I Have Been Invincible Since Doomsday Chapter 840


Chapter 839 Procurement (Part 2)

In this list, the number of three medicine pills can be said to be small pitful.

49 Demon Blood Pills, 35 Hunyuan Pills, and 30 Heavenly Pills.

Yes, the total number of these three medicine pills is only 114.

The number of all medicine pills combined is not comparable to the number of medicine pills in any branch of Body Shaper.

And other medicine pills, the displayed quantity is basically an integer.

In other words, the amount shown here is not all the reserves. After the other party sells a part, it will definitely be replenished quickly.

But these Fiendgod Realm-level medicine pills are probably all shown here.

"I hope that when I arrive at Fiendgod Realm, the requirements for the dosage of medicine pills are not so big." Lin Xinghai prayed in the heart, although he also knew that this probability was minimal.

Of course, no matter what, even if a little, it's still better than nothing, even more how there are more than 100 medicine pills here, which is not too small, at least go to other large bases, it is estimated that The other party swept the entire base, but couldn't come up with so many medicine pills.

Soon Lin Xinghai chose to buy all.

49 Demon Blood Pills, costing 14.7 million.

35 Primordial Pills, costing 14 million.

30 Celestial Pills, costing 15 million.

These three medicine pills, plus the 15 million spent on purchasing 300 Dragon Blood Pills before, Lin Xinghai directly spent 58.7 million merits.

Such a huge feat, I am afraid it can be comparable to all the merits of a Fiendgod Realm powerhouse.

Although more than 58 million merits, if converted into Huaxia coins, it would be 580 million, which is not much for Fiendgod Realm powerhouse, but the problem is the difficulty of earning merits and Chinese coins, simply not the same.

The military will be very cautious when giving out meritorious honors. If Lin Xinghai is not in a special situation this time, and the military seems to be interested in cultivating the next generation of talents, it will bring benefits to major universities. The treatment has improved a lot, and he is also impossible to involve so many merits.

Even if he has the strength of Fiendgod Realm, it is impossible.

Soon after the merit payment was completed, the automatic machine he was operating also quickly printed out a receipt for picking up the goods.

Lin Xinghai took the voucher and led the guards to the counter where the goods were received.

"Hello sir, please show the receipt for pickup." At the counter, the pretty waitress said with a sweet smile.

However, after she saw the pickup voucher handed over by Lin Xinghai, the smile on her face gradually stiffened, and her eyes widened.

After reacting, she quickly took out the instrument, scanned the code on the pickup number, and checked the electronic file again. After confirming that it was real, she couldn't help but look up. Lin Xinghai took a look.

“en?” Lin Xinghai cast a questioning look.

The waitress hurriedly lowered her head and said in a low voice, "Well, sorry, I have to contact the supervisor first. You bought too many resources."

In fact, she used to It's not that I haven't been exposed to it. There are even more shopping vouchers for purchasing a lot of resources than this.

But generally speaking, this kind of large-scale procurement is actually a medium and low-level resource. Although the amount is large, it is not really important.

But Lin Xinghai is different. The other party bought all the medicine pills of Fiendgod Realm level in one go, which is equivalent to emptying the warehouse. She could not report it.

Lin Xinghai nodded with a smile, but secretly sighed in his heart.

Lin Xinghai came to the bench and waited, while the waitress quickly left the station and reported the matter.

But this kind of thing is not something a supervisor can decide.

In the end, after layers of reporting, this matter became a briefing report and put it on Huo Feiteng's desktop.


"Really or not, he has so many merits?" Huo Feiteng said subconsciously. But soon he remembered what Lin Xinghai had done in Changshi City, and couldn't help shaking his head with a wry smile.

"It was really cheap for him at that time, but after this incident, I guess that even if those people give benefits to college students in the future, they will set an upper limit." Huo Feiteng side With emotion, while using the wrist computer, I dialed Lin Xinghai's communication number.

After receiving the communication, Lin Xinghai on the other side showed a look of surprise on his face, "Marshal Huo, it's not like I bought a medicine pill, it's also passed on to you! "

"You call this a trivial matter? You bought all the Fiendgod Realm-level medicine pills. This matter might cause confusion." Huo Feiteng said angrily.

"It's... not so!" This time Lin Xinghai was a little surprised.

"Why not, you think about other Fiendgod Realms who come to buy medicine pills, but find that there is no stock, what will they think? They will definitely think that there is a major problem with our logistics, if the news spreads If so, maybe people will be alarmed." Huo Feiteng said.

"Then these medicine pills I bought..." Lin Xinghai asked carefully.

"Tell me honestly first, why did you suddenly buy such a large amount of medicine pills? Even if you sell them on the black market, it's not worth it!" Huo Feiteng asked.

"Uh... I use it myself." Lin Xinghai speaks frankly.

"Use it yourself? Are you kidding me at the beginning? You're only in the body-shaping stage now. You bought such a large amount of Dragon Blood Pill, isn't it enough for you?" Huo Feiteng said angrily.

"Isn't this a plan to buy in advance? After all, Fiendgod Realm's medicine pill is not easy to buy, isn't it?" Lin Xinghai explained.

"But even if you want to advance, it's too early..." Huo Feiteng suddenly stopped when he said this.

Because Lin Xinghai is too evil and the speed of breakthrough is too fast, it seems reasonable to prepare in advance now.

"How long do you expect to break through to Fiendgod Realm?" Finally, he solemnly asked.

"I'm breaking through one small realm now, and it only takes four or five days. Even if you count the accumulated time of Peak, I'll be able to break through to Fiendgod Realm in one or two months." Lin Xinghai gave his estimated time.

On Huo Feiteng's side, even though he was mentally prepared, the corners of his mouth twitched when he heard this answer.

He took a deep breath, suppressed his emotions, and slightly pondered a while saying: "Those Dragon Blood Pills are fine, I can quickly replenish them here, but Fiendgod Realm-level medicine pills, You have to leave me at least 10 of each kind...at least 5 of them."

Hearing such a reply, a smile finally appeared on Lin Xinghai's face. not bad.

However, Huo Feiteng on the other end of the phone obviously hadn't finished speaking, and he continued: "You should know that here in the capital, it's not just my Second Army that can buy Fiendgod Realm-level medicine pills. "

"The stock of medicine pills in the 1st, 3rd, and 4th Army Groups is no less than ours, even more how, and the general warehouse of the Central Army."

"Those Even if you have merits, it is impossible to buy such a large amount of Fiendgod Realm-level medicine pills. After all, this level of medicine pills can be regarded as strategic materials."

"But if you are in this discussion , showing enough evil, I will ask them."

(end of this chapter)

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