Protecting Muchen was just a matter of course.

Senior Liu Shen, I should...

See for yourself first, Xiaochen~


Muchen quickly walked into the stone room, then picked up a jade slip and glanced at it. On the jade slip, there were rays of font appearing.

A mid-level mortal level spiritual art, Fire Cloud Skill.

Muchen blinked. Generally speaking, spiritual arts are divided into three types: Kung Fu spiritual arts, attack spiritual arts, defensive spiritual arts, etc. These various spiritual arts are roughly divided into three levels: god level, spiritual level, etc. Level, ordinary level, each level is divided into three levels: upper, middle and lower. The current Fire Cloud Skill is a volume of spiritual techniques for the middle level of ordinary level.

Muchen played with the jade slip for a while and then put it down, obviously showing little interest. Then he wandered into the depths, occasionally picking up a roll, but then he put it back.

Liu Shen followed Muchen slowly, letting him choose from the many spiritual techniques here.

Chapter 118 Before you become enlightened, I will protect you, hunting in the wilderness

These spiritual techniques are dazzling.

Although Liu Shen looks down on him.

But for Muchen at this moment, they are all good spiritual techniques.


A dazzling array of spiritual arts filled Muchen's eyes. Although most of them were mortal-level spiritual arts, Muchen also understood that if these spiritual arts were taken out, they would be enough to cause a lot of people to grab them. Mu Feng's collection was in This Northern Spirit Realm is not ordinary.

Muchen's footsteps, after wandering for a long time, finally reached the depths of the stone chamber, but he still could not see the spiritual secret he wanted. Then he raised his head and looked at the last stone shelf, where, There are three open jade boxes placed on it.

You have a good sense. Your father risked his life to get these three volumes of spiritual secrets. They are a great blessing for you now... Liu Shen saw Muchen looking at the three jade boxes. , couldn't help but laugh.

When Muchen heard this, he walked up curiously. Liu Shendu said that it was a great blessing for him now. .

It's definitely not bad.

Then Muchen took out a jade slip from the jade box. The jade slip was crystal clear and had some warmth to the touch. It was obviously not ordinary.

The Flame Dragon Technique... Muchen glanced at the jade slip, a look of surprise flashed across his eyes: It turns out to be a low-grade spiritual technique?

He was very aware of the value of the spirit-level spirit arts. If it were to be auctioned, it would be impossible to obtain even a million spirit coins.

Well, your father, the Master of the Pastoral Domain, practiced this Flame Dragon Technique, which he obtained when he obtained the Flame Dragon Eagle Spirit Soul.

Liu Shen smiled slightly and said, See if this is your creation.

Muchen played with the jade slip for a while, and then took out the other two volumes. These two volumes of spiritual tactics, one titled Zhentian Jue and the other titled Julingjian, both It is at the lower level of the spiritual level.

Muchen couldn't put it down these three volumes of jade slips, and for a moment he was a little hesitant about which choice to make.

Have you made your choice? These three volumes of spiritual secrets are all comparable, but there is only one that is most suitable for you. Liu Shen said with a faint smile.

He knew that Muchen's destiny was about to truly begin.

Muchen hesitated, his palms floating on the three jade slips, and finally resting on the Gathering Spirit Mirror. Although this volume of spiritual techniques is not good at attacking, it is very effective in laying a good foundation.

Muchen's palm was suspended above the Spirit Gathering Mirror, but just when he was about to make a choice, his heart suddenly felt slightly touched for some unknown reason, and then his eyes drifted a little unconsciously, and then, the three jade In the shadow of the box, he saw a dark black jade slip covered with dust.

What's this?

Muchen was startled for a moment, stretched out his palm, and grasped the dark black jade slip in his hand. His eyes swept over it, and he could only see vague handwriting emerging on the surface of the rough jade slip.

This is your creation, the Great Buddha Technique, Xiaochen.

Liu Shen responded.

At the same time, he sighed in his heart.

The vast world's sense of destiny and Xiao Chen's supreme destiny are so consistent.

He is truly worthy of being the supreme destiny son in this world.

All the roads ahead are paved for it.

His own existence is at best the icing on the cake.

Just like the Yao Lao who fought against the sky.

But this is not important, because his original purpose is to help the deity, understand the heavenly way and destiny of the great master of the world, and use the way to enlightenment.

The Great Buddha Technique?

Muchen looked at these four vague words, and a flash of doubt flashed in his eyes. There was no level of spiritual art written on it?

Muchen looked at Liu Shen doubtfully, but was stunned. At this time, the latter looked at the dark jade slip in his hand with a complicated expression, and his expression was full of tender nostalgia.

Muchen shouted and raised the jade slip in his hand: Senior Liu Shen, what kind of spiritual secret is this? Why is the grade not stated? And... I still have a familiar feeling of intimacy.

Liu Shen sighed and said: The intimacy is inevitable, because this is what your mother specially left for you.


Muchen's body couldn't help but tremble, and he murmured this unfamiliar word but his heart trembled slightly. He seemed to have never seen his mother, but there was a vague feeling deep in his heart. But a particularly profound shadow of gentleness.

Since he became sensible, he has not pestered Mu Feng to ask for news about his mother, and Mu Feng has also never mentioned that between the two fathers and sons, sometimes they seem to choose to avoid things that are very important to them. people.

Although he joined the super-dimensional chat group.

The group owner also uploaded information about himself and the world.

