No problem, do you guys have any questions for me??

Liu Changsheng asked as he looked at the children in Shicun.

I have a question, Master Jiling. Those bird characters and turtle characters are as complex as ghost charms. They are really difficult to learn. What do you do by memorizing them?

That's right, it's not as useful as the archery skills my father taught me!

Yes, yes, Lord Sacrifice to the Spirit, I really studied it seriously, but I just can't understand it.

A group of children all had bitter faces and were very resistant.

Looking at the sad faces of the children. .

Li Changsheng wanted to laugh a little.

The bone inscriptions passed down by him are accurate to the Immortal King's words and are created with great mysteries and mysteries.

Not to mention the Great Wilderness, there is no second one even in the entire lower realm.

You guys are really ignorant. The bone inscriptions are the symbols naturally manifested on the bones of the tyrannical ancient relics. They contain mysterious and unpredictable power. How many people want to learn but have no way to learn it. The soul-sacrificial ginseng is created by God, The bone inscriptions passed down by him are even rarer among rare things, and may not even be found in dynasties that have been passed down for endless years.

Your parents are all too talented. They are still studying the bone inscriptions passed down by Master Ji Ling, so you are better off.

Gou Sheng, your father taught you the art of archery. Haven't you ever seen your father shoot an arrow? Doesn't the arrow have a purple halo? That's the power of the bone inscriptions. I know your mother!

Before Liu Changsheng could explain, the old patriarch hated iron and criticized them.

The old patriarch blew his beard angrily and stared.

Liu Changsheng smiled.

He waved his hand to signal Shi Yunfeng to calm down.

Come here, little one. Liu Changsheng shouted not far away.

After chasing the five-colored sparrow, the little boy was trying hard to pull the tail of a big yellow dog. Hearing this, he turned his head in confusion, let go of his hand and ran over, blinking his big bright eyes, and said: Err, eh, eh, willow. What’s wrong with God?”

Use the bone inscription I taught you. Liu Changsheng said.

Okay. The little one was very obedient, stretched out his two little hands, closed his mouth, and kept exerting force all over his body, until his little face turned red.

You all take a good look, the little ones are better than you!!

Shi Yunfeng glanced at the children and snorted coldly.

Chapter 121 A speck of dust can fill up the sea, a piece of grass can kill the sun, moon and stars

In the chat group.

There are two live broadcasts at this time.

One is here in Shicun.

Another place is the five group members and the Stone Village hunting team heading to the wild world.

Although the wilderness is full of dangers.

There are even terrifying beasts that cover the sky and the sun.

But among the five group members, except Luo Feng, who has not grown up.

The other group members are all horribly exaggerated.

There is no problem in dealing with these ferocious beasts.

As for Ishimura Liu Changsheng’s teaching.

This may seem bland though.

But there is a great mystery.

After all, Liu Changsheng is the supreme quasi-immortal king.

The chat group has developed to this day.

There are quite a lot of group members.

Therefore, both scenes were watched by group members.


But relatively speaking, looking at Shi Cun, Li Changsheng's Taoist body Liu Changsheng lectured more and Shi Hao gave more lectures. .

a perfect world.

The first place.

Stone Village.

The little one used the bone inscriptions taught to him by Liu Changsheng extremely seriously.

after all...

This is what Liu Shen asked himself to perform.

And he can't be embarrassed in front of the patriarch and everyone.

With a buzz sound, a piece of light appeared in the palm of his hand, and a strange text appeared. It seemed to be cast from metal, with a metallic luster and texture. Soon the other hand also appeared.

The little boy took two steps forward and picked up a piece of bluestone that was taller than him.

It's amazing! A group of children exclaimed. How could a little guy over one year old lift such a big stone?

You little one, are you using up all your energy in feeding? the eldest child teased him.

Yeah, yes, all my strength is gone. The little boy dropped the bluestone and sat down on the ground. He smiled heartlessly, very pure, while the runes on his palm quickly dimmed and disappeared.

Master Spirit Sacrifice, is this the mysterious bone inscription power you taught? A group of children's eyes shone.

Liu Changsheng smiled and nodded: If you are diligent enough, you can conquer the wilderness.

You little guys are so lucky. The bone inscriptions refined by Lord Sacrificial Spirit are no better than the heavenly bone inscriptions that appear in ancient legends.

Having said this, Shi Yunfeng was extremely excited, and his words were full of respect for Liu Changsheng.

I heard from my father that the Lord Sacrifice to the Spirit existed when he was a child. My father said that the Lord Sacrifice to the Spirit existed when he was a child. My father's father said that he heard about the Lord Sacrifice to the Soul when he was a child. Master Ling exists, and Master Ji Ling has really lived for a long time.

Why are you talking so much, kid? But...when I was young, I was just like you. Time has changed, and the spirit sacrifice master is still the same, but I am already old.

Shi Yunfeng sighed.

Hear this.

A group of children looked at Liu Changsheng with great admiration. .

Master Ji Ling, tell us about the outside world. A group of children showed hope.

Even the village chief Shi Yunfeng showed childlike hope.

He remembered when he was little.

Including the little ones....members of the chat group.


