Chapter 109 Horror ranking! Enjoy the luck of crape myrtle! (1/7, please customize)


No one thought that Yang Hao would say so at this moment.

At this moment, many people’s eyes subconsciously looked at the simple ring on Xiao Qing’er’s slender finger, who had fainted.

Such an ordinary ring, Holy Son of Shaking Light actually needs it?

Could it be that some secret has been discovered?

Someone looked at Yang Hao, bewildered.

However, everyone present knew that no matter what the secret of the ring in Xiao Qinger’s hand was, since the Holy Son of Shaking Light had spoken, it belonged to the Holy Son of Shaking Light.

Such a status as Holy Son of Shaking Light, unless it is related to the Dao, even if it is a shocking opportunity, no one will make bad ideas.

Of course, Lan Sheng can also choose to refuse.

But here is the Eternal Sanctuary, where countless old monsters dormant.

Lan Sheng’s shot just now is out of compliance.

She can only choose two.

Either refused, she died, Xiao Qinger died.

Either agree and hand over the ring.


Sure enough, the sage’s wisdom is well understood, and Lan Sheng said without any hesitation.

Immediately, her hand flicked on Xiao Qing’er’s finger, and that simple ring fell directly to Yang Hao.

“With the help of external forces, you can never make yourself truly powerful.”

“Qing’er, with your talent, you should be able to go further.”

Lan Sheng looked at Xiao Qing’er who was in a coma. She actually knew a little bit about the simple ring in Xiao Qing’er’s hand.

It’s just that, even if he knew it well, Lan Sheng didn’t deliberately explore Xiao Qing’er’s secret.

In the eyes of a sage, unless it involves the secret of transcendence, it is difficult to arouse their interest.

In Lan Sheng’s view, it is not a bad thing for Xiao Qing’er to hand over this ring now.

“Then thank you Lan Sheng.”

Yang Hao chuckles, and he feels this primitive ring in his palm, and can vaguely feel the fluctuations in it.

It is just obvious that the fluctuations in it are converging, closing his exploration.

Yang Hao probably also knew what secret this ring had. He didn’t care, but smiled and put this ring into the Wuya Pagoda in his body.

Crossing the divine light, began to scour this primitive ring madly.

Although I don’t know if it’s useful to cross the ring across the ring, Yang Hao doesn’t matter.

Anyway, if you throw it in first, you won’t make any mistakes.

“Can anyone fight again?”

After putting away the ring, Yang Hao looked in all directions again and said loudly.

But the answer to him was silence.

No one dared to step out.

Yang Hao is too evil.

Even Xiao Qing’er, such a peerless arrogant, has jumped out of the power of the gods, and is still ruthlessly suppressed by Yang Hao.

If it weren’t for Lan Sheng, Xiao Qing’er might fall on the spot!

In the face of such a cold-blooded little monster, how many people dare to really fight Yang Hao?

Even the old monsters of Eternal Sanctuary were hesitant.

Originally, they wanted to send Tianshu up to help Yang Hao.

But now they found that the gap between Tianshu and Yang Hao was too big.

What is a rising trend, at least there is a back and forth, to stimulate the spirit, energy, and energy.

Tianshu didn’t even have the qualifications to give Yang Hao a stepping stone.


Yang Hao saw such a scene.

Knowing that no one will come out anymore.

He smiled and looked again at the golden book of Ziwei with golden light in the sky.

“That’s it then.

He thought.

Finally, his name was printed on the golden book of Ziwei.

“It’s a pity, Holy Son of Shaking Light’s performance is too bad, except for Xiao Qing’er, there is no opponent.”

“Although Xiao Qing’er is also a Tianjiao, after all, there is only one person who fought the Holy Son of Shaking Light. If there is no accident, Holy Son of Shaking Light should only be able to improve a dozen, and 20 is the most.”

“That’s also very scary. The names around him are all saints. He was making history.

Many people saw that Yang Hao was so decisive to engrave the last breath, and they couldn’t help but start to guess Yang Hao’s final ranking in the Ziwei golden book.

Under the public’s attention.

In an instant, the brilliance in the golden book of Ziwei began to flicker crazily!

Yang Hao’s name, which was originally more than 400 names, began to jump frantically!

He defeated Xiao Qing’er, and for the Ziwei Jinshu, he robbed Xiao Qing’er of luck!

From now on, if Xiao Qing’er wants to go to the Ziwei Golden Book, I am afraid it will be difficult to reach the sky!

Correspondingly, Yang Hao got Xiao Qing’er’s luck and became a general trend, making his ranking soar!

“Well, why is this ranking still improving? The name of Holy Son of Shaking Light has already rushed into three hundred!”

“Xiao Qing’er’s luck is also extremely against the sky, and he directly sent a great fortune to the Holy Son of Shaking Light. The names that can enter the top three hundred are almost all of the existence of saints or more, and his name is too conspicuous in it. .”