However, these information documents only introduce a general world view and his own life.

Senior Liu Shen, I...when can I see my mother...where is she?

Muchen rubbed the jade slips, hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn't help but ask what he had wanted to know most these years. When he was a child, he had carved many wood carvings. The wood carvings were exactly the same, except that But there is no clear face, because the original shape of the wood carving is the gentle shadow looming deep in his heart.

Every wood carving is a trace of sustenance and longing.

Your mother... is great. Don't worry, it won't be a problem. Although the information uploaded by the group owner is not detailed, you also know that you will meet your mother in the end.

As for when to meet, as long as you are strong enough, you can do it at any time.

Liu Shen said.


Muchen was silent for a moment.

Then his eyes became firm.

He nodded slightly and said, Thank you, Senior Liu Shen!

Do you need my help?

Liu Shen chuckled. .

No! Senior Liu Shen, the humane avatar of the Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit, I am very grateful that you can come to me and teach me. I can't push myself too far.

Muchen clenched his palms tightly, and the rough dark black jade slips exuded warmth in his palms. After a long time, he raised his head and smiled at Liu Shen: I choose it, Senior Liu Shen, don't worry, my father I will help him finish what he has not done, and one day, I will reunite our family, and no one can stop it!

The young man has a childish face and firm eyes.

Liu Shen was touched.

[Destiny·Emotion] [Destiny·Filial Piety] [Destiny·Righteousness], favored by great fortune.

While Muchen finished this sentence firmly.

All these invisible fortunes and destiny poured into Muchen's body.

Sure enough, as I said, the destiny of the great ruler of the world is very right. The young man who is the son of destiny is affectionate and righteous. This is also the way! Muchen's way is the way of the world.

Liu Shen felt something in her heart at this moment.

at the same time.

The world of arbitrary time and space.

Eternal continent.

Qiyuan Ancient Palace.

Li Changsheng himself received the enlightenment from the incarnation of the great master, Liu Shen.

A moment of enlightenment.

This realization merged into Li Changsheng's Great Way of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

The Great Thousand World is a good world, and Muchen is a good protagonist... Such a pure blessing of great luck and the laws of destiny. If the group members are from the Douluo Continent world, then the great luck of the Douluo continent and the blessings of the laws of destiny will Definitely not innocent...

Li Changsheng said with emotion. .


Great domination of the world.

Looking at the extremely determined young man.

I won't encourage others, but I will protect you until you become enlightened!

Liu Shen said slowly.

Although the tone is gentle.

But it exudes a sense of arrogance and grandeur.


the other side. .

The members of the online chat group are still watching the live broadcast and discussing the Emperor Huang Tian during the cute little period.

There were also discussions about the aura of the Great Wilderness and the perfect world.

There are also those who lament the simplicity of Shicun.

All living beings are diverse.

Li Changsheng himself watched everything.

He sees not only the chat group, but also the world of all group members, as well as his own incarnation.

Li Changsheng already has a goal in mind.

That is the avatar of Tao, which can be used in countless heavens and realms to comprehend and refine one's own Tao.



Stone Village is not very big. There are more than 300 men, women, old and young. The houses are all made of huge stones, simple and natural.

After giving Shi Hao Wangzi milk.

Liu Changsheng chatted with Shi Yunfeng for a few words and then returned to his own body.

But Shi Yunfeng always regarded him as his father or even his ancestor.

Because I sent myself to Shicun too early.

He grew up watching Shi Yunfeng.

However, compared to the original plot, Shi Yunfeng's state of mind has not changed much except for his physical health.

Liu Changsheng gave Shicun the method of cultivation, but did not teach it.

After breakfast, several elderly people in the village came to the courtyard of the patriarch Shi Yunfeng. Although their beard and hair had turned white, they were still very energetic.

Something hasn't been right recently. There are always big guys passing by late at night. There is too much movement. Something must be happening deep in the mountains.

Well, I was woken up several times last night, and my skin and bones were chilled. There must be some wild beast or big insect passing by here.

Several old people spoke one after another. They either frowned or thought deeply, discussing some recent danger signs and feeling that something unusual had happened.

Something extraordinary may have appeared in the depths of the wilderness, which attracted the attention of some ancient relics in the surrounding area, and they rushed over. I have consulted the Lord Sacrificial Spirit, and it seems that... the little creature is coming. Old The clan leader Shi Yunfeng said after thinking.

Could it be that there is a mountain treasure? Master Ji Ling said that the little one is the hope of our Shicun. No matter what, we must get this mountain treasure for the little one! An old man's eyes suddenly widened, and his hair and hair were all wet. Zhang, showing a shocked look.

The others also showed strange expressions, their eyes were fiery, but they quickly extinguished the flames in their eyes. That kind of thing was not something they could get. It was far away in the deepest part of the mountain range, and no one could get in. Although Master Sacrificial Spirit Ginseng Good luck, but they can't let the Lord Sacrifice who protects the village take risks.

Chief, we haven't been in the mountains for some days. At this moment, a majestic adult man walked into the courtyard. He was the leader of the hunting team and would be the next leader of Shicun.

It's been a little rough lately. The old patriarch Shi Yunfeng frowned.

But there is really not much food. Shi Linhu said. He was extremely tall, more than two meters tall, and carried a broad sword weighing more than three hundred kilograms on his back. He was as strong as a human bear, with bronze muscles all over his body. Like snakes and pythons swimming.

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