”

After feeling Shi Wei’s breath, the guard and captain Fang Chen were shocked.

They always thought that Shi Wei was not strong, but the peak of the sage made them dare to come to him for trouble. Unexpectedly, Shi Wei is a tiger!

“Oh, I have already noticed that there is still an intellectual power developing in the sunset sky, so I specially showed the strength of Saint Peak, and want to inspire you to take action.”

Shi Wei grinned and said: “I wanted to talk to you, but now it seems that you dare to shoot an adult, it’s boring to ask yourself!”

“grown ups?”

As soon as his eyes turned, the leader Fang Chen turned to Yang Hao again, his eyes filled with suspiciousness.

Nine Tribulations and Half Sage Daluo is in the sage, and he is engaged in an arduous struggle with the strong. He can subdue a great sage as his own, which always makes him feel a little familiar.

Just when the leader Fang Chen was suspicious, the four guards desperately retreated to Fang Chen and asked in a low voice: “Boss, what should we do?”

With his eyes narrowed slightly, the leader Fang Chen was very anxious.


Yang Hao suddenly smiled and said, “Xue Feng, now, don’t you recognize me?”

“Captain, it’s you!”

As soon as the voice fell, Fang Chen suddenly showed surprise. He quickly stepped forward and exclaimed excitedly: “Hahahaha, I said no one else can do this except for the captain!”

“team leader?”

“What’s happening here?”

Suddenly seeing this scene, the remaining few people were stunned, especially Shi Wei. After he just learned that Yang Hao had given him a task, he knew that Yang Hao didn’t understand at all, but why suddenly he came out alone. Calling Captain Yang Hao, or in the sunset sky?,

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