Chapter 182 Gentle secret, eternal forbidden zone!

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[Because of the’automatic perception of the Five Elements Law’, 110 million points were obtained. 】

[Receive 110 million points due to the “comprehension of the Five Elements Law”.][Achieved 200 million points for “Breakthrough in Realm”.]

The time for practice always flies extremely quickly.

One year passed in a flash.

In this year, with Yang Hao’s terrifying comprehension, he easily understood the Five Elements Law in this Five Elements Avenue world, and condensed the Five Elements Crystal in his body.

Naturally, he also broke through the realm to the third stage of the giant realm.

Not only that, Yang Hao is still using the system to understand the Five Elements Principles, while simultaneously extracting a large number of divine crystal refining insights containing special laws from Wandao Pavilion.

One year has passed, not only is the Five Elements Law advancing rapidly, even with the help of various gods, Yang Hao’s perception of other special laws has also advanced by leaps and bounds, approaching the edge of breakthrough.

“Master, the imperial sage succeeded in crossing.

On this day, Yunyin’s voice came from Yang Hao’s ears.

His eyes opened, and the saint’s mood was extremely tough. It took him a year to completely transform the imperial saint.

“Come out.”

“Tell me all your secrets.

Yang Hao thought, Wu Ya Pagoda released the imperial sage almost instantly.

The imperial sage at this moment has been completely docile, and has lost all his hostility towards Yang Hao.

Not only that, her breath has also recovered a lot than before.

Obviously, after transforming the imperial sage, Yang Hao did not hesitate to use any gods, and directly used the immortal medicine that was still hidden to help the imperial sage to recover.

After being moisturized by the undead medicine, the imperial sage even showed a tendency to rejuvenate.

Originally just the appearance of a middle-aged beautiful woman, after being nurtured by the immortal medicine, the imperial saint who appeared in front of Yang Hao at this moment was a green silk waterfall, graceful and graceful, like a stunner in the world.

“Yes, master.”

Upon hearing this, the imperial saint was very respectful, and slowly began to talk about all his secrets to Yang Hao.

She is very old and has lived for almost 100,000 years, but it is normal among the saints.

Nearly one hundred thousand years of life, even if he only picks up important secrets to tell, this talk will last three days and three nights.

“You have some adventures.”

Yang Hao looked at the royal sage seriously.

The real name of the imperial sage is Wen Wan, and his name and image are quite different from before Yang Hao.

Through gentle narration, Yang Hao knows the trajectory of gentle growth.

This person is also a peerless Tianjiao in the Holy Land of Good Fortune. Like other evildoers, he has risen all the way and left countless legends. He has explored countless places of opportunity, and has also traversed extremely dangerous places. Of course, all kinds of fights against Xingni are inevitable.

What made Yang Hao a little surprised was that after becoming a quasi-sage, this gentleman boldly stepped out of the crape myrtle star and dashed through the ancient starry sky.

After returning from the millennia, he successfully became a saint and controlled two avenues.

The magical ancient road experience also made Yang Hao feel fresh and listened with gusto.

Compared with the Anling saints who were also transformed by him and even came from the Holy Land of Good Fortune, Wen Wan is undoubtedly more lucky.

Even if there is no accident, Wen Wan has the potential to become a sage, it is nothing more than a matter of time.

“The host praised…”

Looking at the gentle, young and docile appearance in front of him, it is difficult for Yang Hao to associate her with the image of the madness of the shrew before.

“Go back to Wuya Pagoda and recover again.”

Yang Hao was digesting many secrets Wen Wan told him, most of which are outdated or useless, but they are also extremely valuable secrets.

“Lin Feng.

“It’s getting more and more interesting.

The first to bear the brunt is the news of Lin Feng.

A sharp light flashed in Yang Hao’s eyes.

The relationship between Wen Wan and Lin Feng is not what he thought before.

The two are in the same vein.

Lin Feng is a disciple of Wen Wan, and as Lin Feng emerged, he naturally received gentle attention.

However, Lin Feng did pursue Wen Wan and wanted Wen Wan to be his Taoist companion.

Wen Wan originally admired Lin Feng very much, she had been lonely for endless years, and originally had some thoughts about Lin Feng, such an extremely outstanding Tianjiao.

It is a pity that the meticulous and petty-minded gentleman used the omniscience and omnipotence of the saint to snoop a trace of Lin Feng’s secret. Although he still appreciates Lin Feng’s cultivation, he has not moved his mind again.

This secret is not too big a secret, otherwise it would not be so easy to be detected by gentleness.

What Lin Feng admired was not gentleness, but just wanted to use gentleness!

He has someone else to admire!

“Wu Jiang.”

“Lin Feng, why do you adore auntie.”

Yang Hao’s eyes flashed with killing intent. For some reason he knew such news from Wen Wan’s mouth, his heart was unconsciously boiling with killing intent.

He can be quite sure that Lin Feng and Jiang Wu do not have a slight overlap.

But Wen Wan would not deceive him, Lin Feng really admired Jiang Wu.

Yang Hao doesn’t think there is love for no reason.

