Chapter 227 Killing the saint, like slaughtering a dog! (6/7, please customize)

“I didn’t expect that someone would actually hook up with a foreign race, so bold.”

“As a human race, choose a foreign race and suppress it on the spot.

“Thanks to the presence of Sage Fang An, I can see everything and good and evil clearly.”

As the envoy of the quasi-emperor, Saint Fang An suddenly came from all directions, chasing after the stars and chasing the moon with this call.

On the one hand, there are many saints who praise the saint Fang An.

But when they arrived, they all fell silent when they looked at the three people opposite Fang An’s saint.

Afterwards, he looked at Saint Fang An with a weird look.

“Sage Fang’an, is there something wrong?”

“This is the former Holy Master of Eternal Sanctuary, the other two are the main star of the Dao, and the other is the star of the Dao Tiangang. It is impossible to betray the human race.”

“Yes, Saint Fang An should have misunderstood something.”

Just as these saints were talking verbally.

I saw the sword intent rising from the sky, beheading Saint Fang An!

Almost instantly, Saint Fang An was beheaded again!

“What are you waiting for? Can’t you see?”

“The following offense, offend the quasi-emperor’s messenger!”

“Once they are let go, if Emperor Wu gets into trouble, do you want this messenger to inform you that the betrayal of the human race is not possible?”

This time, although the saint Fang’an once again used indestructible substances to recover, he was obviously weaker.

He had no idea that things would develop in this way.

After these saints arrived, not only did they not make the first move, they even advised him!

“Elder Jiang, can I wait to kill this person?”

At this time, an indifferent voice sounded.

Afterwards, a group of figures walked out.

In the current Eternal Sanctuary, there are naturally the saints of the Eternal Sanctuary here.

These figures, not only the extreme powerhouse of Eternal Sanctuary, but also the extreme powerhouse of Taiyin Holy Land also walked out, looking at Saint Fang An with unkind eyes.

“What do you mean!”

“Do you want to rebel? I am the emissary of Emperor Wu, don’t you believe this emissary?”

“Everyone in the Yin and Yang Holy Land, are you looking at the Eternal Sanctuary like this to insult this messenger?”

When Saint Fang An saw this scene, his face was even harder to look, and he asked questions one after another.

He had already felt a sense of misfortune, and while speaking, he slapped divine light, and headed towards the end of the Tianque.

As the envoy of the quasi-emperor, Saint Fang An is clearly informing his master Wu Di at this moment!

“Sage Fang’an, I know that your Taoist companion fell in the ambush back then, but that is your yin and yang holy land to take your own answer, why bother to avenge your private revenge!”

“If Emperor Wu knows, you will not end well.”

“Now it’s too late to apologize. Elder Jiang and Emperor Zun have bad tempers.”

Unexpectedly, when the yin and yang sacred place and other sacred places hesitated when he heard the words of Fang An, a sage of Eternal Sanctuary threatened.


“so it is.

“You have a grudge against me.”

“Say it earlier, isn’t it all right?”

Yang Hao heard the strong man of Eternal Sanctuary speak, and finally woke up.

He said to Jiang Wu: “Auntie, he doesn’t need to dirty your sword.”

“A quasi-emperor is nothing but a quasi-emperor.

Yang Hao naturally knew that with Jiang Wu’s strength, he would naturally be able to kill Fang An’s saint on the spot, without the need to kill Fang An’s saint over and over again.

After all, Jiang Wu is worried about Yang Hao.

He saw the reason at a glance, and the next moment Huangquan Road appeared in his hand.

Nine kinds of laws converged in Huangquan Road, piercing the spirit sea of ​​Fang’an saint in an instant.

Fang An’s strength is not strong.

Even most of the saints present are stronger than him.

The reason why he is in awe of him is because of the identity of the saint Fang An.

This is also the reason why Fang An dared to avenge private revenge against Yang Hao.

Unfortunately, he miscalculated the situation.

First of all, without mentioning the identity and background, Yang Hao has Ji Dao emperor soldiers in his hands, and he is not afraid of any quasi emperor.

Secondly, his strength also overwhelms Saint Fang An!

[Receive 450 million points for killing saints.]

Under the unbelievable gaze of Fang’an Saint.

Yang Hao killed him casually!

Until the blood clouds gathered in the sky, everyone gradually recovered!

“This, the emperor killed Saint Fang An?”

“Sage Fang An just now has reported the situation to Emperor Wu!”

“Rao is so, still killed!”

“Even if the Dao Sage has weakened Fang An’s strength, it would be too easy for the emperor to kill Fang An’s saint!”

“Di Zun’s strength has improved again!”

An extremely powerful person all looked at Yang Hao with incredible eyes.

There was a chill in their hearts.

Yang Hao progressed too fast.

It was only a while ago that Yang Hao could beat the saints.

How much time has passed since then?

Now killing Fang’an Saint is as easy as butchering a dog!

How much would it cost to kill Saint Fang An in this way?

Most of the people present are quasi-sages or saints, and it is also possible to see the mystery of just Yang Hao beheading Fang An saint.

