Chapter 136 European King game, time and Dao texture change! (7/7, please customize)

Stepping into the time corridor is a completely different experience from entering the door of space.

As soon as he entered the time corridor, Yang Hao sensed that the time lines in his body began to continuously revolve.

In all directions, there seemed to be a mysterious aura in the entire corridor, flowing into Yang Hao’s body with the rotation of the time lines in the body.

“Are you separated?”

“Yes, the time corridor is an opportunity left by the Great Emperor Changyu. Naturally, it is based on luck and fate, and will not let people walk together.

After Yang Hao stepped into the Time Corridor, he found that not only was there no one behind him, even the entrance of the Time Corridor had completely disappeared.

He was not worried either.

As far as he knows, the emperor Changyu is a rare emperor with good temperament.

The opportunities he leaves are often not very dangerous.

In addition, the luck of Jiang Wu, Fang Qingying and others is not low, I am afraid that they will be able to achieve a lot in the long corridor of time.

At a glance, there was no more anger in front of him except for the deep and plain promenade that continued to extend into the distance.

[Because of “Entering the Time Corridor” to get 2 million points.][Because of being nourished by the breath of time’ received 2.5 million points. 】

[Received 2.5 million points for being nourished by the breath of “Nineteen Zero”.]

Yang Hao walked forward, the breath on the promenade continued to invade.

Not only did it not make Yang Hao feel the slightest uncomfortable, it even seemed to be returning home, with a constant warm breath.

There is no doubt that this is the benefit that can be gained by entering the time corridor.

As long as you comprehend the power of time, you can continuously get the nourishment of the breath of time, and even gradually have a deeper understanding of the power of time.

Although it is the power of time rather than the law of time, it can be regarded as a strong opportunity relative to the rarity of the power of time.

At least Yang Hao could hear the analysis that came from the ears of the cloud, if the Divine Sovereign Realm stepped into this time corridor, he would be able to break the realm directly by staying for at most one day.

You know, don’t talk about the Divine Sovereign Realm, even at the king level, it takes hundreds of years of cultivation at every turn to break the realm.

In just one day, I’m afraid it will make all the powerhouses of the Divine Sovereign Realm ecstatic.

“Although it’s good to be able to get benefits all the time.

“But shouldn’t the corridor just go on like this at this time?”

“I don’t know if there is a chance to see the legendary Time God Crystal.”

Yang Hao got too many opportunities.

For him, the opportunity in front of him is nothing but petty profits. His vision is even more long-term, and he wants to get the crystal of time from the corridor of time.

Confusion gradually grew in his heart, and he felt that he had walked a long distance in this narrow and deep corridor of time.

However, apart from the constant breath of time in the promenade, there was indeed no other movement.

Fortunately, the boring walk didn’t last long. When Yang Hao was confused, finally there was a fork in the front of the time corridor.

There is no difference between the left and right forks.

“Atmospheric luck.”

Choose one of the two, Yang Hao’s choice is to activate the supreme magical powers, and then enter one of the forks at will.

It didn’t take long for the corridor he walked into finally changed.

The entire corridor has become extremely wide, and the breath of time that comes is much stronger than before.

Even though the income records displayed by the system are exactly the same, the number of points obtained has reached three million points.

In the body, the time lines are getting more and more dazzling.

Under the constant nourishment of the breath of time, it seems that a qualitative change will occur.

Yang Hao continued to walk patiently on this wide corridor, and after continuing to walk for a long distance, this time there was a fork in the road.

It’s just that this time, compared with the last time, there have been three forks.

“Atmospheric luck.

Yang Hao did not hesitate to think about it, repeating the same technique.

After just walking for a long time, the flames of supernatural powers in the shrine had already burned again.

This time, the long corridor he walked into was not wider, but it was not deep and dark.

One piece is bright.

The breath of time that came was getting stronger and stronger.

At this moment, the display in the system’s income record remains unchanged, but the points have increased by 500,000 again.

Yang Hao walked up to this point, combined with the classics and legends about the time corridor that he had known, he had probably understood what kind of mechanism the time corridor was.

“The time corridor, I’m afraid Bo is composed of one corridor after another.”

“Every corridor should be different.”

“There is no doubt that the longer you stay in the time corridor, the more benefits you can get.”

“If you don’t guess wrong, the choice of sidetracking is very important.”

“Ultimately, how long you can stay on the time corridor depends on the choice of the time corridor.

