Origin of the ancient palace.

Li Changsheng looked at the petrified Nobita and Doraemon through the live broadcast room and nodded slightly.

His incarnation has sensed the system of laws in the world where Doraemon lives. .

Particularly mottled.

The world of Doraemon is a multidimensional universe.

Of course, technology started to become mainstream.

After all, the Space-Time Administration is in charge.


Doraemon world.

Pluto looked at Nobita and Doraemon who had turned into stone statues.

Jaw slightly.

He murmured: Is this the so-called magic? Sure enough, the essence of energy leads to the same goal through different paths.

The blue light in Pluto's eyes suddenly shone brightly, and a powerful strange energy rose up.

The ground beside the stone statues of Nobita and Doraemon turned into a dark and void black, like a black hole.


With a soft drink from Pluto.

The dark ground turned into a ball of supernatural energy and enveloped the two stone statues of Nobita and Doraemon.

The blue eyes of Pluto Youyou seem to contain the stars of the universe, which are as deep, empty and majestic.

moment. . . . .

Nobita and Doraemon actually recovered their physical bodies.

Nobi Nobita looked at Hades and Esdeath with a happy face.

He said excitedly: Thank you, Senior Pluto, and Sister Esdeath.

Pluto smiled lightly and said: It's okay~

Although Pluto seems very easy-going.

But when Nobita saw the way Pluto stared at him, he was so frightened that he quickly lowered his head.

Because Nobita felt that Pluto looked at him like he was looking down from above.

Moreover, Pluto's eyes are deep and dark, like a black hole that can swallow everything.

Is this... Is this Senior Pluto? The aura is so strong that I don't even have the courage to look at Senior Pluto?

In addition to Master Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit and Senior Yang Jian, there should be no one more powerful than Senior Pluto in the chat group...


I felt that Nobita was a little reserved.

Esdeath smiled and said: Brother Nobita, don't be shy~~

Nobita quickly waved his hand and said: No, just call me Nobita. Senior Pluto and sister Esdeath, this is the first time we meet, please take care of me~

Doraemon on the side also bowed very politely and thanked: Thank you very much for your help. I am Doraemon. Nice to meet you.

Nobita told me about the chat group. I had doubts before. I'm really sorry.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I really wouldn't be able to believe that you actually exist, and that's just the way the legendary gods are...

Miss Esdeath is also a very powerful being...

Pluto waved his hand and said calmly: If I didn't experience it myself, I would not know that there is a super-dimensional chat group, all the worlds in the world, let alone senior ancestor sacrifice spirit, Taoist brother Yang Jian, and everyone in the chat group. Don’t worry!”

Esdeath smiled and said: Don't worry about this. Since everything is fine, let's go directly. Didn't Nobita have some companions who were caught?

If it's too late, those companions may be in danger!!


Chapter 100 Red Moon, Any Gate, Heart of the Demon King

Doraemon nodded and rummaged through his breast pocket.


Doraemon took out a pink single-leaf door from his pocket. .

Any door!!

Hades raised his eyebrows slightly.

Because in the chat group, he kept listening to the chat group leader Ma Daxian.

Details were also sent.

It seems that he values ​​this prop very much.

So, when Pluto looked at this famous prop in front of him.

His eyes turned blue, and an invisible force of strong faith penetrated any door. .

It is Pluto who perceives the structure of any gate with eternal faith.


Hades withdrew his perception. .

Jaw slightly.

This arbitrary door contains wormhole transportation and even space transfer as well as a slight power of law.

Very mysterious.

The technological level of the Super Beast Armed World is already very high.

Therefore, Pluto could easily see the essence of the arbitrary door.

A nice treasure indeed.


Let's go~

Doraemon said. .

Nobita enthusiastically introduced the efficacy of the arbitrary door to Pluto and Esdeath.

Pluto looked calm.

Esdeath looked interested.

It's a magical tool that can cross thousands of miles or millions of miles in an instant~~

Esdeath sighed. .

Doraemon scratched his head in embarrassment and said with a smile: It's all thanks to future technology~

At the same time, Doraemon felt that Pluto was very indifferent, even when he saw the arbitrary door, there was no movement at all.

It feels normal.

Because if what Nobita said is true, an existence of Pluto's level is either a high-level civilized individual that cannot even be reached in the future where it is located.

Or it is really like the gods in myths and legends.

No matter what the outcome is, in Doraemon's opinion, being able to remove them from petrification is already very powerful.

Moreover, the temperament surrounding Pluto gives people the supreme temperament of all lonely kings.

It was as if he was the only one in heaven and earth, eternal and immortal.

This kind of temperament cannot be faked. .

In their opinion, no one can compare to Senior Pluto in terms of this kind of strength, except for the Master Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit. .

Take back your thoughts.

As soon as everyone stepped through any door, the surrounding scene immediately changed. .

The space here is filled with a lifeless and depressing atmosphere.

Eh? Where is the red moon that the group leader mentioned!!

Esdeath pointed to the red star in the sky and said. .

Pluto, Nobita and others all raised their heads and looked at the sky. .

I saw the red star in the sky continuously pouring energy into the planet where everyone was. .

Almost integrated.

Hades was a little disappointed.

He already knew that although this so-called Demon King said he had abundant magic power, he was not truly immortal or truly strong.

Esdeath also saw the clues.

The delicate facial features frowned slightly.

He slowly said: It seems that the demon king in Nobita's world has too much magic power. This red star must be the heart of the demon king.

Too powerful~

Pluto said disdainfully: I can't control it freely, and I don't even have perfect control over my own power. With this method, I'm just a weakling~even worse than the tree demon grandma.

Esdeath was a little surprised.

Then came relief.

He nodded seriously and said: Compared with Senior Pluto, I'm far behind...

Nobita and Doraemon on the other side were listening to their conversation.

Although I understand every word.

But I don’t know what it means when they are put together.

Anyway, it feels great.


Nobita couldn't help but asked curiously: Senior Pluto, Sister Esdeath, have you thought of a way to deal with the Demon King?



Esdeath smiled disdainfully.

Nobita, I said your head seems to be following the strings, but Senior Pluto is here, who is the Demon King?

Have you seen the information, data and videos about Senior Pluto in the skirt? Apart from Senior Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit and Yang Jian, who in the group can compare with Senior Pluto.

Nobita scratched his head in embarrassment and said: I have read the data, but I don't know a lot of words, and I haven't had time to watch the video yet.

There was something speechless about Esdeath.

Hades also shook his head and laughed.

In the chat group.

The chat group has been running live broadcast, so naturally we saw such a scene.

Little Lolita from Peach Blossom Island - Huang Rong: Pfft, Nobita really made me laugh so hard that I can't even recognize all the words~~

Big-eared Tutu: Tutu is just like Brother Nobita, he doesn't know a few words...

Tomb of the Gods - Nangong Xian'er: Tutu is only three years old, Nobita is different...

Mythology - Xiang Yu: Indeed, Nobita needs to work hard.

Uchiha Madara: +1.

Maoshan-Lin Fengjiao: +1

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