I Have Been Invincible Since Doomsday Chapter 839


Chapter 838 Procurement (middle)

Hearing Lin Xinghai's request, Huo Feiteng gave Lin Xinghai a surprised look again .

"You brat, I really don't know what to say about you." Huo Feiteng said with a smile.

In his opinion, Lin Xinghai just doesn't know how to run and wants to fly.

But he still agreed, "Okay! But it's fine for now, you can adjust your state, and you must not lose in the afternoon discussion."

Got a satisfactory answer , Lin Xinghai naturally laughed to understand.

Next, the two sides chatted for a while. Of course, Huo Feiteng asked and Lin Xinghai answered.

And the content of the conversation between the two is to reshape the body.

When Huo Feiteng found out, Lin Xinghai actually remodeled the skin, muscles, skeleton, blood vessels, and internal organs.

What he envies most is that there are two major systems, physical circulation and energy circulation. As long as one cycle is completed, the body will undergo huge changes.

"Ai, it would be great if you could have been born 10 years earlier. The cultivation system is one after the other. We of this generation, lacking the cultivation of the entrenched environment, may have limited success in the future. The battle with the abyss is up to you in the end." Huo Feiteng said with a sigh.

"Marshal Huo, don't say that, now you are the mainstay of the rule world, and this kind of deficiency may not be irreparable in the future, maybe a solution will be found." Lin Xinghai comforted.

"I hope so!" Huo Feiteng said, staring at Lin Xinghai.

If anyone in this world can really find a way to make up for this lack of foundation, then he believes that this person must be Lin Xinghai.

Lin Xinghai on the other side was stared at a little hairy, feeling that he just talked too much.

Of course, Huo Feiteng wouldn't pull Lin Xinghai and ask the other party to make any guarantees, and he left soon, just to let Lin Xinghai prepare well.


Huo Feiteng left Lin Xinghai to be free. After eating the lunch delivered by the logistics department, he planned to go out.

It is impossible to come to the capital after all.

After walking out of the barracks, Lin Xinghai glanced at all around, and walked straight to a guard who was standing guard not far away, "Hello, I want to stroll around the barracks, but I don't know the way. Can you walk with me? Or do you find someone to lead the way?"

"Of course." The guard quickly replied, he knew that this barracks was used for entertaining VIPs, so for the Lin Xinghai's request could not be neglected.

He quickly used the communicator to contact his superiors, and after asking for instructions, he applied for a car with Lin Xinghai to hang out in the barracks.

Under the introduction of the other party, Lin Xinghai wandered around one by one.

Martial Practice Stage, training ground, shooting area, cross-country challenge War Zone, mecha training hall, simulated battle room, looking at the practice areas, Lin Xinghai felt envious, but also a little blushed with shame .

Compared to these regulars, the Thunder Legion he formed was a bit rough in training.

Pull it out for actual combat!

Of course it's not that he doesn't want to get these things, it's just that... he lacks money.

Even if the training ground here is the simplest one, the training facilities in it add up to hundreds of millions of Huaxia coins.

So in the short term, Lin Xinghai will definitely not waste money on this.

As he wandered all the way, he soon came to the place he was looking for: the Merit Exchange Office.

For Lin Xinghai, what he lacks the most right now is Dragon Blood Pill. The military at the Eastern Sea base may have a little more, but it is definitely not enough for him, so he will not blame him Woe.

The capital is different here. It is the center of the whole country, and it is definitely the most abundant place in all kinds of resources.

He can do a lot of shopping here.

Of course, the reason why he has such confidence is that the meritorious deeds in all places in China are universal.

And his account had a full 2 billion before, even if he now took 500 million merits to Little Fatty and asked him to buy all kinds of equipment needed by thunder Legion, his account was still lying. A full 1.5 billion.

So much money, if it is only used on him, even if he is a "gold swallowing beast", it is completely enough.

Lin Xinghai entered the Merit Exchange Office with the guards.

This is a fairly large building, covering 1,000 square meters, and it is also six stories high. There are a lot of resources here, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is half a warehouse.

After entering, under the introduction of the guards, Lin Xinghai came to a self-service machine, and then used his iris and fingerprints to log in his identity.

Then you can open the exchange list here for viewing.

Lin Xinghai skipped all the bells and whistles, directly clicked on the medicine pill list, and chose the medicine pill at the body-shaping level.

Soon at the bottom of the pop-up list, I saw the most expensive Dragon Blood Pill.

50,000 merits.

This thing is really not something that ordinary people can afford, even if it is an ordinary leader, it will take several days to buy one.

But these are all trivial things here in Lin Xinghai. He first glanced at the inventory and found that there were as many as 300 pieces here. He couldn't help feeling that it was indeed a capital base.

You must know that this is only the exchange office of the 2nd Army. There are 300 Dragon Blood Pills in stock. If you visit the remaining 4 military camps, you can easily collect 1200 Dragons. Blood Pill.

This number is already terrifying, not to mention the number of medicine pills circulating in other institutions and even the black market.

According to Lin Xinghai's estimate, the total number of Dragon Blood Pills in the entire capital may be three or four thousand.

"Then my problem is solved!" Lin Xinghai sighed in his heart, and he was very glad that he came and ran in person.

If you wait for Little Fatty, you really don't know how long you will wait. After all, it's not that easy to buy things from the black market. Where is the convenience of buying directly from the military.

Of course, for other people, the difficulty of obtaining meritorious feats is much higher than that of Huaxia coins.

Because of this, under normal circumstances, soldiers who can solve problems with Huaxia coins will not use their merits.

Lin Xinghai spent 15 million meritorious deeds to buy all the 300 Dragon Blood Pills, and then he couldn't wait to open the list of medicine pills at the Fiendgod Realm level.

But looking at the contents on the list, Lin Xinghai felt a little lost this time.

The list of Fiendgod Realm medicine pills is really abbreviated compared to the long list of names on other lists.

There are only three medicine pills on the list.

A 300,000 Merit of Demon Blood Pill!

One Hunyuan Dan for 400,000 merits!

Tianji Pill 500,000 merits!

Although there are few types of medicine pills, the price is not at all low. At least one medicine pill with 300,000 merits, even if it is a general Fiendgod Realm powerhouse, is not willing to buy it.

After all, this is a merit. If it is converted into Huaxia coins, a 0 will be added at the back.

Of course, for Lin Xinghai, he really didn't take this cost seriously. What really made him dissatisfied was the number of medicine pills.

(end of this chapter)

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