An inexplicable aura spread out, and the mountains and valleys were filled with deathly silence. The ferocious birds and beasts were dormant, not daring to make a sound.

As we got closer, we saw that this was a human-shaped creature that walked upright, was astonishingly huge, and was as tall as a mountain. It had no hair on its body, and its whole body was covered with shiny golden scales. The face is very flat, with only one vertical eye, which opens and closes like a golden lightning, sharp and frightening. The whole blood is like the sea, like a god and demon!

Master Liu Changsheng frowned slightly.

The willow tree exudes a bright green color.

The creature instantly vanished into nothingness.

at the same time.....

In the chat group.

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Granny: Good guy, you are indeed the incarnation of the ancestor worshiping spirit. This humanoid creature was directly obliterated.

Xiao Longnu: This is also the starting place of the dictatorial Eternal Desolate Emperor mentioned in the file uploaded by the group leader.

Tomb of the Gods - Nangong Xian'er: Then where is Emperor Huangtian? No... I should say where is the little one...

Dragon Ball - Frieza: Don't worry, Ishimura can't run away, we will definitely be able to see the little one, but speaking of it, because of the ancestor sacrifice spirit, it seems that we can also travel to this big world.

Li Qiye: Fellow Taoist Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit does allow me to go there, but I have a lot of things to arrange for the time being, so I won't go there yet.

My Majesty, spare your life - Lu Shu: There's no rush for this kind of thing. Let's first take a look at Shicun, where it all started. After all, the live broadcast has just started.

Swallowing Starry Sky - Luo Feng: That's right. Although the file uploaded by the group leader can provide a general idea, it is not good for us to rush into Stone Village rashly, even if we have good intentions.

The Great Master - Muchen: I agree!

Cultivation chat group - Squirrel Airlines: Let's first appreciate the mountains and rivers of the magnificent fantasy world, even though this is only the lower realm.

Tomb of the Gods - Nangong Xian'er: Senior Liu Changsheng, the incarnation of Senior Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit, is also very good-looking!

Ye Fan: After all, he is the incarnation of the ancestor sacrifice spirit and the supreme quasi-immortal king. He is truly peerless in white, although senior Liu Changsheng does not show his Dharma form most of the time.

Chapter 117 The eternally arbitrary Emperor Huangtian is just a cute baby at this moment

Prequel to Lotus Lantern - Yang Erlang: It is worthy of being the world of the ancestors' spiritual ancestors. It's just the lower world, and the spiritual energy is so abundant.

Chen Fan (Beixuan Immortal Lord): Yes, if I continue to practice in this big world, I, Chen Beixuan, have a chance of surviving the tribulation and becoming an immortal!

Lu Bu, the most filial son of the Three Kingdoms: Watch the live broadcast, the morning glow is rising, the little one seems to be appearing.

Perfect world.



Stone Village.

In the early morning, the morning glow is brilliant, falling like broken gold, bathing people in warmth.

A group of children, ranging in age from four or five to teenagers, numbering dozens, were humming and exercising in the open space in front of the village facing the morning glow. The young and tender faces are full of seriousness. The older children are very lively, and the younger ones are also making graceful gestures.

A middle-aged man with a body as strong as a tiger and leopard, wearing animal skin clothing, with bronze skin and loose black hair, glanced at each child with piercing eyes and was giving them serious instructions.

The sun rises, all things begin, and the energy of life is at its strongest. We in Shicun are lucky enough to have the legendary Master Ji Ling teach us the legendary method of eating rosy clouds and eating qi. Therefore, exercising under the rising rosy clouds has great benefits and can replenish the body's vitality. The plan for the day is Morning, get up early every day and work harder, strengthen your muscles and bones, activate your blood and train your muscles, so that you can survive in this vast mountain range in the future.

Don't always think about relying on the Spirit Sacrifice Master, you know!

The middle-aged man standing in front, instructing a group of children, had a serious face and warned seriously. Then he turned around respectfully and saluted the willow tree at the entrance of the village.

