But it does vividly describe a magnificent and boundless fantasy world.

Those ancient saints and sages, those extremely touching stories, those supreme genius stories.

He speaks like a storyteller.

The Quasi-Immortal King tells stories and can even produce supreme visions if He wants to.

But Liu Changsheng didn't do this.

The little ones, children, the old patriarch and the members of the chat group were fascinated by the stories Liu Changsheng told. .

while listening.

They are happy or sad, yearning, or yearning...

a long time.....

The way of heaven is both permanent and impermanent. Okay, children, let's stop the story for now. If you practice well, your future achievements will not be low.

Liu Changsheng temporarily brought an end to the story he told.

Everyone couldn't calm down for a long time.

The True Gentleman of Huashan Mountain---Yue Buqun: ..., wow~ It's really magnificent and indescribable. After hearing this, I feel that all the beauties, princes and generals are not that important anymore.

Your Majesty, spare your life - Lu Shu: Let's just seize the moment and seize the day. The world of Master Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit and that level are too far away for us now.

Emo girl - Yan Lingji: In ten years, we can see the coming of spring and autumn, in a hundred years, we can see birth, old age, illness and death, in a thousand years, we can see the change of dynasties, and in ten thousand years, we can see the stars change. But in the world of the ancestor sacrifice spirit, there are still many worlds of the predecessors of the group, even if It's just a matter of time and space. It's just a matter of time. Damn, this little girl is so lucky to be able to join the group~

Fire Fist Ace: ..., that's really good, but little sister Yan Lingji, why did you change your name again? What does emo mean?

Ma Daxian, who has calculated everything in the world: emo means sadness and sentimentality.

Fire Fist Ace: That's it.

Cultivation Chat - Squirrel Air: Yan Lingji seems to like changing her nicknames. She has changed her nicknames several times since I came here...

Urban Immortal Cultivator - Chen Beixuan: In this fascinating fantasy world, a grain of sand can fill the sea, and a blade of grass can cut down the sun, moon and stars. I think back then, I, Chen Beixuan, carried the stars on my shoulders, stepped on the sun and moon, and everyone in the world respected Beixuan Immortal Lord. , I will definitely become an immortal in this life!

Peach Blossom Island little loli - Huang Rong: Come on, Brother Beixuan, you can definitely do OvO.

Tomb of the Gods·Chen Nan: Senior Beixuan's talent and talent must be sufficient.

Li Qiye: Talent and talent are indeed good, but when the realm reaches a certain level, Beixuan, you can come to my world to develop, or the big world of other group members, but you should try to abandon this world of urban immortal cultivation.

Great Overlord of the World - Muchen: That's why, Senior Beixuan's world is not weak, and there is also a fairy world. Occasionally, you can perform group tasks, or go to everyone's world to enlightenment. Why do you have to leave your own world?

Maoshan-Lin Fengjiao: I am also curious, what does Senior Qiye mean by this?

Imperial Female General-Esdeath: Curiosity +1.

Li Qiye: Didn't you see that the information files and fate lines uploaded by the group leader about Beixuan are different from yours?

Ma Daxian, who calculated everything in the world, said: I have told everyone about this reason. Because it involves things that cannot be said, I can't get the information and documents about Senior Beixuan after him.

Cultivation Chat - Squirrel Airlines: But does this have anything to do with the fact that Senior Beixuan cannot live in his own world and must leave?

Li Qiye: I can't go into too much detail about this kind of thing, but my guess should be correct. I wonder if fellow Daoist Ancestral Sacrifice Spirits have heard of it.

Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit: It is said that there are countless realms in the heavens and countless fantasies, which gave rise to countless heavens. And above these countless heavens, exerting coercion on the other side of the fantasy concept, there is a supreme divine beast, the Mingyue River Crab Divine Beast. , and there is a supreme being, Venerable 404. This involves too much, is too mysterious, and it is useless to say more. The world where Beixuan is located may involve these, so, listen to the advice of fellow Taoist Qiye, that’s right! ·

Tomb of the Gods·Nangong Xian'er: ..., well, I thought I already had some knowledge, but in front of Senior Qiye and Senior Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit, it's really...

The Great Master - Muchen: Indeed, from this point of view, I am really a frog in the well.

Ye Fan: +1

Urban Immortal Cultivator - Chen Beixuan: That's it! Thank you to Senior Qiye and Senior Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit for your advice. Thank you all for your concern. I will consider this matter.


