According to the investigation, there were four heroes at the scene at the time, namely S-class Silver Fang, Metal Knight, and the newly joined Genos. Oh, and by the way, there was also a C-class hero, the Saitama mentioned earlier. .”

Really? Did Metal Knight or Genos solve it?

No, neither.

Huh? Is it the Silver Fang? Can his Flowing Rock Shattering Fist deal with even meteorites?

No, it's not. In fact, according to the reports of three S-class heroes, it was C-class Saitama who solved the main body of the meteorite, and they intercepted most of the meteorite fragments!

Saitama? Why have I never heard of it before?

I guess it's because the S-class don't want to compete with the C-class for credit. After all, they are already the top heroes. A little more credit won't mean much to them. That C-class Saitama should Just pick it up.

That should be the case, but no matter what, if he dares to face it head-on, he meets the standards of a hero. His contribution cannot be completely ignored. I propose to upgrade C-level Saitama to B-level!

I have no objection, I agree! However, the unlicensed knight needs to be explained. After all, he is a C-level one.

Second! Second!. . .


Then chat in the group.

Saitama told these things, which caused a lot of discussion.

Eternal continent.

Origin of the ancient palace.

In addition to constantly improving and deducing his own method, Li Changsheng also paid attention to the information in the chat group.

Shaohao's side is fine for now.

There is nothing unusual in the entire world of the Emperor's Era.

However, the chat group reminds me that if I become an emperor in the future, the world of Arbitrary Eternal will likely undergo major changes. .

First of all, it is inevitable to evolve into a perfect world before the Immortal Era. . .

Then the Perfect World will connect to the Holy Ruins World and implement the Covering the Sky World. At the same time, if Li Changsheng becomes the Immortal Emperor, this great dream of eternal arbitrary world will also turn into reality.

This Immortal Emperor is more terrifying than the Perfect Immortal Emperor and the Holy Ruins Immortal Emperor. Although it is not as good as the Sacrificial Dao, it is also indescribably expensive.

The worldview expands. .

For example, the fourth natural disaster! !

Player invasion!

There are also those main god spaces, reincarnations.

As well as the experienced bodies of the supreme strong men who have transcended all the worlds and are waiting to transcend. Although some of these have closed their own timelines, they still exist.

Because there is more than one world in the world, and there are countless worlds in the world that are inconceivable and uncountable. For example, there are countless worlds in the world where Li Changsheng lives that will evolve into a perfect world in the future.

As soon as a thought arises, in a thought realm, everything you imagine exists, and anything you don’t think about is empty.

In this regard, Li Changsheng had already had a premonition that all the supreme Tao-effects were due to his own cause of all effects.

Even Li Changsheng today cannot fathom the supreme Tao and Fruit of his own cause of all fruits.

However, the long years are, after all, the fruit of his own path, and Li Changsheng is somewhat aware of it.

The cause of all effects was born before Taiyuan, before chaos, at the beginning of vitality. It has no origin and is supreme. It responds to Qi and forms images, moves from silence, and responds from the true.

Chapter 60 Brothers, I will update three times a day from now on. Please read it.

Old readers all know the importance of reading. If you have read enough, there will be recommendations and exposures. Please help me. Please read it. I will try my best to update it, and there will be more after it is put on the shelves.

There will be powerful group members in the future, don't worry, everyone, the meaning of what I wrote about these group members before is that you can't just start with the best, there will always be daily things like that.

I have little talent and little knowledge, and my writing is average, but I also use my brain to write. In terms of group members, I am not as good as those members of traditional chat group novel groups.

When it comes to chatting, I try not to be the kind of person who mechanizes reading on the machine, so I hope you can give me a follow-up reading so that the author can have recommendations and exposure. .

In the previous chapter I also expressed some world views. .

I hope I will have the opportunity to write it down later. . .

Also, you can rest assured that a world equivalent to the protagonist and a group of characters will definitely appear in the future.

Finally, thank you to the big guys who have supported me until now, as well as those who have given me rewards and voted for me. We have all seen it. I hope I can write a chat group novel that is different and that everyone finds interesting.

Chapter 61 The Incomplete Chaos Divine Stone

Take back your thoughts.

Li Changsheng found it very interesting and was full of expectations for the future.


He looked at the chat group. .

Mythology - Xiang Yu: Brother Qiyu, haven't you been promoted to B-level hero yet? According to the file uploaded by the group leader, you need to defeat the Deep Sea King to upgrade. Have you already defeated him??

Fire Fist Ace: Yes, Brother Saitama, are you so powerful~~ How long has it been... Um, I'm sorry, I forgot that you have always been so powerful. Embarrassing.jpg

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: Jie Jie! The little braised egg is so awesome~~

The bald cloaked man: King of the Deep Sea? No, it's not a weirdo, it's a meteorite. It's reported that it's going to fall near my house. This is something I can't do without taking action! In the morning, he specially called me over to ask some weird questions. It’s easy to just make a phone call for this kind of thing!”

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: Don't ignore your grandma! Stinky stewed eggs~~

Maoshan-Lin Fengjiao: Monster is really annoying. Qiyu has ignored you, but you are still chattering here, which is annoying.