From beginning to end, Fang An simply used the magic weapon in his hand to behead Fang An’s saint purely with the power of the law!

This is completely beyond their understanding!

When can the law obliterate a saint who has condensed indestructible matter?!

The law naturally cannot.

But the law of fate, beyond common sense, can be.

Yang Hao glanced around indifferently, but didn’t explain much.

“Let’s go.

He said to Jiang Wu, and wanted to leave.

“Wait a minute.”

But at this moment, another sound rang.

Yang Hao heard the voice again and couldn’t help frowning.

Soon his brows stretched out, and he knew the voice very well.

“Lan Sheng?”

Jiang Wu looked at the source of the sound. It was a tall and elegant woman.

Lan Sheng is the same as Jiang Wu, the same white clothes, but has a special flavor, revealing intellectual and elegant.

“Excuse me, have you seen Xiao Qing’er?”

When Lan Sheng saw Jiang Wu and Yang Hao, he couldn’t help giving a polite ceremony, and asked politely.

With the current identity of Lan Sheng, such a courtesy is already very polite.

Obviously, she didn’t intend to be enemies with Yang Hao and Jiang Wu.


Yang Hao said directly without thinking.

Xiao Qing’er was suppressed by him and was about to be transformed, so naturally there is no need to tell Lan Sheng.

It’s not that I’m afraid of Lan Sheng, but that I don’t want more troubles.

“Thanks a lot.”

Lan Sheng took a deep look at Yang Hao.

This little guy who was completely inconspicuous in the past, it has only been a long time before, and he is about to catch up with her, giving her a sense of powerlessness.

“After Qinger walks out, let’s understand what happened.

Lan Sheng had actually guessed that Yang Hao and others had met Xiao Qing’er.

It wasn’t from the look of Jiang Wu and Yang Hao, but the spiritual saint on the side moved obviously when she mentioned Xiao Qing’er.

Although insignificant, Yilan Sheng’s eyesight still has an instant insight.

But she didn’t reveal it.

She has a special connection with Xiao Qing’er. Xiao Qing’er is still alive, she is pretty sure.

As long as he is still alive, as the king of Xiao Qinger’s restricted area, even if he fails against Yang Hao, there is no worry about his life.

Yang Hao and Jiang Wu returned directly to the Eternal Sanctuary like this.

The spiritual saint did not always follow, she returned to the Taiyin Holy Land halfway, telling Yang Hao that she would come to look for him in the future.

“. “Unexpectedly, there was no encounter with the quasi emperor. ”

“It seems that it is nothing more than that.”

Upon arriving at the gate of the Eternal Sanctuary, Yang Hao squinted his eyes.

He and Jiang Wu did not encounter any accidents along the way.

After the saint Fang’an was easily beheaded by him, it seemed like a pebble smashed into the surging river, without a trace of waves at all.

“The overwhelming majority of the quasi emperors are dealing with the five decays of heaven and man, and they don’t have so much thought to calculate these.

“The saint Fang’an just lifted a rock and hit him in the foot.” Jiang Wu said casually with a smile to Yang Hao.

Yang Hao nodded, agreeing with Jiang Wu’s statement.

Only by personally experiencing it will you know how terrible the five decays of heaven and man are.

He has experienced nine calamities of heaven and man, has already grasped one or two, and is fully aware of the horror.

The two returned to the Eternal Sanctuary, and Jiang Wu gained a lot from this trip. After she explained to Yang Hao, she went to retreat and practice.

Shaking Light Immortal Peak.

Yang Hao (了王赵) looks at Wuya Pagoda.

“The protagonist’s life style has a certain impact on the Wuya Pagoda’s Transformation Divine Light.”

“It took a long time to refining Fang Qingying, and Fang Qingying was just a heroine.”

“Xiao Qing’er is the standard protagonist’s fate.

“The Divine Light of Transformation in the Wuya Pagoda is getting less and less.”

“Some trouble.

“Should be able to transform Xiao Qinger.

“Go and ask the Emperor Eternal Life, because there are many questions to ask him.”

Yang Hao is ready to meet Emperor Yongsheng again.

In the Eternal Forbidden Zone, he once saw the scene of Emperor Yongsheng fighting in the Underworld Hall. Whether it was the “Ming” waist card or the matter of crossing the divine light, he needed to find the Emperor Yongsheng to inquire clearly.

Involving the secrets of Wuya Tower, he did not choose to go to Jingshenmen to find the incarnation of the five emperors, but was going to Fenglingdu to open the tomb of the emperor, and he was going to ask the emperor eternally alone.

Just when Yang Hao was about to leave.


“Outside the mountain gate, a sage from the yin and yang holy land came.

“He said that Emperor Wu sent a big gift to the master and asked the master to come in person.

Liu Yan’s figure appeared, reporting hunger to Yang Hao’s very respectful report.


Yang Hao squinted his eyes when he heard the words.

Unexpectedly, the quasi-emperor of the yin and yang holy land actually came to the door. .

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