Arbitrary through eternity.

Eternal continent.

Qiyuan Ancient Palace.

Look at the information in the chat group.

Li Changsheng had a lot of thoughts in his heart.

About why He knew the beast and the 404 lord.

Very simple. .

It is His Jade Pure Supreme Inner Scene, the third true self, Daluo, the cause of all the fruits in heaven and earth, that tells Himself.


Rebirth of the urban world of immortality.

Chen Fan frowned.

There are even more mixed feelings in my heart.

Originally, he failed to escape the tribulation and was reborn in this world.

I have clear goals.

But Li Qiye and Senior Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit urged him.

Let Chen Fan know that he has to plan something longer term.

However, Chen Fan was not too worried.

Immortal cultivators in his world are divided into eight realms:

Qi refining, Xiantian, golden elixir, Yuanying, transforming into gods, returning to the void, combining the Tao, and overcoming tribulations.

His teacher Cangqing Immortal has lived for 840,000 years, but he is still in the realm of harmony. The Hedao stage is also called the 'true immortal' and has a lifespan of one million years. In the universe, they are all figures who are at the apex of all races in the starry sky. It is easy to smash the stars with one blow, swallow the sun alive, and open up the world in the void.

In his previous life, he had completed the Tribulation Stage five hundred years ago, surpassing his teacher, and was known as the 'Northern Xuan Immortal Lord'.

Not one of the hundred true immortals of Hedao can survive the tribulation, so the period of transcending the tribulation is also called the ‘immortal master’.

‘The Lord of Ten Thousand Immortals’!

But the period of transcending the tribulation is too far away for Chen Fan now.

I have returned to the earth in my previous life. At that time, the earth's spiritual energy was completely exhausted and it was no longer suitable for immortal cultivators to live in. Not to mention that compared with the cultivation holy land of the Zhenwu Immortal Sect and the 'Cang Ming Realm' opened by the teacher, even any life star in the human race is better. The earth is stronger and more prosperous.

According to what Senior Li Qiye and Senior Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit said, as well as the documents about me uploaded by the group leader, there shouldn’t be any major problems before I survive the tribulation.

Chen Fan was thinking secretly while running the magic formula to sense the aura between heaven and earth.

The last time he returned to the earth was more than a hundred years ago. He cultivated to become a god and went through countless hardships and traveled through billions of voids before returning to his hometown.

But the earth has long since changed, things and people have changed, and even the country no longer exists. Countries form the Earth Alliance, colonize Mars, step out of the solar system, and enter the interstellar era, just like what the little girl Yan Lingji said.

At that time, Chen Fan had lived on earth for twenty years and had not sensed the existence of any immortal cultivators.

The spiritual energy in this world is slightly better than it was a hundred years ago, but it is still close to exhaustion. He shook his head secretly: Even if there are practitioners, they can barely reach the innate level at most.

I'm probably the only immortal cultivator on earth, but for me, being able to join the super-dimensional chat group is the biggest opportunity!

Chapter 123 Big harvest, Shicun banquet, everyone was crying

Thinking of this, Chen Fan was no longer so entangled. .

The level that Senior Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit mentioned is still too early for me now.

There is no need to cling to these.

Now Chen Fan needs to do what he needs to do to restore his cultivation.

As long as he practices a little bit, he can probably walk sideways on the earth.

In Chen Fan's opinion, to have the ability to protect his family and not be afraid of modern weapons, missiles, aircraft and cannons, innate cultivation is about the same.

If you are not innate, you cannot even enter the door of cultivation, you are not worthy of being called an ‘immortal cultivator’.

Since he was reborn as a great monk in the Tribulation Period, even in a Dharma-ending world like Earth, it would only take a few years to regain his innate ability.

Having the super-dimensional chat group as a cheat can get twice the result with half the effort.


Stone Village.

As Liu Changsheng finished speaking.

The little ones, the old patriarch, and the children are still immersed in the magnificent story.

Next, Liu Changsheng returned to the willow tree, focusing on the five group members and the Shicun hunting team who were hunting the ferocious beasts.

With Yang Jian in charge, even in the upper realm, as long as you don't seek death, you'll be fine. .

time flies.

The red sun is setting in the west, and in the afterglow of the setting sun, the entire stone village is dyed with a light golden light. Apes are crowing and tigers are roaring in the distance, but the large stone houses here are as sacred and peaceful as ancient temples.