This matter was crushed by him.

“Besides, in Wen Wan’s life, she knew that there was a place where the law of destiny existed.”

Yang Hao turned his thinking in another direction.

This is also a shocking secret.

The secret to the law of fate!

“The Eternal Forbidden Zone.

“Wen Wan, in the time of the emperor, once wandered through the eternal forbidden zone among the ten most fierce lands of the crape myrtle star.”

“Compared to some places of opportunity, areas such as the Wangu Forbidden Zone are the most serious places.

“Don’t talk about the emperor, even if a saint enters it, it may easily fall into it.”

“Because of this, such a terrible place often contains this amazing opportunity.”

“In history, the eternal forbidden zone, the taboo Dead Sea, and other ten major fierce places, have had the emperor soldiers of Jidao born.”

“Not only the Jidao Emperor Soldier, but also the inheritance from the ancient times and even the ancient times.”

The part of the information he knew about the Wangu Forbidden Zone flashed in Yang Hao’s mind, but it was up and down before he spoke gently.

“Wen Wan rushed through the Eternal Forbidden Zone, and died in nine deaths. Among them, she felt the aura of the law of destiny in the depths of a sea of ​​blood in the Eternal Forbidden Zone.”

“It’s just that it’s too dangerous there. Wen Wan didn’t dare to explore it, but secretly wrote it down and prepared to explore it by herself in the future.”

“Except for Wandao Pavilion, which originally contained endless laws, the place where the law of fate generally exists, in addition to the law of fate, there are usually foreign treasures.”

The law of fate.

For him, it is very important.

Wen Wan told him a lot of secrets, but only this one can really be seen in his eyes.

“In the future, if I have a chance, I have to explore it.” Yang Hao thought.

After sorting out these secrets, Yang Hao once again began to seize the time to practice.

[Achieved 230 million points for “Breakthrough in Realm”.][Achieved 250 million points for “Breakthrough”. 】

[Achieved two hundred and eighty million points for “Breakthrough in Realm”.]

Time passed, and another eight years passed in a blink of an eye.

Sure enough, Yang Hao has been in the world of Five Elements Avenue for more than eight years, coming to the ninth year.

According to Yunyin’s estimation, Yang Hao should be rejected by the Five Elements Avenue World in at most one year.

In the past eight years, his cultivation base has also been advancing by leaps and bounds in such a treasure place as the Five Elements Avenue World.

He, the Seventh Stage of the Giant Realm is dead!

At this moment, a total of seven special crystals condense in his body.

They are the seven special laws of time, five elements, yellow spring, stars, reincarnation, death, and curse.

*. “The god crystals obtained in the Wandao Pavilion are almost exhausted.

“There are still two laws in the giant realm, which are the foundation for controlling the avenue in the future, leaving it to space and the law of destiny.”

Yang Hao sensed the changes in his body and his eyes flickered.

The law of space is the supreme law, even if he consumes a lot of space crystals, it is still one step away from finally condensing into a crystal.

As for the law of destiny, although there has been almost no progress, he has the door of destiny, so naturally he will not give up this most mysterious supreme law.

Over the past few years, not only did he comprehend the law, but his strength also soared again.

A total of seven special laws were injected into the Primordial Killing Array, making the Primordial Killing Array form a qualitative change again, and its power was more than ten times higher than the original!

According to Yang Hao’s estimation, the current Flood Killing Array can even hardly shake the gentleness of the peak of strength, and completely suppress her small world!

In addition, because of the skyrocketing number of points brought about by the breakthrough of the realm, Yang Hao has the opportunity to completely fill up almost all the cultivation techniques he has cultivated, and it is completely successful, and the combat power is naturally self-evident crazy!

“The law of the five elements in the body has also gained tremendously over the years, turning it into a sacred gate.”

“According to Yunyin, the ultimate rule of the Five Elements is not far away.”

“Unfortunately, unless I can stay in this Five Elements Avenue world for more than five years, I will have the opportunity to transform the law into Tao and control the Five Elements Avenue.”

What makes Yang Hao a little regretful, but it is the Five Elements Rule.

There is no such thing as smooth sailing in the world.

Even if his talent is terrifying enough, he has made great strides in the Five Elements Rule in the past nine years.

The five-element crystallization in the body changed from crystallization to a god wheel, and then into the current god gate, but it was still far away from the ultimate law.

“Before Wen Wan was sent away, she also told me that the Five Elements Principle is very difficult to achieve. It is extremely terrifying to be able to have such an entry.”

Yang Hao thought of Wen Wan.

The saint who was transformed by him, even in the Wuya Pagoda, was still rejected by the Dao World six years ago.

But before, Wen Wan, as a saint who once controlled the Five Elements Avenue, was very familiar with the Five Elements Avenue after all, and gave Yang Hao a lot of pointers.

At that time, Wen Wan asserted that it was impossible for Yang Hao to control the Five Elements Avenue in ten years.

“Is there no way?””

Yang Hao frowned, a little unwilling.

He began to turn up his own aura of the sea, where he has accumulated endless gods in his practice for many years. .

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