Liu Changsheng's deity Dharma looked at all this with a smile.

His granting of Dharma Stone Village was not considered against the general trend, so it was naturally fine.

There are many prehistoric creatures in the mountains. From time to time, giant wings that cover the sky cross over and cast large shadows on the ground. There are also wild beasts standing on the peaks, swallowing the moon and roaring, and not to mention all kinds of poisonous insects, which is extremely terrifying.

I understand. A little guy who was obviously distracted and half a beat too late shouted in a sweet voice.

This is a very young child, only one or two years old. He has just learned to walk for a few months and is also exercising along with him. Obviously, he got here on his own and mixed in with the older kids. He clearly shouldn't be in this team yet.

Hmm, haha! the little guy said, waving his tender little arms vigorously, imitating the movements of the older children, but he was too young, his movements were crooked, his steps were swaying, and his mouth was swaying. The remaining white milk stains make people laugh.

A group of older children looked at him and winked, which made the originally serious atmosphere of the morning exercise more relaxed.

The little one is very white, tender and pretty, with big black eyes that move around. She looks like a white porcelain doll, very cute, with childish movements, babbling in her mouth, and a cute and naive look. This made some old people in another field sit cross-legged on boulders and gulp down the essence of heaven to smile.

See the little one. .

Liu Changsheng's true form also left the willow tree body.

Came to the little one's side.

Hey, Liu are here...

The little guy saw Liu Changsheng appear.

A happy look on his face.

Lord Sacrifice to Spirits!

When the men, women, and children in Shicun saw Liu Changsheng's appearance, they saluted with great respect.

It doesn't have to be this way.

The gentle and jade-like voice echoed between heaven and earth.

The men, women, and children in Shicun thanked Liu Changsheng and then accepted the gifts.

As the incarnation appointed by this deity to come to the place where it all started.

It has been hundreds of years since He came to Shicun.

Some time ago, I informed myself that the chat group live broadcast has started.

Some group members may come to Stone Village.

To this.

Liu Changsheng naturally had nothing to say.


The bright green brilliance is blazing, creating a divine brilliance.

A one-liter can of Wangzai milk appeared in Liu Changsheng's hand.

As the incarnation of the deity, although he is an independent individual, he also has the memory of the deity and the permission to watch the chat group.

This liter of Wangzai milk was made by Liu Changsheng, who took the milk from the relics of mythical beasts and combined it with the Wangzai milk production method and the creation fairy method from the chat group mall.

Liu Shen, you are so kind...

The little boy’s eyes lit up as he looked at Wangzai Milk.

When the village chief Shi Yunfeng saw this scene, he smiled kindly and said: Master Jiling, you really dote on your little one...

The little one lost his parents when he was half a year old and grew up eating the milk of all kinds of animals. Now he is one year and a few months old. If he were an ordinary child, he should have been weaned long ago, but he still eats very sweet food and refuses to wean. It falls off and is often teased by older children.

The little one is eating milk! a group of older children cheered.

You little monkeys are not all from his age. Shi Yunfeng laughed and scolded.

We are not still breastfeeding when we are one and a half years old, hehe.

Faced with the teasing of the older children, the little one smiled naively, and narrowed her big black eyes into a crescent shape. She didn't care. She sat in front of the clay pot and drank the milk with a wooden spoon. The food was very sweet.

at the same time.

In the chat group.

Ma Daxian, who calculates all the worlds, said: 233, the Emperor of Huangtian who has been arbitrary for all eternity, at this moment is a delicate and cute cute baby who loves to drink animal milk, so cute~~

God's Tomb - Chen Nan: Well, the little one is really cute. If it weren't for the information uploaded by the group leader, I really can't imagine that this future achievement would be so shocking. However, what does 233 mean? I don't understand!

Xiao Longnu: The little girl doesn't really understand either.

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: Jie Jie, you guys can't move now. Grandma, I know, 233 means hahaha, do you understand?

