Chapter 108 Excuse me, can you give me the ring? (7/7, please customize)

“If you don’t admit defeat, you will fall.”

Yang Hao’s indifferent voice came, and he could already feel Xiao Qing’er’s breath becoming more terrifying again.

At this moment, he also cheered up, ready to go all out.

Except for the eighty-one magical powers that cannot be exposed, he will do his best!

“Does the gods have the strength?”

“Great energy to comprehend space, gods to comprehend time.”

“Xiao Qing’er, if you rashly use the power of time, it will be interesting.”

Yang Hao looked at Xiao Qing’er who burst out of the power of the gods.

He knew that this did not belong to Xiao Qing’er’s true strength.

Able to continuously improve one’s own strength

The source should be the ring on Xiao Qinger’s finger.

This is Xiao Qinger’s confidence to challenge him, but it is also a flaw in Yang Hao’s view!

In this world of practice with a complete system.

Every realm, the realm to be practiced, are all different.

Qi and Blood, Dao Marks, True Body, Supernatural Power, Killing Array

In the same way, when you reach the Great Energy level and the later God Sovereign level, what you want to comprehend is even more mysterious.

Da Neng began to comprehend the space.

The gods begin to comprehend time.

For this reason, once many practitioners reach the level of gods, their lifespan will increase greatly.

But Xiao Qing’er is not the same as “one seven zero”.

She is only a king-level herself, and she is still in the stage of polishing and killing the formation.

Whether it is space or time, she knows nothing!

Even if she has an old grandpa or grandma to help her, it is still her own body after all.

The power of space is nothing more.

The power of time

He has a time line, and he has inspired the existence of a long river of time!

Xiao Qing’er was promoted to God Sovereign, and once he dared to use the power of time, he would wait to be controlled by him in turn, and push back on the spot!

The thoughts were only an instant, but when Xiao Qing’er’s breath rose again, Yang Hao had already bullied him again, and the two ancient divine swords in his hand emitted a deep and incomparable cold light!

The terrifying killing intent erupted from the Supreme Killing Sword once again pressed against Xiao Qing’er!


At this time, Xiao Qinger said softly.

The next moment, there was a tremor in the void.

The two cyan and white sacred fires that were burning before Fang オ reappeared.

But at the same time, two other flames that had never been seen appeared in the void.

Xiao Qing’er’s figure disappeared in an instant, as if teleporting, avoiding Yang Hao’s sword of killing intent, it was surprisingly elegant.

“The fire of space, melt.”

Xiao Qing’er stared at the void, the flame burning jade finger volleyed the void!

Suddenly, one of the emptiness with a trace of amber flame, gradually leaped into her killing formation.

On the other hand, Yang Hao’s beheading came again.

This time, Yang Hao’s feet surged with many ancient runes.

These runes are terrible runes that can increase speed!

In just a moment, Yang Hao also looked like a ghost, beheading Xiao Qing’er!


Xiao Qinger spit out blood again.

Even if her strength had reached the God Sovereign level now, she still underestimated Yang Hao’s speed, and was slashed once again.

Her killing formation was almost destroyed by this sword!

Fortunately, Xiao Qing’er’s temperament had only become intellectual and gentle, and he escaped dangerously and dangerously again.

“The fire of time, melt.”

The aura in Xiao Qinger’s body is surging again!

Another flame, which was a little faintly blue, appeared from the void and jumped into Xiao Qing’er’s killing formation.

Her killing array became extremely unstable in an instant!

But the terrifying aura made the complexions of all the powerhouses present slightly change!

“What kind of killing array is this, mighty power is too terrifying!”

“It can threaten the giants, Xiao Qinger’s hole cards are terrible!”

“A heaven-defying king, can actually threaten the giants?”

Many strong men showed incredible eyes, and they all felt shocked.

Even Lin Feng in secret couldn’t help cursing inwardly: “This Xiao Qing’er is also a monster!”

“When I became a god, I heard that this Tianjiao Xiao Qing’er was very powerful, and crushed many Tianjiao of the same generation. But then she went west out of Hangu Pass, entered the ancient starry sky road, and went to other great stars. No news.”

“I didn’t expect it to be so scary.”

“If you stay on the star of Ziwei, you might also be a majestic female emperor.”

Lin Feng is now at the giant level, and he looks at the unstable magic circle that Xiao Qing’er sacrifices, and his heart is getting a foundation!

Too many monsters!

This killing formation didn’t even dare to hold on to it!

“Unfortunately, Jiang Wu will definitely take care of him.”

“But it’s not bad to lose, at least your luck is suppressed.

Lin Feng watched the court without turning clear.

He estimated that it was not bad. When Xiao Qing’er offered such a terrifying killing array, Jiang Wu frowned and asked Yang Hao if he needed to make a move.

“Need not.”

“She lost.”

Yang Hao watched Xiao Qing’er’s unstable killing formation form, and the corner of his mouth was drawn with a curve.

