Chapter 183 Ji Dao Emperor soldiers cover the sky, Demon Xing Yong Ye Umbrella (4/7, please customize)

The brilliance is overflowing with benefits.

So far, Yang Hao has obtained too many treasures.

Every item is taken out, even if it is a holy land, the income will be used as the foundation.

But the more overturned, the more disappointed Yang Hao.

“Master, this is normal.”

“Enlightenment is too difficult.

“For the average emperor, it is extremely difficult to get his laws to the end, and I don’t know how much time it will take.”

“As for turning the ultimate into a avenue, it is even more difficult.”

“The law is the ultimate, it’s only a matter of time, based on the master’s insight and talent.”

“You may even be able to reach this five-element avenue before you leave, but it is almost impossible to regularize the avenue.”

“This time, it is a very good harvest to be able to bridge the imperial sage.” Yunyin said with relief to Yang Hao.

Yang Hao was not satisfied with the harvest of this trip, but Yunyin was already extremely shocked.

How can the perception of the law count time in years?

Even if Tianjiao wants to transform a law from perception into crystallization, then into divine wheel, to divine gate and ultimate, that one doesn’t need to cost hundreds of thousands of years?

When I got to my master, I was still dissatisfied.

Just nine years.

Five special laws are crystallized!

I also comprehend the Five Elements Law to the point of a sacred gate, how terrible it is!

Yunyin no longer knows how to persuade Yang Hao.

“indeed so.

“But Yunyin, you are most afraid to give up in everything.”

“If there is a glimmer of hope, it has to be seized.”

Yang Hao didn’t raise his head, and continued to search for his own sea of ​​spiritual energy, digging away pieces of divine objects at will.

“this is ”

Suddenly, Yang Hao gave his fingers a pause.

223 In the next instant, a black umbrella appeared in Yang Hao’s hand.

It was Yang Hao who blew himself up after Lin Feng in Wandao Pavilion and was acquired by him.

“I forgot this thing.” Yang Hao rubbed his eyebrows and walked out of Wandao Pavilion until now. In addition to fighting with others, he is indulging in cultivation. At that time, he obviously wanted to study Lin Feng’s black umbrella but he forgot to do so. NS.

[Because of rubbing the eyebrows with my hands, I got 100 million points. 】

[Because of “Take out the Evernight Umbrella” to get 100 million points.][Get 100 million points for “Mumbling to Oneself”.]

“Yongye Umbrella.”

“I don’t know what’s the use.”

Yang Hao murmured to himself, although he didn’t know the magical effect of this black umbrella, he knew the name of the umbrella at the moment he took out the Yongye Umbrella according to the system income record.

At the moment, it is impossible to make progress on the Five Elements Rule in a short time anyway, so he simply researched this umbrella forever.

This thing, and an extraordinary thing.

Yang Hao is very clear.

In the past, Lin Feng escaped the killing and robbery he made on the second floor of Wandao Pavilion by virtue of the Yongye Umbrella.

When he was on the third floor of Wandao Pavilion, Lin Feng also used the Yongye Umbrella to resist the vision of the Nine Dragons pulling the coffin.

At least this Eternal Night Umbrella is extremely amazing in terms of defense!

Yang Hao once suspected that this thing was a Jidao Emperor Soldier.

However, although the imperial qi was sensed at the beginning, after the acquisition, the emperor’s power of the emperor was not sensed from the Yongye Umbrella.

Yang Hao, who has been in contact with and even used several pieces of Ji Dao Imperial Soldiers, is very familiar with the feeling of Ji Dao Imperial Soldiers.

“Is it an extremely imperial soldier?”

“Emperor Yong Ye.”

“In history, it seems that only Emperor Yong Ye was named after Yong Ye.”

Yang Hao muttered to himself, he overturned his memory, recalling the great emperor who appeared in the history of the star of Ziwei.

There is only one Yongye, named after Yongye.

However, in his impression, Emperor Yong Ye did not have a Ji Dao Emperor soldier called Yong Ye Umbrella.

Even Emperor Yong Ye didn’t even use an umbrella.

“Master, Emperor Yongye is one of the earliest ancient emperors born by the star of Ziwei. His combat power is very terrifying, like Emperor Changyu, and he has won the top three in history.”

“It is said that in his life there was only one Jidao Emperor Soldier named Zhetian. This Jidao Emperor Soldier called Zhetian is said to be among the top three at least in the history of the Ziwei star.”

“Since the Yongye Umbrella is named after Yongye, will it be the part that covers the sky?”

“According to historical records, Emperor Yong Ye was invincible in the Primordial Era. He once entered the starry sky and had a shocking battle. In that battle, he fell together with another powerful existence from other great stars.”

“With the terrifying battle that broke out between the two, it is possible if the Zhetian Emperor’s soldier was broken into pieces.”

