Chapter 135 Time corridor, the top three emperors in history! (6/7, please customize)

Yang Hao also didn’t expect that when he was evolving his time law, he knew that there was no time and space in the core of the real world, but he was born on the big star under the shadow of the world’s ancient tree. Hao felt a wave of fluctuations.

He immediately felt away, so he discovered the anomaly.

Because of this, he did not choose to absorb the undead medicine for the first time, but chose to continue to look for opportunities.

Without it.

The God King Immortal Potion has been suppressed and entered the Wuya Pagoda~.

No matter who it is, as long as it is suppressed into the Jidao Emperor Soldiers and wants to go out again-it is completely impossible.

The most important reason is that Yang Hao felt that this treasure is very attractive to him.

This kind of attraction is not even smaller than before.

No one knows whether the core of the real world will be closed at any time, Yang Hao naturally wants to obtain the treasure that he has not obtained first.

Therefore, he said immediately.

“There is still a treasure?”

Jiang Wu was a little surprised when she heard this. She had already enlightened in the core of the real world before the immortal medicine was born, but she did not sense any supreme breath.

Now I heard Yang Hao say, I was naturally interested.

“On that big star.” After Yang Hao finished speaking, he went to the far big star.

At this moment, the distant big star that gave birth to the God King Immortal Medicine was born, except for the ancient tree of the world that was soaked with incomparably rich spiritual energy, there was already a dead silence.

“So that’s the case.” Jiang Wu saw Yang Hao flying towards the distant big star, but he was stunned.

Although she had already wiped out the core of the entire real world before, but she did not feel the place where the Immortal Medicine was.

After all, there are immortal medicines there, and there are ancient trees in the world, which is the goal of their trip.

Who could have thought that besides the Immortal Medicine, there is actually a treasure hidden on it?

“This is the law of time.”

Jiang Wu followed Yang Hao to the distant big star, and as soon as he fell on the big star, he sensed a wave of seemingly non-existent fluctuations.

Immediately, she understood why Yang Hao could sense the existence of the treasure.

When Yang Hao evolved the time law, he must have touched the treasure on this big star.

“A fetish of time.”

“I don’t know what it will be.” Fang Qingying followed all the way and her eyes were like gods at the moment, constantly wandering around this big star.

This big star, because it gave birth to the immortal medicine and the existence of the world’s ancient trees, can be said to be a peerless treasure.

The green hills and green waters transformed by aura are everywhere.

“This treasure is very precious. Maybe it will give birth to a lot of powerful creatures in the future.” Saint Anling exclaimed. He just stepped on this big star and felt that his pores were relaxed and his physique changed.

“found it.”

Yang Hao was very focused on sensing the breath he had sensed before.

At this moment, his eyes lit up and he said to everyone.

The next moment, everyone flew with Yang Hao and landed under the branches of the world’s ancient tree.

“Under the ancient tree of the world, there is actually an underground world.”

“The god thing related to time should exist in the underground world.” Fang Qingying watched the world’s ancient branches dry down, which was an extremely dark cave.

With just a touch, an extremely deep breath can be sensed from it.

“Yes, the time rules of this underground world fluctuate very strongly.” Jiang Wu also said at the moment.

The holy rank is extremely sensitive to the law. If it weren’t because of the terrifying aura of the world’s ancient trees, Jiang Wu and Anling Saint had already locked the position of the treasure in an instant.

But fortunately, Yang Hao had already sensed it clearly before, and they entered it as a group. Under the leadership of Yang Hao, they soon saw a huge porch exuding the breath of the law of time in the underground world under the ancient tree of the world.

That was a gate that appeared very abruptly, and even the holy level couldn’t see the darkness inside the gate at a glance, which reminded Yang Hao of the gate of the palace that he had seen in the past.

“Could it be that the treasure is among them?”

Neither Anling Saint nor Fang Qingying, Yunyin knew where this gate came from.

They instinctively sensed the unpredictable breath coming from inside, so they didn’t dare to enter in the first time.

“It’s weird.

Yang Hao was also looking at this gate at this moment, his eyes showing confusion.

“Is this a corridor of time?!

But at this moment, Jiang Wu’s face changed slightly. Looking at this door, his memories flooded, and his beautiful eyes showed shock.

“Auntie knows the origin of this gate?”

Yang Hao heard the words, his eyes moved slightly.

He felt a little strange just now.

According to the truth, when he was evolving the time law before, the most precious breath he felt was exactly the door in front of him.

But when he came to this gate, Yang Hao found that this gate did not seem to be a treasure, and the breath seemed to be coming from the porch again.

