Chapter 228 A creepy gift! The terrible Emperor Wu! (7/7, please customize)

“Master, the bad posture of the sage.”

“Is this gift accepted or not?”

Liu Yan frowned and said to Yang Hao.

“Hehe, the visitor is a guest, it doesn’t matter if you see it.

“Remember your identity, don’t let people see the joke.”

Yang Hao heard the words, squinted his eyes, and said with a faint smile.

He was about to go to the mountain gate, but suddenly he had a meal, his eyes fixed on Liu Yan’s extremely hot figure, domineering and direct.

“Master, do you have any needs?” Liu Yan asked carefully when he saw Yang Hao’s gaze.

Today’s Liu Yan is obviously a cautious sister, better at observing words and colors.

“Need not.”

“Your cultivation base has improved very quickly, it took time to accelerate?”

Yang Hao stared at Liu Yan, it wasn’t that there was an idea.

It was that he was stunned to discover that Liu Yan’s cultivation base at this moment had jumped to the giant state!

This made his heart tremble slightly!

Yang Hao clearly remembers that when he left the Eternal Sanctuary, Liu Yan’s cultivation base was only Ninth Stage.

At that time, he even encouraged Liu Yan casually.

How can I go to the Forbidden Area for a trip? It took only three months before and after, and Liu Yan’s realm was soaring like a rocket, instantly surpassing the realm of the gods and becoming a giant.

Such a speed of practice surprised Yang Hao.

You know, even though Liu Yan has a divine body, her luck can’t be compared with some of the great luck tianjiao.

Even after becoming his follower, Liu Yan’s luck soared wildly, but it was not enough to make her become a giant after thousands of years of hard work by others in just three months.

The only explanation is that Liu Yan used time to accelerate his practice.


“The concubine will follow the master’s instruction and encourage her to practice.”

“When you went to the Eternal Sanctuary, the concubine found the second elder and asked her to take me into a time secret in the Eternal Sanctuary.”

270 “That time mystery has a strong time law and can be used for accelerated practice.”

“It can be accelerated up to a thousand times.

“Of course, it will also consume a lot of resources.”

“Originally, my concubine was not qualified to enjoy such a secret realm, but because of your master, the second elder took me into it.”

“Then the concubine asks the second elder to kill the concubine once every ten years.”

“Yesterday, the concubine heard that the second elder talked about the return of the master, and just walked out of the secret realm.”

Liu Yan told Yang Hao everything in detail.

Yang Hao heard the words and took a deep look at Liu Yan.

“You are very good.”

“Time acceleration is a double-edged sword, use it with caution.”

He had no idea that Liu Yan would use her Nirvana divine body characteristics to carry out such a practice.

Continue to be killed, and then resurrect for a long time.

Every time I die, my strength will be better than before.

Yang Hao doesn’t know much about Nirvana, but he knows that facing death is definitely not easy.

It is a kind of great perseverance to be able to go to death again and again.

This made him admire Liu Yan very much, so he reminded him.

As he has more control over the law of time, the more he discovers that whether it is time acceleration or reverse flow, it will have an impact on himself.

It’s all about the profound knowledge of time.

Some people can only reach the point of condensing the crystals of time. If the long-term use of time accelerates after years and months, their own strength will be rampant, the loss of lifespan will accelerate, and the most important thing will be assimilated by the law of time and turned into the law of time itself.

And even if he has a profound knowledge of time, he cannot ignore the law of time.

There is a clear record in history (bcdb).

A powerful saint in the Holy Land of Universe has discovered a time mystery, which can speed up time by 30,000 times!

This saint has already forged the source of time in his time attainments, which is extremely powerful.

But it is such a powerful saint, but because the use of time accelerates too much, it is finally assimilated by the law of time and becomes a part of the law of time.

“Thank you for your concern, my concubine.

“The Giant Realm needs to understand the Nine Dao Principles. Even if I continue to live toward death, it will not allow me to understand the laws.”

“After the giants have built the foundation of the avenue, the concubine will perform this method again.

“Strive to catch up with the master as soon as possible and provide assistance to the master.

Upon hearing this, Liu Yan said to Yang Hao immediately.

She entered the time acceleration secret realm and wanted to help Yang Hao.

“OK fine.”

“I still have a lot of god crystals here. Afterwards, you will take a look at those that are more suitable for you, and use them.

Yang Hao encouraged Liu Yan.

The disposition of this follower made him very satisfied, and he naturally spared no effort to cultivate it.

He now has many god crystals, which is not very useful to him, just bestowed on Liu Yan.

“Thank you, Master.” Liu Yan saluted immediately.

“Let’s go.”

With little gossip, Yang Hao took Liu Yan towards the gate of the Eternal Sanctuary.