Is this killing array terrifying?


Yang Hao felt a life and death crisis.

If he really insists on it as before, he will die.

But Yang Hao is not that stupid.

He was sure before, but now he is not sure, he will not do it.

Moreover, when he saw Xiao Qing’er integrate the fire of time into the killing formation, he knew that he had won.


“I wanted to try that trick.”

“It seems that I can only wait until my killing formation takes shape.”

Seeing Xiao Qinger’s murderous aura, he directly sacrificed the terrifying and unstable killing array.

“It’s not my own strength, after all, it’s still too unreliable.

“Xiao Qing’er, you are not as good as me.

He fell to the ground and snapped his fingers softly.

“What’s the meaning?”

Xiao Qing’er was already ready to go, expecting that the killing formation she had carefully prepared for Yang Hao for a long time would hit him hard.

But I heard Yang Hao say suddenly.

After that, Xiao Qing’er’s face changed drastically!

With Yang Hao as the center, a series of wonderful blue light halos, like ripples, came toward Xiao Qing’er’s killing array.

“not good!

However, without waiting for her to fight out.


Yang Hao’s crisp fingers were like the sound of dream Demon, directly causing her supreme killing formation, and suddenly violent!


At this time, Lan Sheng’s voice came from the void.

A big hand that covered the sky fell, and instantly annihilated Xiao Qing’er’s upcoming huge explosion!

“Friend Lan Sheng Dao.

“It’s over.”

At the same time, Jiang Wu’s cold voice fell.

A divine light flashed by.

Then the big hand that covered the sky was shattered!

Lan Sheng, who was originally sitting high in the sky, had a trace of blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

Xiao Qing’er appeared next to her, but she had fainted.

“Holy Master Jiang, forgive me.”

“The saint’s guardian is eager, so he intervenes.”

“Qing’er has already lost, don’t let her lose her life again.”

Although Lan Sheng was injured by Jiang Wu, he was surprisingly good-tempered and calmly explained.

“Lan Sheng’s words are reasonable.”

“Xiao Qing’er has already been defeated, Holy Son is only for gathering momentum, the goal has been achieved, there is no need to rush to exterminate.”

“Yes, Xiao Qing’er also has the appearance of a sage, I am afraid that he can send a lot of luck to Holy Son, and help him rise to the next level on the golden book of Ziwei.”

Voices came one after another.

These people are all powerful from all major forces.

They looked at Yang Hao’s figure, and they all showed their dread.

too strong.

It’s a monster.

The real powerhouses just now, they can easily see what Yang Hao has done.

Faced with Xiao Qinger’s horror, it could almost threaten the giant’s peerless killing array.

As an ordinary person, he had already escaped with a collapsed mentality.

But Yang Hao not only didn’t, but he penetrated the weakness of Xiao Qing’er’s powerful killing formation at a glance!

Too unstable!

The power is indeed suffocating!

But it was completely beyond Xiao Qing’er’s control!

At this time, as long as someone can touch any of the four cores of Xiao Qing’er’s supreme killing formation, he can detonate Xiao Qing’er’s killing formation ahead of time!

These four core formations are naturally four flames!

And Yang Hao, it is the power that directly provokes time, and touches the fire of time that Xiao Qinger finally merged into!

If it weren’t for Lan Sheng’s shot, maybe Xiao Qing’er would be completely backlashed!

If Yang Hao is an old monster, no one will be surprised.

But Yang Hao is too young.

The talent is evil, the strength is terrifying, and the fighting spirit is extremely calm.

Such a monster must have checks and balances!

There are no big forces outside of Eternal Sanctuary. 3.1-persons are willing to see Yang Hao oppress an era alone.

In their eyes, Xiao Qing’er is just too immature, but she is a peerless arrogant who is worth staying and contending with Yang Hao.

“If Lan Sheng doesn’t intervene, the outcome will be over naturally.”

“But Lan Sheng can intervene today, and Dong Sheng and Brutal Sheng can intervene tomorrow.”

“If you intervene, you need to pay a price.”

However, Jiang Wu’s faint voice came.


“Auntie, since they want to protect Xiao Qing’er, let them protect it.”

“The defeated man is a defeated man no matter what.”

At this moment, Yang Hao looked at Xiao Qing’er who had fainted and suddenly said.

He had long known that in today’s scene, it was impossible to kill Xiao Qing’er like Fang Lie.

Nor can it be directly exposed that Wuya Pagoda transformed Xiao Qinger’s income into the Wuya Pagoda.

Since he had thought of it a long time ago, he naturally had his own plan long ago.


“Auntie, although Xiao Qing’er may not die.”

“The ring on her hand is a bit interesting to me.”

“Lan Sheng, can you give it to me, please?”

Yang Hao smiled brightly and asked Lan Sheng on the sky.

ps: The seven changes are completed, ask for automatic subscription, ask for various data. .

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