Nobi Nobita: The demon king's magic power is so terrifying that even Doraemon's props have no effect, and he also has a very weird immortality!!

Now only Doraemon and I have escaped from the Demon World~~

I don't know what to do, I can only rely on the brothers and sisters in the group~~~


Eternal continent.

Origin of the ancient palace.

Looking at Nobita asking for help, Li Changsheng felt no fluctuation in his heart.

Because he didn't bother to care about this kind of thing. .

He is not a firefighter, so he has to help whoever is in trouble.

Although the world of Doraemon also has his incarnation.


The world of Doraemon is a multiverse.

Even if Li Changsheng had countless incarnations, it would be impossible for him to come to the world created by Ruo Telephone Booth in the first place.


Chat up skirt.

Ma Daxian, who calculated everything in the universe: You kid, if it weren't for you, I would have invited new members a long time ago. Alas, the weakness of the Demon King is the heart, and the heart is the red moon on the Demon World Star. Just let Doraemon destroy this moon. Got it~~”

Nobi Nobita: Heart? The journey to the demon world was taken away directly, and Doraemon couldn't destroy the moon.


Ma Daxian frowned slightly.

He estimated that the plot may have changed again. .

Tomb of the Gods - Nangong Xian'er: It seems that the world where Nobita lives has undergone changes, and the established destiny that the group leader knows has changed~

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: Jiejie! It is estimated that Nobita disappeared after exchanging some goods in the super-dimensional mall, and the fate predicted by the group leader has changed~~~

Mr. Pleasant Goat: It seems so.

Big Ears Tutu: What should we do? Is Brother Nobita in danger?

Peach Blossom Island Little Loli - Huang Rong: It's difficult to handle, it's difficult to handle, so Brother Nobita is not absolutely safe...

Myth-Xiang Yu: Yeah!

Fire Fist-Ace: It seems so...

Nobi Nobita: Ah, what should I do!!

Ding----- It has been detected that the plot of the fate of Doraemon World has changed. A temporary mission is now released to save Doraemon World. The group is limited to 2 people.

The mission rewards will be announced after the end.

Little Lolita from Peach Blossom Island - Huang Rong: Huh? Appeared!! The group mission appeared again, but I'm so weak. Going there will only cause trouble!!

Ma Daxian of Calculate the World: It's the second skirt mission, does anyone want to go?

Nangong Xuan'er, the first witch of Demon God Sect: Actually, Xian'er really wants to go, but my world has changed too much, my identity and even my memory have changed, so let's forget it for now.

Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit: I have no intention of doing this. I will invite new group members after the Nobita incident.

Lin Daiyu: Like the master, I have too many tasks in the reincarnation space, so I won't go.

Happy Girl - Yan Lingji: I really want to go, but after thinking about it, I'd better not cause any trouble...

Prequel to Lotus Lantern - Yang Erlang: Yang is obsessed with his mother right now and has no thoughts. I'm sorry!

The Lord of the Fifth Parallel Universe - Super Beast Pluto: Then let me do it. Senior Self-Sacrifice Spirit will integrate the Ultra World and the Super Beast Armed World. I have learned a lot, and I will take a look at the style of other worlds.

Super beast armed world.

The fifth parallel universe.

Pluto's eyes are deep and his mind is full of thoughts.

He wanted to experience the universe of other worlds. .

Since Senior Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit is not going, he just wants to go and have a look. .


Maoshan-Lin Fengjiao: Hmm~ Senior Pluto is going! That should be fine. Ever since Master Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit became the quasi-immortal emperor, the level setting of the chat group has disappeared, but Senior Pluto seems to be more powerful than before. I remember that some time ago, Senior Pluto even beat King Ao live on live broadcast.”

Fire Fist Ace: Indeed, there is an Ultraman named Ace in the Ultra World, who is much stronger than me. Didn't the chat group some time ago congratulate Senior Pluto for reaching the true individual universe level? According to the chat group According to the statement, the previous Pluto predecessors were only at the black hole level. Although they were said to be single-body universes, it was just because they were the strongest in the entire universe. In fact, they were multi-body black holes and super-large star levels.

Ma Daxian, who calculates all the universes, said: That's it. Today's senior Pluto is a truly individual universe level. Whether it is belief or energy level, as long as the universe allows it, one thought can create 10000000000 black holes or even white holes. Individuals can It feels like Senior Pluto is only one day away from unifying the seven parallel universes.