“Each time you walk a certain distance on the time corridor and reach the side road, the number of side roads will increase.

“Choose the right, the breath of time is getting stronger and stronger.”

“The wrong choice, the breath of time is getting weaker and weaker.

“Don’t think too much about it. In these diversions, the weak breath of time must be the majority.”

“Each practitioner who enters the corridor of time may encounter countless choices, but most of them will enter the corridor with weaker and weaker breath in each choice.”

“In the end, the breath is too weak to sense the breath of time, so I’m afraid I walked out of the exit.”

“Of course, on the contrary, if the time aura you choose becomes stronger and stronger, then it is very likely that you will enter the place where you have time crystals.”

“Even, it may be able to witness the legend and go for a long time.

“All in all, this is a game that belongs to the European Emperor.”

Yang Hao came to the fork road again at this moment. As expected, another fork road was added to him, turning into four fork roads.

“My guess should not be wrong, so let’s test it.”

Yang Hao looked at the four fork roads in front of him, and after thinking about it, he didn’t use the supernatural power of the atmosphere, and stepped into a fork road again at random.

However, what left Yang Hao speechless was the fork road he entered again, the time breath was more intense, and the corridor was wider and brighter.

“It should be because of my own luck against the sky.

Yang Hao is a little helpless, this is not something he can control.

Next, Yang Hao stepped into the long corridors again and again, with more and more branch roads, but almost every time he stepped into any corridor, the breath of the time corridor became more majestic and profound.

In a blink of an eye, the time lines in Yang Hao’s body have almost completely turned into a small dark blue sun that cannot be seen directly.

Yang Hao has a hunch.

Stepping into three more time corridors at most, his time lines are very likely to undergo a complete transformation and enter an unknowable situation.

Finally, Yang Hao came to a new fork in the road.

This time, a total of eleven side roads appeared before his eyes.

“Sure enough, as I guessed.”

“This time my luck finally didn’t work. The corridor I walked into is indeed much weaker than the previous one.”

Yang Hao finally confirmed his guess, and naturally it won’t be the case again.

“Atmospheric luck.”

“Atmospheric luck.”

In the face of more and more diversions, Yang Hao did not hesitate to continuously use the supernatural powers of the atmosphere, which is perfectly compatible with the time corridor mechanism, and combined with his amazing luck, almost every time. Smoothly stepped into the corridor of time with a stronger breath.

Finally, after stepping into the time corridor again, Yang Hao sensed the shock of the time lines in his body.

That has turned into a small sun-like time doo pattern, almost in an instant began to evolve on its own.

“Is this going to condense into crystals?”

Yang Hao felt the change of the Dao pattern of time in his body, and he could perceive that as the Dao pattern changed and sublimated with time, his perception and comprehension of time were greatly improved.

“Through sublimation, the time pattern turns into the god wheel of time.”

To Yang Hao’s surprise, the time lines in his body did not evolve into the crystal shape he thought, but eventually turned into a god wheel, tilting and rotating inside the body.

With every rotation, Yang Hao can sense his physical strength as if the power of time is being born.

“Only after the Dao Xin is condensed in the Great Power Realm, the Divine Sovereign Realm can condense the power of time!

Yang Hao’s heart shook slightly, and then he was ecstatic.

The power of time is a peculiar power that is directly derived from the law of time.

Wanting to absorb the power of time is not something that a king-level can do.

First of all, 3.1 requires the Dao Xin cohesive in the great energy realm to link the laws.

Secondly, the Divine Sovereign Realm can touch the law of time.

Now, he can directly generate the power of time through the time god wheel evolved from the time Dao pattern. This is definitely an unexpected joy.

“The power of time can not only directly introduce the Great Killing Array to strengthen its power, but it can also make my creation more perfect.”

“If my own method was just a rudimentary form before, after condensing the power of time, my own method may be small.”

Yang Hao’s eyes glowed.

His current self-created method is not a cultivation technique nor a tactical method, but an evolution of strength that fits incomparably with himself.

This method, he has only the first feelings now, and it can’t even be displayed on the system panel.

If the self-created method is small, maybe it can appear on the system panel. By adding some points, he can instantly make his first self-created method perfect and complete.

Thinking of this, how can Yang Hao not feel excited?

Double happiness is coming.

What surprised Yang Hao even more was.

Next, he found the legendary time god crystal in the time corridor that turned the time Dao pattern in his body into the time god wheel!

ps: End of the seven changes, ask for automatic subscription, ask for various data. .

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