“Still moving forward!

“Two hundred! Isn’t his name going to be in the top 100?”

One after another exclamation sounded.

No one thought that Yang Hao just defeated Xiao Qing’er, and his ranking was like crazy!

In the end, Yang Hao’s ranking unexpectedly surpassed many sages, staying in the ninety-nine position!


“Xiao Qinger”

Seeing the final result, everyone was shocked and looked at Xiao Qing’er subconsciously.

Originally, Yang Hao had stopped at more than 400 people, and it was because of Xiao Qing’er that he soared so much again!

Without a doubt, it was all due to Xiao Qing’er’s luck!

This means that if Xiao Qing’er leaves her name on the Ziwei golden book, her ranking will be extremely high!

Even, not worse than Holy Son of Shaking Light!

Then, now they all made wedding dresses for Holy Son of Shaking Light!


It is really

Even Xiao Qing’er’s master, Lan Sheng sighed when he saw this scene.

Really miscalculated this time.

I knew she should stop Xiao Qing’er.

No one thought that Xiao Qing’er’s luck would be so majestic, directly pushing Yang Hao so many places.

Fortunately, Xiao Qing’er was seriously injured at this moment and lost consciousness. Otherwise, based on Lan Sheng’s understanding of Xiao Qing’er, I’m afraid he would cry angrily.

“It’s the protagonist’s luck.”

Yang Hao saw his name on the gold book of Ziwei at this moment. In the vast golden light, he smashed to the forefront and couldn’t help laughing.

It’s not that no one had thought of it.

At least, he knew that after defeating Xiao Qing’er, the harvest would be extremely terrifying.

It now appears that there is no problem with his guess.

The protagonist’s luck is terrible.

“Unfortunately, this is just to rob Xiao Qinger’s luck on the Ziwei golden book, not her real luck.”

Just when Yang Hao regretted.

Suddenly, the golden light of the sky suddenly closed!

With Yang Hao’s name already engraved on it, it once again turned into the original huge golden book!

At the next moment, a cloud of purple air fell from the golden book, like a waterfall, falling into Yang Hao’s body.

“The title of the golden book, Ziwei Daxing’s luck is beginning to fall!’

“The ninety-ninth place on the Golden Book of Ziwei, the luck of Ziwei that the Holy Son of Shaking Light can enjoy is comparable to that of a saint!”

“Really enviable!”

Seeing the purple air that falls like a waterfall above Yang Hao’s head, too many people are extremely jealous.

You know, those purple qi are all the luck of the big star of Ziwei.

With these purple energy shelters, Yang Hao’s luck on the Ziwei star will be amazingly good!

You can break through when you sleep, and you can pick up treasures when you go out and bend over. There are countless rare treasures, powerful creatures, and they will come to Yang Hao continuously.

To enjoy the luck of crape myrtle, you can even turn a good fortune from bad luck, and be sheltered by the whole big star.

Those who provoke the Holy Son of Shaking Light in Zi170 Wei Daxing without authorization, if their luck is not strong enough, they may even have bad luck and encounter flying disasters…

The benefits of luck are too many.

Yang Hao gets so much luck, how can people not be jealous?

But it can only be jealous.

After all, Yang Hao is backed by the Eternal Sanctuary, with sages as guardians, and he is even more enchanting. Unless the emperor comes, who dares to provoke the Holy Son of Shaking Light?

Under the gaze of countless powerful people, Yang Hao at this moment is naturally at the extreme. Qi luck purple qi nourishes him. In addition to increasing his luck, it also brings him direct benefits.


Only heard a bang in the body.

Yang Hao immediately fell into a state of enlightenment, and directly enlightened all the ancient runes that had not been enlightened before in the Wuya Pagoda.

He was promoted from the Eighth Stage day of the formation to the Ninth Stage day of the formation!

This also means that Yang Hao can start to gather all the runes in his body to form a killing formation and break into the king level!

“Holy Son of Shaking Light is broken, he is still only an Eighth Stage!”

“It’s a pity, if Holy Son of Shaking Light is a king-level, maybe this time the crape myrtle luck can directly help him improve several realms.”

“But even so, it’s enough.”

Hearing the enviable voices of many people in his ears, Yang Hao is also happy at the moment.

“May all your wishes come true.”

“My luck is too strong now. With the supreme supernatural powers and the great fortunes and supernatural powers, exploring the secret realm will surely be no disadvantage.

“This time, the Chief Scripture has indeed gained too much.”

“Moreover, the benefits don’t stop there.”

“According to what my aunt told me, as long as you leave a name on the Ziwei Golden Book, you will automatically join the Chief League and get the top resources of the major sacred sites.”

Yang Hao deeply moved that the chief of a great sacred place could get too many resources, and he deeply felt the benefits of identity. .

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