Yang Jian and other group members as well as dozens of people from Shicun appeared on the horizon, long shadows were pulled out on the ground by the setting sun, and the outline of their bodies was rimmed with gold by the sunset, making them appear extremely tall and majestic. Almost everyone was Dragging a huge beast and returning home with a full load.

Back! A group of women and children who had been waiting at the edge of the village for a long time cheered. The uneasiness and fear in their hearts suddenly disappeared and they shouted loudly.

The Heavenly Gods and Abba sent by Master Ji Ling are back safely!

Oh my God, there are so many prey. It's really a rare harvest!

This hunting was very successful. Dozens of adult men harvested something. Among the prey were a huge dragon-horned elephant, a one-legged Kui beast that looked like an ox, and a flying python as thick as a bucket with wings...

The old people in the village were shocked. These creatures were usually very difficult to deal with, and some could be called ferocious beasts. But today, so many of them were hunted down, and they were stained with blood. It was really unexpected.

For example, the dragon-horned elephant's body is as strong as iron, and it is difficult for an iron spear to pierce it. Its horns are as sharp as a drill, and can easily crush boulders. The sound of the Kui beast is like thunder, and if it comes close, it can shock people to death. As for the flying python with huge wings on its ribs, it is a killer in the forest. It can suddenly kill people from the top of a mountain, which is extremely terrifying.

There are several more powerful creatures among the prey, such as the red two-headed fire rhinoceros, the impure blooded Pixiu... These are all truly ferocious beasts. After discovering them, you should stay away from them, but now they are. Being hunted is seriously inconsistent with common sense!

The most ruthless one is the man with three eyes.

He was even carrying a centipede that looked like a mountain.

I'm really lucky this time. The heavenly gods sent by Lord Sacrifice are so powerful. For this reason, we returned with a full load, but no one was injured. Grandma Dryad, Frieza, and little brother Luo Feng are very easy-going. Although brother Madara said He is taciturn, but if it weren’t for Brother Madara, many brothers in our hunting team would have died this time!”

As for Senior Yang Jian... He is really a god with supreme power. In the past few days, I heard from the tree demon grandma that Senior Yang Jian is a god in his world. He also carries mountains to catch up with the sun and kills people. Golden Crow! This centipede, which is bigger than a mountain, was killed by Senior Yang Jian. This is the true pure-blooded phantom centipede.

Shi Linhu, the leader of the hunting team, laughed heartily and explained to the clan leader and villagers.

In the past few nights, there were super beasts passing by in the mountains. The ground shook and the mountains shook, killing and injuring many mountain beasts. During the day, they tracked them all the way and killed many seriously injured beasts. These beasts were needed by the villagers on weekdays. A tyrannical creature that evades.

And because of the existence of five gods, they even killed three super beasts.


By the way, there are some large footprints in the mountains that are similar in shape to human feet, but they are really too big, nearly a hundred meters long! Lord Yang Jian originally wanted to pursue them, but after considering our problems, he came back.

So big?! the villagers exclaimed, this is really shocking news.

Even the old people in the village couldn't help but gasp when they heard the words, and they became more and more convinced that something unusual happened deep in the mountains, attracting some ancient relics near the wilderness.

In any case, it was a great harvest, and the tribesmen were full of joy. The stone village was filled with the laughter of children, and there was an atmosphere of joy.

The old patriarch expressed his gratitude and respect to the heavenly gods sent by Lord Ji Ling, and invited Yang Jian and others to the banquet.

Next. .

The old patriarch Shi Yunfeng led all the villagers to perform a grand sacrificial ceremony to Liu Changsheng himself.


Liu Changsheng accepted it happily.

Next, everyone in Shicun began to get busy.

You brats, be careful. It's rare to get these ferocious beasts. Their blood essence, tendons and some bones are incredibly precious. Don't lose the essence. The old patriarch came back to his senses and warned.

I said, Xiaofeng, you can't do this. Grandma will help you later. This kind of rare ferocious beast meat should be grilled. Grandma, I have a kind heart. Your village and ancestors... No, I have a connection with Master Jiling. , it will simply help you maintain the essence and blood of the ferocious beast to the maximum extent, and it will also be delicious.

Just when the old patriarch warned.

An old lady who described Chamu as looking extremely scary said to Shi Yunfeng.

So...thank you Senior Dryad.

Shi Yunfeng said gratefully. .

Grandma Dryad waved her hand and said: Hai, don't be polite to grandma, it's nothing.

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