Since the little guys want to hear it, even Feng'er wants to hear it, then let me tell you~

Liu Changsheng smiled lightly and glanced at Shi Yunfeng.

This made Shi Yunfeng lower his head in embarrassment.

Long years.

Only Master Ji Ling can allow himself to do this.

The children couldn't help laughing when they saw this scene.

Grandpa, the always serious patriarch, also has such a cute side.


the other side.

In the chat group.

Little Lolita from Peach Blossom Island - Huang Rong: Suddenly I felt that the patriarch, grandpa, was so cute...

Imperial Female General - Esdeath: In front of Senior Liu Changsheng, the head of the Ishimura clan is indeed a child.

Your Majesty, spare your life - Lu Shu: Actually, I want to hear Senior Liu Changsheng tell stories even more...

Cultivation Chat Group-Squirrel Air: That's not called telling stories, that's called facts!

Ye Fan: I also want to hear the story of the perfect world. Although the group owner uploaded the information file, it is too one-sided.

Maoshan-Lin Fengjiao: I am also looking forward to it. The story of this supreme fantasy world will definitely be very exciting.

Ma Daxian, who calculated everything in the world, said: Peanuts, melon seeds, and Fat Mansion Happy Water are ready, just waiting for Master Liu Changsheng to tell the story.

Xiao Longnu: The story told by Lord Liu Changsheng, that is, the world of Lord Administrator Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit, is really fascinating, but I... am now in a difficult situation.

Reincarnation of Xiancao - Lin Daiyu: Let's not talk about the dilemma, let's tell the story first.

God's Tomb - Chen Nan: Hey, Feizhai Happy Water is just the Coke sold in the super-dimensional mall.

Your Majesty, please spare my life - Lu Shu: Smart!

The True Gentleman of Huashan - Yue Buqun: My dear, it seems that the story is about to begin.


Stone Village.

Children, the little ones, Shi Yunfeng concentrated his attention, pricked up his ears, and listened extremely carefully to Liu Changsheng's talk about the outside world.

Then I will learn from what you know and preach about what you don't know...

We are in the wilderness. The world is too big and vast. It can easily travel millions of miles from one area to another. No one knows how vast it really is. A person can walk on foot in a lifetime and never get out of one area. The vast wilderness is endless. It is difficult for humans to communicate with each other in different regions because it is too dangerous. There are many tyrannical species on the earth, which are scary and mysterious. Even a tribe with hundreds of thousands of people or a magnificent city may be destroyed by several people in one night. The first ancient relic species were destroyed. Of course, there are also humans who are unimaginably powerful. Their combat prowess is comparable to that of other species. Their divine power is unparalleled. They can be called the genius of the human race.

Of course, actually this is nothing.

A group of children were in awe, but also yearned for it, and were curious about the unknown world. Someone asked: Are there any treasures or elixirs in the mountains and rivers that can transform a person overnight? How powerful is the most powerful genius of the human race? ?”

Liu Changsheng smiled and said: The creation of this world is extremely mysterious and unbelievable. Of course there are some. As for the most powerful geniuses of the human race... they are also divided into the lower world, the upper world, the virtual gods, the nine heavens, and the ten earths... ..besides......

In ancient times, saints competed for hegemony, hundreds of armies fought for the river, thousands of sails competed. A young genius emerged from the wilderness, crossed the heavens, and killed all enemies. It was a time of blood and bones, and it was a peerless chapter. ...

If we master the mysterious power of bone inscriptions, can we travel to all areas of the world? Some children expressed admiration.

Liu Changsheng touched the little boy's head and said: Don't aim too high. For you now, not to mention other areas, even in our area, there are very few people who can cross half of the territory. It's a big deal!

All the children were in a daze.

Master Sacrifice the Spirit, can you tell me more? Huniu still wants to hear...

Yes, Lord Sacrifice Spirit, what are the domains you mentioned that we are in...

Master Ji Ling, what are the lower realms, upper realms, and emptiness you mentioned? What realm are these?

Lord Sacrifice to Spirits...

Lord Sacrifice to Spirits...


The children looked at Liu Changsheng with great anticipation, hoping that Liu Changsheng would continue talking.

Facing the expectant eyes of the children.

Liu Changsheng smiled gently.

He is dressed in peerless white, as gentle as jade, just like a painting that banishes an immortal.

He said eloquently: Okay, okay, if the children want to listen, I will tell...

The world we are in is actually a prison where the descendants of sinners are released from the upper world. The sun, moon and stars here are all projections of the upper world. As for the upper world, it is divided into nine heavens and ten lands. These nine days and ten land............

In the ancient age of immortals, immortals from foreign lands are coming. Nine heavens and ten lands are dangerous. There are real dragons fighting against the immortal kings of foreign lands. There are Kunpeng soaring in the sky and traversing the infinite universe. There are... and there is a speck of dust that can fill the sea and a blade of grass that can cut it all. The sun, the moon, the stars, the world is turned upside down at the snap of a finger...

Chapter 122 The River Crab Divine Beast and Lord 404

Liu Changsheng leisurely told the story of a perfect world.

There is no line of fate involved, what has happened or what will happen.

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