Chapter 99 Polite Doraemon

Lin Daiyu: Senior Pluto is very strong. According to Master's world, he is considered a perfect immortal!!

The Lord of the Fifth Parallel Universe - Pluto: It's ridiculous. The ancestors sacrificed their souls to bring the Ultra World. I discussed it with Brother Dark Zaki, and I also mastered the collapse of the universe. Compared with Brother Yang Jian, I'm still too bad, and compared with Senior Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit, I can't even compare to a drop in the ocean.

Uchiha Madara: Two places? I really want to learn something from Pluto-senpai, but I'm too busy after becoming Hokage. The ancestral sacrificial spirit has transformed into an infinite clone to create a time and space corridor and system. I'd better forget it here. . . ”

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: Jiejie, grandma won't go either...

Fire Fist Ace: If you don't go, you're talking nonsense~

Female General of the Empire - Esdeath: Since no one is going, let me, the Queen, do it. I want to see the beauty of the other world and Senior Pluto...

Shinhwa-Xiang Yu: Then I wish you both good luck!

Big-eared Tutu: Brother Pluto and sister Esdeath, come on, Tutu believes in you!!

Ma Daxian, who has been included in the universe: Well, let's go to Pluto and Esdeath. Everyone has no objections!!




All group members have no opinions.

Then the mission authority was opened, allowing Hades and Esdeath to go to the Doraemon world.


In the world of super beasts and the world of Zhan-Crimson Eyes, the two figures disappeared into their respective worlds.

Doraemon world.

With a flash of light.

Two figures appeared on a flat ground.

It was Hades and Esdeath.

Pluto saw the lady next to him who was wearing a white military uniform, with delicate features, tall and sexy figure, and his heart was calm.

A slight nod of the head indicates greeting. .

Having seen the profile picture, he didn't know it was Esdeath.

Esdeath exudes a unique charm that is stunning.

Esdeath on the other side also looked at Hades. .

When she saw Hades.

I felt an inexplicable power.

A trend where emperors have worshiped me since ancient times.

He is the master of the universe and has continued to improve after joining the chat group.

This kind of existence cannot be described in words.

Is this... Is this Senior Pluto??

In her opinion, Senior Pluto has a unique charm. Although it cannot be compared with Master Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit, Senior Pluto feels more like a flesh-and-blood person.

It gives people the feeling of a lonely king.

The dark gold and silver-white Xuanming armor and cloak on his body highlight his majesty.

She felt that this was another peerless temperament that was different from that of the ancestral sacrificial spirits.

The terrifying energy it contained even made her breathless.

Esdeath blushed a little.

He noticed something strange about Esdeath. Concentrate your breath.

Because it is too powerful, Pluto is surrounded by a layer of light blue light that can destroy the star field.

Now he was directly transported to the Doraemon world and forgot to restrain himself, which affected Esdeath.

Pluto stood with his hands behind his hands and said slightly apologetically: I forgot to control my breath, I'm sorry, girl...

Esdeath said softly: It's okay, Senior Pluto~~

Let’s talk about it here.

The moment the two entered the chat group, the group live broadcast started. .

So members of the chat group can see all this. . .

The scene just now has been ridiculed countless times by the tree demon grandma. .

It was so exaggerated that Ma Daxian even banned her. .


Doraemon world.


Suddenly, Pluto raised his eyebrows.

He sensed the fluctuation of two vital signs about a kilometer away.

So he gently stretched out his right hand.

The powerful energy directly tore the space apart.

A black space crack appeared.

Pluto directly pulled Esdeath into this space rift.

Esdeath's face turned slightly red as Pluto held his hand.

He soon showed an expression of enjoyment.

A moment. .

The two came to a grassy area.

There are two stone statues here.

One is a boy wearing glasses, and the other looks like a raccoon cat.

Both Esdeath and Hades have seen the photos uploaded by Nobita.

Of course I knew it was Nobita and Doraemon.

In the chat group.

Nobi Nobita: It's me!!!!!! Right in front of you, Pluto-senpai, I've been turned into a stone statue, please save me!!

Mr. Pleasant Goat: ...

Little Lolita from Peach Blossom Island - Huang Rong: ... You really are the Nobita, but I won't say anything about it. Fortunately, Senior Pluto and Sister Esdeath came and noticed you.

Mythology-Xiang Yu: It's fine~~

Maoshan-Lin Fengjiao: Indeed, it's fine as long as it's okay.

Eternal continent.

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