This made Yang Hao instinctively confused, a little unclear about the details of the gate.

Fortunately, Jiang Wu’s reaction made Yang Hao relieved.

My aunt obviously knew the origin of the gate.


“Why is the time corridor here.”

“This thing is indeed a treasure.”

“It’s also a great opportunity.

“But it shouldn’t be here.

Hearing what Jiang Wu said, everyone had their ears hardened and waited for Jiang Wu’s next words.

“What is the origin of this time corridor?”

“I feel very magnificent and profound, do I have a chance to collect it directly?” Yang Hao also asked immediately.

He knows very well that none of the fetishes that touch time is simple.

So Yang Hao naturally wants to take it as his own.

“I can’t charge it.” Jiang Wu shook his head, and continued with doubts in his eyes: “This thing is an imperial imperial soldier.”

Hearing Jiang Wu’s words, Yang Hao’s eyes lit up: “Is the Great Fortune Emperor’s Supreme Soldier?’

The Jidao Emperor Soldier he has seen now.

The Mother Sword of All Things in the Eternal Sanctuary Nine-Colored Tianmen, the Star Map of the Holy Land of Good Fortune, and the Wuya Pagoda you obtained, each of which is extremely powerful, and is the strongest divine object in the world.

He had never expected that there would be a Jidao Emperor’s soldier standing next to the Immortal Medicine.


“The Corridor of Time is the Emperor Changyu’s armies.”

“Although I don’t know if the Great Emperor Changyu has fallen, the time corridor connects the long river of time, and it exists in every space. This is just a part of it.”

…For flowers…

Hearing Jiang Wu’s words, Yang Hao was stunned.

It’s like a ten thousand magic star map, if he only sees one of the formations, even if he can refine it, he will not be able to control the ten thousand magic star map.

It is almost impossible to refine the Emperor Dao soldiers unless the emperor personally inherits them.

“It’s weird.”

“In the core of the real world of the Great Good Fortune, why would there be Emperor Changyu’s Jidao Emperor soldiers appear.”

After Yang Hao knew that this was only part of the Jidao Emperor’s soldiers, he didn’t continue to persevere, but paid attention to the other words in Jiang Yaocai’s words.

He knew Emperor Changyu.

This is also an amazing and brilliant emperor.

He has also been like himself, and has caused a long-term vision.

“If the Great Fortune is said to be the Great Star of Ziwei with the strongest formation skills.”

“Then Changyu the Great is the one who controls the strongest time law.”

Because of the same time as Changyu Great Emperor, Yang Hao once deliberately studied the biography and classics of Changyu Great Emperor.

. .0

This great emperor has fought against nine great emperors in a row since the time of proving that he became the emperor.

It is a pity that Emperor Changyu did not leave the Holy Land to inherit the mantle and inheritance like the Emperor Yongsheng and the Great Fortune. On the contrary, he is very mysterious, and no one knows where he eventually disappeared.

Now, Yang Hao has encountered the time corridor of Emperor Changyu.

Gradually, the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter, and he remembered the record of the time corridor.

“Nor can it be said that Emperor Changyu did not leave a legacy.”

“The Corridor of Time is not only a Jidao Emperor Soldier, but it is also a legacy left by the Great Emperor Changyu.”

“He once left a message in the world. If someone can see the corridor of time by chance, he can enter and find the chance by himself.”

“It is said that the Time Corridor is connected to the Time Long River. Anyone who enters the Time Corridor may enter the Time Long River and get the Time God Crystal.”

“This time god crystal is the crystallization of the law of time, which can greatly enhance the understanding of the law of time.

“Great energy repair space, god monarch repair time, as long as the strength reaches the god monarch realm, there will be great gains in the long river of time.”

Yang Hao recalled the record of the Time Corridor. Although he did not reach the Divine Sovereign Realm, he had attracted a long river of time, and he had time Dao Marks, and even created a prototype of the Time Law, compared to some Divine Sovereign Realms. In terms of time, Yang Hao is only high but not low.

“That’s it.”

At this moment, while Yang Hao was thinking about it, Jiang Wu also slowly stated his knowledge about the time corridor.

In general, not far from what Yang Hao knew.

Although no one knows why Changyu the Great would put a time corridor in the core of the real world of Good Fortune, it is not important.

Everyone looked at the gate of the time corridor with bright eyes.

The infinite depth inside is no longer unknown and dangerous, but a great opportunity.


Yang Hao took the lead and strode directly into it. Inch.

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