Yunyin helped Yang Hao analyze that she is absolutely loyal to Yang Hao. Although she does not know the existence of the system, she always follows Yang Hao with her. Naturally, she is very clear about Yang Hao’s sometimes magical talents.

Hearing Yunyin’s analysis, Yang Hao’s eyes moved, and he slowly said, “Are you broken parts of Jidao Emperor’s Weapon?”

Yunyin’s guess is very possible.

He was saying: “No matter what the origin of the Evernight Umbrella, let me test how powerful it is.”

Yang Hao began to pour spiritual power into the Yongye Umbrella.

Lin Feng has fallen, and the mark he left on it naturally dissipates.

Yang Hao’s spiritual power almost didn’t have any obstacles, so he rushed in.

“It’s terrifying consumption.

As soon as the spiritual power surged in, Yang Hao’s face changed drastically!

His body, like a sea of ​​spiritual power, was drained almost in an instant!

Not only his spiritual power, but the law crystals in his body are trembling!

A large amount of the power of the law was almost drained by the Yongye Umbrella at the same time!

“Such Demon is like a Demon soldier, no wonder Lin Feng dare not use it at will.”

Yang (bcdb) Hao sensed the horror consumption caused by random injection, and he took a breath.

What a foundation he is, it goes without saying.

If you change to any giant and infuse spiritual power into the Eternal Night Umbrella, you will definitely be pumped into an instant, and you don’t even know how to die!

Too late to sigh the Demon of Yongye Umbrella, Yang Hao has already focused on Yongye Umbrella.

“so it is.

“Very strong defense.”

The Yongye Umbrella that Yang Hao was watching at this moment, after madly drawing a lot of his consumption, began to spin in front of him, like a dark sky.

This dark sky curtain Yang Hao only felt a little bit, and then sensed its mystery.

In addition to the powerful defense, the dark sky also contains the power of seven special laws, which is the power of the laws he injected!

But in comparison, the power in the dark sky has expanded dozens of times!

This caused Yang Hao’s eyes to flicker, and he subconsciously sacrificed the killing array, and slashed away at the dark sky formed by the umbrella of the eternal night!


The thick five element rule in all directions was completely shaken and dispersed by Yang Hao’s self-attack.

It was as powerful as a flood killing array, and it didn’t even break the defense of the Eternal Night Umbrella under one blow.


Before the Yong Ye Umbrella was controlled by Lin Feng, Yang Hao did not find any abnormalities.

But now as he used it himself, he sensed that after the Yongye Umbrella was hit by a flood of killings, not only was it not broken, but also a lot of law power seemed to be transformed into the black umbrella?

“Absorbed the power of the law of the prehistoric killing array?”

“It’s extremely pure, even filtering out all instability, and you can learn it directly.”

Yang Hao instantly judged the power of the law born in the Eternal Night Umbrella.

“Not only can it magnify its own strength by dozens of times for defense, but it can also absorb the opponent’s killing for self-absorption and practice.”

“After the manipulation and familiarity, although the spiritual power in the body can still be extracted, as long as the concealment law crystallizes, the Evernight Umbrella will not extract the power of the law.


“If it’s not that the power is too single and too domineering, it definitely can be regarded as the power of the emperor.

Yang Hao continued to test and came to a conclusion.

He couldn’t put it down a bit, the defense power of this thing was stronger than the Immortal King’s creation map, and the special law contained the power of filtering, which made him feel very useful.


“Try it, can you use Yongye Umbrella to collect these five elements.”

At this moment, suddenly Yunyin said.

“It makes sense.”

Yang Hao’s eyes lit up immediately, and he shot out the Yongye Umbrella.

You know, the power of the law cannot collect the hidden.

Otherwise, how could Shenjing be so precious?

Even if it is the crystallization of the laws in his body, it needs to be restored through the continuous absorption of insights from the system.

Yunyin’s proposal is very interesting.

Since Yongye Umbrella can transform the law and carry on the accumulation.

Then if you can directly collect the law, wouldn’t it be of great use to him?

In the sea of ​​spiritual energy, he took a series of Immortal medicines to restore spiritual power.

He played Yongye Umbrella and tried to urge Yongye Umbrella to collect the Five Elements Rule.

as predicted.

Although his spiritual power was extremely terrifying, he was drawn by Yongye Umbrella.

But the Five Elements Law in all directions entered the Yongye Umbrella very obediently.

“A god crystal.”

“Two divine crystals.

“A hundred gods”

In the ear, Yunyin helped Yang Hao calculate how much power of law the Yongye Umbrella could contain, and as she slowly counted, she became more and more shocked.

Yang Hao gradually laughed.

“Look, Yunyin.

“I have air transport myself, as long as I persist, I will definitely gain.”

“With the Yongye Umbrella, can the Five Elements Rule transform the avenue?”

Hearing Yang Hao’s extremely confident words, Yunyin immediately responded: “Naturally, there will be no more problems.”

“This Yongye umbrella is really a treasure.”

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