The two soon arrived at the gate. Except for the strong of Eternal Sanctuary, they saw a sage with their brows curled into a ball at a glance, and a strange-looking sage stood standing in the void outside the gate of Eternal Sanctuary.

“I have seen the emperor.”

“This saint Samantabhadra, a follower of Emperor Wu.”

“Following the order of Emperor Wu, I am here to present a great gift to the emperor.”

Seeing Yang Hao’s arrival, Samantabhadra Sage spoke directly.

The tone is neither overbearing nor overbearing, neither is the domineering arrogance of Fang An’s saint, nor the slightest humility.

“Emperor Wu is polite.” Yang Hao was calm and calm, and was not impatient, but stared at Samantabhadra.

Samantabhadra sage smiled and waved casually.

Suddenly the emptiness was wiped out.

An ancient storage ring appeared.

Floating slowly to Yang Hao’s hands.

“This thing is what Emperor Wu wanted.”

Yang Hao listened to the words of Samantabhadra and sages, took this ancient storage ring, and felt inside the ancient ring slightly.

His pupils shrank suddenly, and then slowly laughed: “Are these?”

There is nothing special in the storage of ancient rings.

It is neither a magic weapon nor a magic medicine at all.

Some are densely packed, with more than a million heads!

This gift from Emperor Wu makes people horrified in an instant!

Even Yang Hao was taken aback.

“The saint Fang’an has offended the emperor, and his sin is unforgivable.”

“In this ancient ring, all the blood descendants of Saint Fang’an for more than 100,000 years should be here.”

“In addition, there are three Sects in Fang’an Saint’s line, one dynasty, and according to Emperor Hao’s intention, they have also been razed.”

“It’s just that there are too many lives, and it will take some time to sort it out.”

“The Emperor Wu was worried that the emperor had waited too long, and lost his sincerity, so he sent the descendants of Saint Fang’an first.”

“In the follow-up, there will be an ancient ring.

Samantabhadra saintly said to Yang Hao.

“no need.

“I have already taken the feelings of Emperor Wu.”

“This matter, let’s just expose it.

Yang Hao narrowed his eyes and said casually.

“If that’s the case, let’s say goodbye.”


“The Emperor Wu has something to say, he is very interested in you and hopes to have a relationship.”

Samantabhadra sage turned around to leave, but stopped and said to Yang Hao again.

“The heart of Emperor Wu, I have already felt it.”

“If you are destined, you will meet each other.

Yang Hao said lightly, and watched Samantabhadra sage show a mysterious smile before leaving.

“Dispose of this thing.

He casually threw this bloody ring to Liu Yan.


Liu Yan’s face turned pale at the moment, shocked by Emperor Wu’s bloody methods.


Yang Hao’s eyes flashed coldly.

The gift of Emperor Wu is extremely sincere.

The line of Saint Fang’an was completely extinct from the big star of Ziwei, and even the forces under Demon were uprooted.

But he understands that this is not only a gift, but also a demonstration and warning.

The underlying meaning is very simple.

This is showing him the means.

If he offends him again, then he will walk out himself.

One-sided fate means this.

Yang Hao responded to Samantabhadra and saints, because they would meet each other, which meant that they didn’t care about Emperor Wu’s threat.

Even though he said so in his mouth, Yang Hao had secretly vigilant in his heart.

Emperor Wu is definitely a dangerous man.

The other party seemed to be very sincere in apologizing, but in fact, he might no longer know when he was eyeing him.

“Whether the provocation of Saint Fang An’s brains is also the layout of Emperor Wu.”

Yang Hao thought again, his eyes flashing coldly.

Although he had never met, he had already kept Emperor Wu firmly in his heart.

“Go ahead.”

“I have something to go to the tomb of the emperor.”

After Yang Hao gave instructions to Liu Yan, he went directly to Fenglingdu.


Before Fenglingdu, the tomb of the Great Emperor was opened by Yang Hao again.

“Friends of Taoism, if you haven’t seen you in a short time, you will have become the emperor.”

“It seems that you should have got what you want in Minghai.”

Just entering the tomb of the emperor, the immortal soul of the middle-aged scribe appeared in front of Yang Hao with a smile. He looked at Yang Hao, his eyes flashed with a tremor.

He saw Yang Hao again, obviously not as easy as he said.


“It’s true that the gains are not small, and I would like to thank fellow Taoists for their guidance.”

“I came here today, but there are two things I want to ask Taoists.”

The emperor’s remnant was worthy of being a fellow Taoist, Yang Hao was naturally not cautious, and immediately stated his intentions.


“Just talk about it and listen.”

The Eternal Soul of the Emperor Yongsheng smiled, and said very face-to-face.

“This first thing is for the Divine Light in the Wuya Pagoda.”

“In addition to the natural waiting time, can fellow Taoists have other ways to increase the divine light?,

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