God's Tomb-Chen Nan: I see, I have learned a lesson...

Ye Fan: Eh? How come Grandma Dryad knows so much? I don't even know what 233 means.

Cultivation chat group - Squirrel Airlines: Damn it, Grandma Dryad is really keeping pace with the times. My world 233 has just emerged. How did you know?

Imperial Female General Esdeath: This old woman has swallowed the soul of a time traveler before, so I know that there is no need to make a fuss.

Chen Fan (Beixuan Immortal Lord): I think that I, Chen Beixuan, have been traversing the starry sky for five hundred years. Now that I have returned to modern times, I don't seem to know as much as the tree demon. I smile bitterly.jpg.

Happy Girl-Yan Lingji: Don't talk about it anymore, Emperor Huang Tian was so cute when he was a child...

Ye Fan: Who would have thought that this cute little thing would have such a miserable future... Sigh~ Speaking of which, my future doesn't seem to be that good either.

Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit: From the moment you enter the chat group, everything will change. It's like my Taoist body shouldn't have appeared in this time and space, but it did. That's it.

Your Majesty, spare your life - Lu Shu: What Master Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit said makes sense. I'm quite looking forward to what kind of storm the little one will create in the future.

Li Qiye: The atmosphere in Stone Village is quite good. I can go shopping when I have free time. Although Dahuang is the lower realm, it is a place where fellow Taoist ancestors worship spirits have experienced. How can it be ordinary.

Uchiha Madara: When I finish my work, I will also drive the six-path mode to visit Ishimura.

Little Dragon Girl: My little girl doesn't even dare to go to Stone Village. In my current state, I will die if any vicious beast comes...

Yue Buqun: Me too!!

Great Master Muchen: The ferocious beasts in the wilderness are a good place to sharpen people. Is there any group member who can find time to practice with me?

Your Majesty, spare your life. Lu Shu: I'd better forget it, I'm not as good as Yue Buqun now...

Great Master Muchen: It's okay, I just mentioned that I am not qualified to experience the ferocious beasts of the wilderness.


Great domination of the world.

Muchen looked indifferent.

When he brought this up, he didn't mean that he was going to practice it immediately.

He still knows how much he weighs.

Ancestor...Senior Liu Shen, can you give me some advice on which method I should learn?

Muchen looked at the shadow of Liu Shen on the side that only he could see.

This is also the Taoist body of Li Changsheng.

The Taoist body scattered throughout the vast world.

Basically, all of Li Changsheng's Taoist bodies can be called Liu Shen.

After he came to the Great Overlord World, he followed his instructions and became Muchen's grandfather.

Because Muchen is the son of destiny, following Muchen, the great master, all the heavenly ways, avenues, and insights in the universe will eventually know everything.

Go to the stone room where your father allows you to choose your skills. Your creation will be there.

Liu Shen said.


Muchen nodded slightly.

In this way, Muchen and Liu Shen went to the stone room.

Muchen's black eyes were shining brightly as he looked at the stone chamber in front of him. As the master of the pastoral domain, Mu Feng was considered to be one of the few strong men in the Northern Spiritual Realm. Naturally, his inventory over the years would not be weak.

The moment you enter the stone chamber.

Liu Shen then knew which technique and spirit formula was best for Muchen.

But He didn't say it.

Because this is the will of this deity.

If Muchen gets nothing for nothing, then Muchen's luck will become less and less, and eventually something big may happen.

The so-called protagonist, the son of fate, is not static.

Otherwise, why would there be the main god space, the fourth natural disaster, and the chaos of the Tianliu system.

As the most powerful incarnation of this deity in this world, he possesses the realm of Heavenly Supreme Dzogchen, which can be said to be a ceiling-level existence. Although it is not said to be in the realm of domination, it is definitely enough for today.

The most important role of his existence is to follow Muchen, understand everything about the world of the Great Overlord, and feed this understanding back to the deity.

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