Ma Daxian, who calculates everything in the world: No words warning.jpg

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: I...

Liaozhai Big World. .

The corners of Grandma Dryad's mouth twitched slightly.

Finally he bowed his head. .

Nangong Xuan'er, the No. 1 Witch of the Demon God Sect: Hahahahaha, seeing grandma Dryad deflated, I don't know why, Xuan'er is so happy...

Imperial Female General-Esdeath: Me too~~~

Fire Fist Ace: +1

Poor girl - Yan Lingji: +1.

Myth-Xiang Yu: The same goes for Xiang...


Eternal continent.

The origin of the ancient palace,

Seeing that the tree demon grandma was deflated again, Li Changsheng shook his head and laughed.

Take back your thoughts.

Li Changsheng slowly stood up and stretched.

The slender figure looks extremely majestic.

He was dressed in peerless white, and his whole body exuded an inexplicable Taoist charm.

Then he circulated his divine power throughout his body, and the appearance of the Dharma shocked the world.

A Universe Bag suddenly appeared in the void. .

Li Changsheng took out an object from the Qiankun Bag. The object was white and translucent, as if carved from mutton-fat jade. It exuded chaotic energy and was surrounded by numerous treasures. It had an aura of prehistoric times and a simple Taoist rhyme.

Sparkling crystal, snow-white and brilliant, it looks like a sacred thing at first glance. Chaos energy spreads out wisps and is wrapped in the most complicated Taoist talismans.

The incomplete Chaos Divine Stone... What a pity...

This is the supreme treasure of the Immortal King level. Li Changsheng obtained it by traveling to the ancient world of chaos countless years ago.

It is said that the complete Chaos Divine Stone can make the Immortal Emperor's weapon! !

Even if it is incomplete, it is still a supreme treasure that can suppress the destiny of heaven and earth. It is as high as a mountain and its white light shines through the sky and the earth.

Li Changsheng tested the valuation of the chat group.

There are more than one hundred trillion points. .

Its value can be seen.

Looking at the Chaos Divine Stone, it is dazzling, snow-white, and divine clouds are brilliant, like a holy divine sun hanging, surrounded by symbolic divine chains one after another.

Li Changsheng nodded with satisfaction.

Then take it back.

He was reluctant to sell the Chaos Divine Stone.

This is the treasure that he has taken a fancy to.

Those who become emperors in the future may need to use his weapons to refine weapons. .

Li Changsheng gently shook the Chaos Divine Stone.

A buzzing sound.

It shook slightly, scattering countless runes and spreading in all directions, disturbing the stability of the void of heaven and earth. This wilderness seems to be about to collapse.

Seeing that it possessed such power, Li Changsheng opened his jaw with satisfaction, and then took it back.

He returned to the dormitory and began to sit cross-legged and practice the exercises.

Pay attention to the dynamics of the chat group from time to time.

This is also very important. .

After all, the task assigned to him by the chat group involved how to become the legendary emperor!


The world of One Punch Man.

Saitama communicated with group members.

I feel that my combat uniform is indeed a bit ugly, and the blood stains left by killing monsters are difficult to clean off.

then. . . . .

Saitama took out a mobile phone specially made by the Hero Association.

Hero Association Z City Branch, Genos's cell phone suddenly came to mind.

Sorry, I have something to do. I'm going to answer the phone! Genos stood up and said.

Oh, okay, it's okay. You go ahead. We will wait for you here. Several Hero Association branch officials were stunned for a moment, and then one of them responded politely. As an S-class hero, you still have this privilege.

Yes, Master, I'm with the Heroes Association.

No, it's nothing, just a summary.

No, don't delay. It's all nonsense. It's not something important. Just tell me. Is there anything I can help you with?

Clothing shop? Master, do you want to make some special clothes? Multiple sets? Do you have any special requirements?

Won't it break? Yes, I can ask the doctor to send me some special materials.

Huh? Easily broken?

Well, in this case, you don't have to go to the clothing store. I have a complete collection of clothing making skills in my database. If you don't care about the brand, master, I can help you sew suitable clothes myself later.

No, it's not hard. This is what a disciple should do! Oh, okay, okay, forget it, let's do it tomorrow. I happen to know a good store.

After hanging up the phone, Saitama continued to wash his clothes with peace of mind. This time it would be better to dry them for a while after washing.

This place doesn't look like someone lives in it. Are you really not mistaken?

Outside the deserted neighborhood where Saitama lives, two men and one woman stood outside the protective net. The woman among them was tall and proud, looking at the ruins of buildings scattered inside the protective net, and asked in a calm tone.

Yes, Fubuki-sama! the B-level 2nd 'eyelash' on the left replied respectfully, I have asked an acquaintance to check the relevant information in the association. The other party's registered address is here, and he has also sent people to follow him before. The other party often comes in and out from here and goes to the city center to buy some daily necessities.

Well, since I'm not mistaken, let's go in. Just like before, if the other party has the idea of ​​resisting, let him realize how weak a person's power is!

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